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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Seems the jury is still out, but this article recommends asking your doctor: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/09/28/1041133830/for-people-who-got-the-j-j-vaccine-some-doctors-are-advising-boosters-asap
  2. I'll bet it is, then again I don't have much of a refined palate. I'm happy with Two Buck Chuck! I looked it up and found this: "Is Turkish wine good? Turkish wines tend to have solid and well-balanced acidity and great fruit flavors so they work well with a number of dishes. ... Also, Turkey's Narince is comparable to Chardonnay and Boğazkere is perfect for fans of Cabernet Sauvignon.”" works for me! I'm sure I wouldn't spit it out
  3. Meant to tell you that I got my Pfizer booster Friday with absolutely no reaction. The nurse told me the Pfizer booster is the same dosage as the first two, but the Moderna, when it's approved, will be a half dose because it was a stronger shot in the first place.
  4. BTW, I noticed my DVR recorded the first episode of the new season of "Call the Midwife" tonight
  5. Wait, Evelin is calling Jenny a whore? Next week looks great! Goodnight all!
  6. a MONTH? She's acting like the baby is having major surgery!
  7. He was rumored to be besties with Mary Magdalene, the town mattress
  8. IIRC from the season coming attractions, it looked like Leandro came back to accompany her. She was definitely with a guy and it wasn’t the scene when they dropped him off at the airport.
  9. She already bought a (probably) non-refundable ticket. I don’t blame Bini for being furious.
  10. They definitely are! And emotional Vampires, too.
  11. I felt so badly for thinking of the Roadrunner dropping that boulder on Wile E. Coyote’s head and him coming up looking just like Big Ed...and then you wrote this and now I feel better that at least my hand basket to hell will be a two-seater😂 OMG, I was just searching for a picture of an accordioned Wile E. Coyote! Make that a three-seater. Ed does have some kind of genetic syndrome but it must have been compounded by the fall
  12. No, Ari, you don’t make the surgery decision with YOUR parents, you make it with the baby’s other parent!
  13. My lord, I’ve never seen people so happy about using an enema!
  14. Remember how she lost her s**t over the circumcision?
  15. Only if it’s officially approved Mormon underwear
  16. Gawd those torn jeans look like shit. Apparently House of 11 will ship to Ethiopia
  17. for someone who claims his Mormon faith is "supremely important" (his exact words) he is certainly hypocritical. However, I'm Catholic and there are lots of people at my church who "cherry pick" what rules they follow (including me sometimes, Bless me father, for I have sinned...)
  18. I always marvel at the vast knowledge you bring to this forum, Mr. BB
  19. Vanessa isn’t heavy, but she has one of those “fat collars” at the base of her neck
  20. That's why they put them on the bed! Imagine the luggage Darcey brings for an overnight. And, sorry, shared bathrooms is a deal breaker for me.
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