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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. oh Kenny, with your gravelly vocal fry, STFU about the damn sunset!
  2. TLC’s birthday present for our dear @Floatingbison
  3. Pink floral “Book of Mormon” only $24.95 at your local LDS Bookstore. Makes a perfect gift for naive Russian girls! Order yours here https://ldsbookstore.com/the-book-of-mormon-journal-edition-hardcover-pink-floral and for only $ 20 more, you can have it signed by Joseph Smith!
  4. Kristin. She kind of reminds me of Alex on “Modern Family”
  5. Scrawny Victor looks like a human skeleton. Happy Halloween!
  6. Trick or Treating began here about 3:30 and by 5:30 we’d gone through our Costco bag of 150 assorted chocolate bars. Other years I would have panicked and gone out for more, but we decided just to shut off the porch light and declare Halloween 2021 over. My daughter and son-in-law both had their Moderna booster shots yesterday and felt crappy all day today, so no one could take my grandson out in his costume. Fortunately he’s too young to miss it.
  7. My daughter is an organist and while studying her teacher made her buy special shoes called "Organ Masters." The women's version does look exactly like a tap shoe and the men's oxford style has a slightly higher heel than a regular men's dress shoe. If you've ever seen flamboyant Diane Bish playing in her videos, her Organ Masters are bedazzled!
  8. First Victor claims he wants Ellie to relax and let him do all the work at the house. Then he makes some snide comment about her not helping and that they have more important things to do than taking his clothes out to dry. If I was Ellie, at that point I'd have said, "Okay, I'm going down to the beach, see ya..."
  9. I was thinking of this series when I was trying to fall asleep last night. The whole premise is based on parents and siblings who don't like their child's or sibs' choice of significant others and their families (and the ensuing shenanigans which sometimes result in fisticuffs). The first seasons were based on Karen and Thomas not liking Pedro, his mother, or his sister. Lidia didn't like anyone in Chantal's family. After those scenarios played out, now we get to see how Lidia and Pedro don't like Alejandro and Chantal's family doesn't like Annjeannette, Jah, or I'm guessing we will soon learn they don't approve of the newcomer, Megan. Lather, rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat. Are these family feuds supposed to be compelling television?
  10. I'm surprised to say this, but I think Winter's face is actually prettier. Chantal may have a banging body, but she's wrecked her face with fillers.
  11. Maybe Victor’s original drill was electric? But I came here to comment on Ari and the preview. Am I the only person who didn’t remember she met Bini and conceived Avi in KENYA? I know it’s during Covid, but is Janice cutting her own hair? It looks terrible. I agree that Kenny and Armando could schedule the wedding events so that some things take place before the vow ceremony, they marry at sunset and then the party continues?
  12. I think Mama has been VERY blunt all along but that only served to get Stupid Jenny to dig in her heels, so now she has switched to passive aggressive smiling while she keeps saying awful things. It reminds me of the hilarious scene in "National Lampoon's European Vacation" when Clark is being insulted by a smiling French waiter but Clark thinks he is being friendly and complimentary.
  13. And just where is "home" that he would need some kind of Visa to come to the US? Tunisia? Morocco? Timbuktu?
  14. Not sure what part COVID has in the surgery scheduling. Many places were not scheduling elective surgeries during the height of the pandemic. Not sure exactly how urgent this surgery was. Dr Daddy had mentioned that Avi was born in January and they hadn’t seen him for eight months so I figure Ari returned to Princeton in August or September. I believe they were able to perform elective surgeries by then but there was probably a backlog and the baby’s surgery couldn’t be scheduled for at least another month, even with Daddy’s “pull” in the area. It certainly wasn’t the emergent situation she made it out to be like “Get this little Ethiopian Prince into the OR—Stat!”
  15. I can't decide who looked worse, Colt with his moobs and flabby muffin top hanging over a Speedo or Ed's "fat apron" and his fireplug body. Maybe we need a "Who Wore it Worse" contest.
  16. Shekeb is such a greaseball. Just looking at him I can tell he absolutely reeks of some overpowering, gag-inducing musky cologne.
  17. Watching Ethan running around the parking lot during Moriah’s concert, I was disappointed they didn’t play the “Mission Impossible” theme.
  18. In the first episode, she said she was with Bini for THREE MONTHS before she got pregnant, so absolutely no excuse, IMO
  19. I didn't even recognize Liz with the dark hair in the Tell All preview. I thought it made her look much older.
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