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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I thought the vows were in Turkish and he answered with something that started like "chock..." which I recall Mursel and Anna saying for "very" or "many." and btw, welcome back to the snarky fold!
  2. That gets my vote for their forum title thread when and if it happens.
  3. He's an exterminator with a soft heart and doesn't want to injure or kill bugs. But I think he really wants to be a piano lounge player!
  4. Not necessary. I'm single and had in vitro in NYC. I thought I read that he had a female friend who agreed to try insemination and when that didn't work, she got pregnant both times by IVF. They pretended to be married, but their status was never questioned. However, I've always been suspicious that the "friend" was just someone he paid to be an egg donor, carry the pregnancies to term and afterwards relinquish any claim to the babies.
  5. I wondered about that, too, and had looked it up recently. Ari came back to the US in August or September (remember her father said Avi was born in January and they hadn't seen him for 8 months?) and stayed about two months. The civil unrest seems to have really heated up in November, so that would coincide with the time she opted to go to Kenya instead. We saw them in Kenya celebrating Avi's first birthday so that must have been last January. I'll bet part of Ari's reluctance to go to Ethiopia is because she sees herself as a beautiful blonde American which would make her a prime target.
  6. if it turns out to be a scam, the part about Jenny having to wait on all the Brahmins was absolute gold.
  7. Okay, much as I NEVER want to see any of these idiots on my screen again, who does everyone predict will be asked back for “Happily Ever After?”
  8. Hard to tell if she’s the oldest since they’re triplets. I was too busy typing to pay much attention, is she the one who is pregnant?
  9. I just spent Thanksgiving weekend with my 20 month old grandson watching countless hours of “Cocomelon”. “Favorite Person” sounds like something they’d sing a song about.
  10. I suppose Bini will be tasked with packing up and shipping all the clothes Ari left behind in Ethiopia I wonder how that other cat, Laser Pointer (or whatever ?) felt about being on the B list for SteVen and Alina's wedding.
  11. You just know that he’s going to have some cockamamie excuse like “Even Jesus talked to women on social media...” It doesn’t look like he got to Russia.
  12. Jenny thought she was going to a “hen party” bock! Bock!
  13. Ari’s cutting scars are really noticeable tonight
  14. Is bringing animals to your wedding a theme tonight? Truffles, random cats, Puppy, (stupid name, btw) will Sumit invite the housewarming cow?
  15. I hope Freddie isn’t too disappointed that he didn’t make SteVen and Alina’s wedding guest list
  16. for a minute I thought you meant for the cats. edited to add: I thought it was hilarious when Steven, in all seriousness, said it "wouldn't be appropriate" to invite the cats they weren't friendly with to the wedding.
  17. You're probably correct, I didn't see it happening.
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