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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Anyone want to play a game where you have to take a drink every time Mark says "(she left me with) FOUR KIDS IN DIAPERS"?
  2. How much time had passed since Dr. Denise was locked in with the Wolf before she even bothered to look at his wound (which was the reason for her going with Morgan in the first place)?
  3. I wish they had just left Sam behind in his room, playing with his toys, listening to what was apparently the only record in the house (and what kid nowadays even has a 60's era turntable? I haven't seen that since junior high) and attracting ants to the cookie. I think my mother would have said, "All right young man, just STAY here if you can't cooperate!" Insisting that he join them in their gut covered exit from the house is going to come back to bite (one or more of) them in the ass (or elsewhere)! Although it might be fun to speculate what he was trying to say to Jessie. My guess is "Mom...Mom....YOUR COOKIES SUCK!"
  4. Oops, you're absolutely right! I rewatched and he slit open and slipped the bug in the lining of the purse itself. Carrie would have known better, but we can't expect Saul to think like a woman so he's lucky Alison didn't have time to change it.
  5. I didn't mean that it WAS During (and it obviously wasn't or he would have been recognized.) It's just that at first glance when he came in the door and I saw him from a distance, my first thought was "Otto!"
  6. I actually teared up when Saul and Carrie hugged. I hate it when they are at odds with one another. Did anyone else think that Allison's dinner date/booty caller was OTTO DURING? Or were we supposed to?
  7. I'm sure Allison has a closet full of expensive purses, but if she's like most women, she doesn't change her wallet and that is what Saul planted the bug in.
  8. When Glenn and Enid came upon the three green balloons, she untied them and said they could use them to distract the walkers. Glenn told her there was a helium tank, more balloons and string hidden on the side of the road.
  9. I hope Morgan would change his "live and let live" attitude if the Wolf were to get a hold of Judith!
  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering about that, too. I can't find any explanation online anywhere!
  11. Every time I see Carol, no matter what the situation, I can't help but think that her hair looks fabulous! For someone who presumably has been cutting it herself or letting another amateur hack away at it, her hair looks like she just stepped out of a Talbot's ad. Jessie could get some pointers
  12. I just thought Numan did a Google Image search for "Banana Joe's" and those particular photos came up because they were posted as being taken there.
  13. Too bad this show doesn't use the same Wigmaster as "The Americans." Elizabeth gets to rock some really convincing hairstyles with the added benefit of the wigs easily being put on and taken off at a moment's notice. edited to fix quote
  14. Oops, just rewatched and it answered my question!
  15. what do you want to bet she shares that apartment with one or more roommates? How else could she just "give up" an apartment in the city, especially temporarily, without the hassle and repercussions of finding someone to sublet or breaking the lease, etc.
  16. He DOES seem to be a good guy and altruistic. I had to laugh when he said he wanted to be a firefighter or EMT and she immediately jumped on the calendar idea. I don't think that's the way it works, wouldn't you become a firefighter FIRST then audition for the calendar and not a model wearing some kind of gear? I got the impression that both the modeling agent and the photographer were being diplomatic while trying to convey to Loren that it takes more than a lean six pack body to make it in the modeling world. His reluctance must be obvious to everyone and be apparent on camera. But I noticed in his THs that he does appear to be attempting to grow a beard as the pros suggested so maybe we haven't heard the last of this Loren-generated career idea.
  17. Oh, you're right. Thanks! Now I remember the husband mentioning how much he liked the one yard. I guess I zoned out whenever she got to the word "grand" and everything after that was "blah blah blah...Falcon Crest...blah blah blah"
  18. Am I the only one who doesn't find Alexei as "delicious" as Loren says (over and over) I should?
  19. IIRC, it was the (seemingly nice, normal) HUSBAND who wanted to downsize. She just wanted bigger and better since you could get more bang for your buck in Atlanta and she always got her way. But, I missed it, wasn't it just the two of them there full-time?
  20. People in my neighborhood bought an old house with a detached garage, then moved the garage forward until it was near the back corner of the house and connected them by adding a mud room/laundry between the two buildings. Edited to add: Tonight's episode with the NJ to Atlanta couple made me embarrassed to be from New Jersey. She was a caricature of an aging Jersey girl with her big hair, too tight clothes and spike heels and I thought she was pretty insufferable with her "Falcon Crest" allusions (which the young realtor didn't "get" at all) and if said the word GRAND one more time...
  21. I thought the threesome originally mistook Daryl for a Wolf (which would be really easy to do considering his hair, clothing, etc.) and that's why they said "we thought you were one of them!" and not one of the group they were escaping from.
  22. I have to rely on my closed captioning when I watch. That's the only way I knew Insulin Girl's name was "Tina" and her sister was never called by name aloud but my CC referred to her as "Honey." The guy apparently does not have a name, we can make one up! At the end, it indicated "help" was spoken by a "man's voice" unlike when Rick was identified as shouting to "open the gates" at the end of Morgan's episode. A couple of other things, when Wade and the other guy were talking about "he only wants them if they're willing," I thought they were talking about their mysterious leader wanting the sisters for sex which led me to believe the whole "you didn't have to do this for me" was Tina apologizing for not being willing and causing them to flee the group. Maybe the trade was sex for the insulin. speaking of sex, I must have missed the whole Abraham/Rosita having a relationship. I thought they were just hookup buddies.
  23. I apologize for asking a question but I wasn't paying close attention to the first episodes. Is Mark's ex Filipina wife the mother of his grown children or is she someone he married after divorcing their mother?
  24. magemaud

    S06.E05: Now

    oops, you're right! I forgot about Carol's quick "Here's how to shoot a gun" tutorial! Maybe Olivia is still traumatized about the experience, or hasn't had a chance to tell anyone about what happened. Or maybe she's figured out it's in her own best interests to keep quiet. As far as Carol's teaching someone survival skills YET AGAIN, didn't she come under criticism at the prison for teaching the kids how to defend themselves instead of the readin' writin' & 'rithmetic that everyone thought the kids were learning? Also, I don't think we've seen the last of that storm drain/sewer/whatever...
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