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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I wonder if Maine tourism invited them to film there? I thought it was weird that both the BFFL cast and the Plaths ended up in that area of Maine in the same season
  2. she said she had the wisdom tooth pulled six months ago but that this was the tooth [second molar] next to it and wondered why the dentist hadn't seen a problem with that tooth back then. The Maine dentist gave her a choice, root canal or extraction
  3. Leave it to Karen to be up on all the latest ghetto slang, she's so bougie
  4. I think she and Chantel are equal looks wise and there are many people who think Chantel is beautiful, too. But I’m with you, without makeup both are rather plain and with it they both look ridiculously overdone. Of course in both cases, their enormous breasts distract you from their faces.
  5. and that she's only getting half pay for the Tell All by being MIA the first two hours. She's obviously trying to "one up" Angela's dramatic late entrance. Terrence seems like a nice guy, surely he could find someone who treats him better. Anyway, in the preview phone call, The Brittany sounds high as a kite
  6. I've been thinking the same thing. Why would Kenny want to commemorate the "sunset of his years" with a wedding which signifies the beginning of his life with Armando?
  7. Apparently Kenny didn’t get his Sunset Wedding Dream but the sun did bow to his wishes and set at some point during the festivities
  8. Stupid Jenny should have saved the proof of her vomiting and diarrhea to show the naysayers.
  9. I agree SteVen is horrid, but he's not part of this scene. But I won't spoil it for you, just don't watch if you're hungry or your appetite might be spoiled, too.
  10. I don’t think Karen knows the definition of the term “usury.” She cracks me up, trying to act so edumacated.
  11. Speaking of that Book of Mormon, has Alina been reading her current edition in English or Russian? Her English is good, but I can’t imagine she would understand the tenets unless she was reading them in her native tongue. Even then, it’s some pretty confusing...err...stuff
  12. Kenny expects the wedding planners to "move Heaven and Earth" and speed up the rotation of the Earth so that the sun sets earlier to fit his schedule Only if the entire event didn't start until the 7:00 PM sunset. Still there's absolutely no reason the wedding ceremony has to be the first thing on the agenda.
  13. I was having trouble posting on my iPad during the Live Chat Snark, so I briefly went to my desktop with my back to the television and (mercifully) missed the Family Sumit nose flossing scene. Now when it was rebroadcast, I had enough warning to turn away. Was it a coincidence that the next commercial was for Lysol sanitizing snotty laundry?
  14. Don't forget the requisite shower scenes where someone hoses them down with a rag on a stick my darn church choir is starting rehearsals again on Wednesday nights! BTW, FloatingBison's birthday isn't until Thursday. Anybody want to chip in with me and send him a Dr. Now cameo--only $ 200!
  15. There's only one Wish, but there are two Mimis, (nanny and sister)
  16. I've read Avi isn't the only one who had some work done in America
  17. Proposals are better in Turkey. This was “so unexpected?” I thought that’s why you came to Turkey
  18. Please tell AM that Floatingbison and Mrs. Floatingbison say hi and that we had a blast snarking with her in Seattle. Is @Angry Moldovan on some kind of national 90 Day Snark Ambassador tour? Come to New Jersey!
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