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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Who is the blonde woman on “Bares All” who expected it to be a one night stand?
  2. It sounded like SteVen said, “I have to confess that I’m aversion...”
  3. There’s a picture on the couple’s thread that’s supposedly her, but she’s almost unrecognizable
  4. Alina and the Silva twins have different ideas about the meaning of getting “snatched” in Turkey
  5. She probably doesn’t know that there may be a sister wife in her future
  6. It was the creepy personal trainer guy who has a pile of prior children and threw away his fiancé's sister's cereal. The couple that had the disproportionately hefty baby boy. The fiancé was trying to pack, and the family was nagging her to sit down. They all had to sit before traveling. That would drive me nuts. Ah, yes! Sasha and Emily.
  7. Like Leida! Don’t forget Natalie gave up a thriving modeling/acting/journalism career
  8. Didn’t we see another couple doing this “sit down before traveling” custom? Varya and Geoffrey or Natalie and Mike? But nobody explained to the guy or to us
  9. Maybe the cat they shooed out into the night fled to this “Turkish Cat House”
  10. I don't have D+, (just lurking here to read comments) but what else is new?
  11. That’s what Ari’s red sweater dress reminds me of! And what’s with that mustard colored fuzzy monstrosity she wears when she goes out for coffee with Leandro with above the knee black socks or boots? She looks like some kind of bird
  12. I don’t think this IS her. This girl is entirely too good looking. Ari’s eyes turn down in the outer corners and this girl has upturned “cat’s eyes.” I have noticed in her skinny talking heads she’s wearing false eyelashes that further accentuate her downturned eye shape. And I will repeat what I said last season about Ari’s “Jewishness”: I believe she wore the Star of David necklace to get attention and I’d bet my life savings that she had a huge Bat Mitzvah at the local Country Club.
  13. That blatant "product placement ad" for Sonic was annoying and having lunch there was supposedly a reward for Aspen passing the WRITTEN portion of her driver's permit test. They were carrying on like she'd gotten early acceptance to Yale. I suppose now we will be subjected to watching her learn to drive, take the road test (with such nail-biting cliffhangers as WILL SHE PASS? dun dun dun! cut to commercial) and go car shopping. Yawn...
  14. I seem to recall Angela saying that she married young (and presumably pregnant with Scottie, whose name is never mentioned on the show anymore) and divorced something like three years later and raised her girls as a single mother. I'm pretty sure Deem is her married name because her late mother's name was Glenda Standridge. I think Scottie is just a couple of years older than Skyla but, of course that doesn't necessarily mean they have the same father. My guess is that Angela never married the other guy (who may have fathered Skyla) but she and both daughters use the last name Deem.
  15. Even though they've hired a pageant coach, I think Aspen is in for a rude awakening when she competes against girls who have been in pageants since they were babies and have won titles like "Ultimate Supreme Little Miss Universal Royalty"
  16. You might be on to something there. Remember the photos of Bini when they met and he was really muscular and had dreadlocks? Then, when we first saw him in person Ari was so disappointed that he had cut his hair and remarked that he was so skinny? He looked downright scrawny. Now it looks like he’s got nothing to do all day but work out. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he isn’t using something to bulk up again.
  17. I think it was also a doggy daycare/kennel and surely there's something Kenny could do behind the scenes to help out in running a facility. Except maybe they don't have the room for a business now like Armando did on his family's compound.
  18. I wonder how Leandro felt about being Plan B (not the birth control) when Ari openly admitted that she'd go back to him if she decides that life in Ethiopia doesn't work out. Talk about keeping your options open!
  19. Now my question is, were Corey and Evelin already married when she screwed Raul? They definitely were when he cheated on her with the girl in Peru. To me, being "on a break" doesn't mean you can have sex with others if you're married.
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