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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Yes and an older son from his first surrogate birth. We don’t hear much about the third triplet, though. Maybe she’ll be at the wedding.
  2. Yeah, remember when Bini had to carry him home from the hospital, walking in the traffic, because they didn't have a car seat?
  3. My mother used to use the same reverse psychology on me that Sumit’s mother is using. Once something was no longer forbidden, it lost its appeal. Of course, it didn’t work when I was in my 30s
  4. I swear that picture of them together is Photoshopped. They haven’t been in the same room for months
  5. Kenny said Madison was a single Mom and she and Cooper have always lived with him, so it doesn't look like Dad is in the picture.
  6. The cure is to get her up bright and early to do yoga and floss her nose. Don't let her rest!
  7. Because she's a meddling bitch and Ari can't be trusted to go on her own.
  8. Ari tears Bini a new one, then she complains that he doesn’t call her.
  9. Don’t forget these are the same people who believe wearing a laminated card on a lanyard will create a magical force field to protect you from Covid.
  10. I don't think she's had it yet, but apparently has lost about 50 pounds. Maybe Dr. Proctor required her to lose weight before the WLS as he does for other people and her "journey" will be featured on the next season.
  11. I'm surprised she doesn't have an OnlyFans account, or maybe she does...
  12. That’s very kind of you, but it would probably be easier for lazy Jenny to order takeout Indian food from her neighborhood restaurants or, as it is called there, “food.”
  13. Didn't she say something about only being able to stay there for ten years (and leave briefly every six months) unless she married Sumit?
  14. All I could think of was the Cheers episode when Woody wrote a song for his girlfriend Kelly which went "Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly..."
  15. She apparently forgot all she ever knew about housekeeping when she moved to India. Sumit's mother had to make up their bed!
  16. I suspect the same thing might have happened when Darcey and Stacey and Steven and Alina all visited Turkey this season. Makes sense!
  17. I'm glad I turned away from that segment. I get queasy just from seeing those Navage commercials on TV. (they might be a good sponsor) ugh. Right after I posted this, I started getting pop ups for Navage
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