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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I didn't watch, but I suspect that anyone within 200 feet of Alejandro's $6,000 cologne can't taste anything.
  2. My husband had kidney surgery with the DaVinci robot. Just as he was falling asleep, the surgeon said “Meet the robot, he wants to shake your hand...”
  3. After my knee replacement, it was weeks before I could climb stairs like an adult.
  4. I started out with such high hopes for this guy! He seemed likable and anxious to change and Irma was supportive. But he’s so frustrating and hasn’t done a damn thing to lose weight
  5. So, the Highway Patrol or a passing motorist haven’t stopped to check on them?
  6. And the camera crew takes off in their air conditioned van, see ya!
  7. Didn’t the Slaton Sisters have to get weighed at the recycling center?
  8. Jennifer Lopez, maybe? Is "blaming the scale" on the new Bingo card?
  9. Irma looks like she’s no stranger to street fights. Here, hold my hoops
  10. If anything it’s worse, but we got the idea of Live Chatting from this forum and it’s epic!
  11. My closed captioning said he was making a “palace” in the back. hey, they’ve jazzed up the soundtrack this year and added fiddles to the piano arpeggio traveling music they’re trying to guess his weight just like we do. Who’s closest without going over?
  12. He has those "sanpaku" eyes where the whites show at the bottom. One of the killers on the cover of "In Cold Blood" had those eyes and I always found the picture unsettling. They were once considered a sign of craziness. A Japanese superstition is that they may predict a tragic death because JFK, Abraham Lincoln, Michael Jackson and Princess Diana all had them.
  13. I watch it on the PBS Masterpiece app on my Amazon Firestick. It was 99 cents for the first two months now it's $ 5.99 a month. Tons of Masterpiece and other PBS programs on it. Quite a change from the 90 Day Franchise: https://www.pbs.org/pbs-video-app/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=videoapp&utm_content=streaming-app&gclid=CjwKCAiA1aiMBhAUEiwACw25MQcW6d4fC-nniBn8WcT1ng804GYmGO1tpaCN2x-pYGc77afSi_EbFxoCp24QAvD_BwE
  14. Seeing Big Ed at the end of the Tell All professing his undying love for Liz and their plans to try and get back together, then five minutes later he’s AGAIN going to be on The Single Life reminds me of years ago watching a soap opera where a character died a tragic death, then cut to commercial and the same actress was shown mopping a kitchen and advertising floor wax.
  15. Well, it might be a good place to dump a body, but it's not a very desirable part of the state to live in.
  16. Brick (AKA Bricktucky) is mostly old people and rednecks.
  17. Wait, I thought Fernanda's roomie is the guy we just met? I call BS
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