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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I thought that was a myth. 🤓 I think it's an urban legend but maybe it works by the power of suggestion.
  2. “Can we wear these clothes?” ”They said we could, but don’t get any jizz on them or they’ll charge us”
  3. I hear Turkish prisons are pretty horrifying. Maybe we could have him arrested for something like "hitchhiking" or "making an ass of oneself at a Wine Tasting" I actually read something about the former head and other members of the Mormon Church in Turkey were suspected of being spies in a "witch hunt" a few years ago.
  4. Definitely a double standard, especially if the guy is rich!
  5. while reminding him he wouldn't have "anyone to cuddle with" while she was gone. How cruel can you get!
  6. He seems the type to MAYBE have 100 "first dates" but I'm sure the number of make out sessions is a total exaggeration. Guaranteed he has never tried his moves on the same girl more than once until Alina came along.
  7. As a kid, I always dreaded Sunday nights. Dating myself here, but the mournful whistled theme song from “Lassie” always made me sad because it signified bedtime and the start of another week of school. Now Sunday night snarking here with my Forum friends is often the highlight of my week! (Now what does that say about my life...)
  8. I’m really suspicious that Peruvian Jenny suddenly lives an hour away in Ecuador. Production shenanigans again?
  9. No, his first wedding was in Iowa in July, 2017. There are videos on You Tube. But you’ll never guess why his first wife took their son back to America—FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT!
  10. I loved it and will be anxious to hear your thoughts
  11. That reminds me, “The Good Karma Hospital” series on Acorn is WONDERFUL
  12. Yeah, where’s his buddy Juan? Oops, I mean Raul. Juan was Paola’s friend
  13. If I’m not looking at the TV, SteVen and Corey’s voices sound exactly the same
  14. If they use tissue flowers it would tick both boxes
  15. Maybe she’s not really a therapist, but just a production assistant in a sari.
  16. Jenny is going to be sentenced to be Mama Sumit’s butler
  17. I guess it’s “Confess Your Infidelity” night on TOW.
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