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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I refuse to get D+ but did I read here that tea-totaling Natalie has suddenly developed a taste for fruity cocktails with umbrellas in them?
  2. I think he's still keeping it from his family that they already married in Guayaquil. Only Raul and Evelin's family recently learned the truth.
  3. I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving Feast is better than Trish’s! And nobody calls you a hooker!
  4. That’s a new one, an engagement conch. Does Ellie really believe her ring conveniently blew away in the hurricane?
  5. Victor’s topknot is at a particularly rakish angle
  6. It’s not an official Big Fat Gypsy wedding without at least one uninvited guest causing trouble which results in a knock down drag out fight and someone calling the “muskers”
  7. Alina, just be like everyone else on this franchise. Have two weddings!
  8. Alina is on an episode of “Say Da to the Dress”
  9. Are Kenny and Armando arguing about who’s the “top” and “bottom”?
  10. Wait, did you just call me a slut? Slut ass, bitch ass...
  11. My grandson has just discovered CocoMelon. It’s more fun to watch than this dreck
  12. That’s why women were advised to schedule their mammograms at least a month after their vaccine.
  13. Ellie’s vocal frrrrrryyyyyyy...like, you know, like, you know
  14. Tonight's drinking game, take a shot every time SteVen flips his hair. Can you rent a Flounce House for a party? Asking for a friend.
  15. It's time to mention the baby elephant in the room. Victor acknowledges already fathering at least one child and it wouldn't surprise me if there are more little chin braid bearded Victor, Juniors playing in the rubble of Providencia.
  16. Irma was really into PDA, wasn't she? She clung on to Julian like she was afraid somebody else was going to snatch him away.
  17. Maybe Sumit plotted with his parents saying something like, "Okay, NOW you can say that you're not going to stop us from getting married, but don't worry, it's never going to happen." The astrologer might be in on the scheme, too, because he sure made a 180 and suddenly was advising them of an auspicious date for the wedding.
  18. Thanks for the info, that makes sense. I can't imagine having such a "good friend" that she'd have agreed to go through all this twice (!) which makes me wonder if she was actually some stranger he found and paid to have his babies who then disappeared from their lives. edited to add, there has been some discussion of Kenny's wealth, I'll spoiler tag it:
  19. Bini smiled, looked soulfully at Janice with his puppy dog eyes, and there was a long pause (where you could almost see the wheels turning,) BEFORE he said no. I’m surprised Janice didn’t make him undergo a polygraph test
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