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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. Damn Nicole is a terrible person.
  2. I'm in Orlando and wear boots and scarves right now
  3. Sharon Tate had lunch with Joanna Petit and Diana Lewis the day of the murders. The 4 of them went to El Coyote for dinner and then went home. SHaron was tired and wanted a quiet night. In fact Debra Tate called to see if she and their other sister Patti could spend the night. Sharon, thank god , turned them down or The Who Tate family might have been wiped out. They really did respond to their killers in the way they were depicted. Jay really was sitting on Sharon's bed. Abigail did wave at them. I went to Cielo when the house was still there. All that you could see was the gate and buzzer that had the bloody handprints. Trent Reznor of 9 Inch Nails has the front door which had the word Pigs written on it. I think Jerry Brown will veto Leslie's release like he has for that of other Manson members
  4. I think you are right about the pig comment. I went back and rewatched and Susan said” squeal like in little pig” , while the others said “ Like little piggies” I don’t think they actually said that at the scene but I think Susan described theme squealing like pigs in her jail confession . I’m going in memory right now because I’m on vacation and don’t have Helter Skelter with me
  5. She didnt quite say squeal like a pig. It was something like squealing like little piggies... That's accurate as one of them did say something similar and they wrote death to pigs in a the LaBianca house and pigs was written on the front door of the Tate house. They got the idea from the Beatles song Piggies. The y did a pretty good job of depicting the actual crime. A couple things I sort of wish they included Abigail saying "i'm Already dead" and Susan telling Sharon""Look, bitch, you might as well face it right now, you're going to die, and I don't feel a thing behind it." Those were the words I thought of when Susan Atkins asked for compassionate release before she died. I really wish they had repeated those words back to her. Yeah, I've spent way to much time studying this case and I've been to Cielo Drive
  6. They are ugly but they are pretty unbreakable, which is kind of the point. And Contact Lenses were not allowed in basic training.
  7. SO does mine, but they got me into the Marines. As long as they can be corrected to 20/20 with glasses you are good to go. Got presented with BC glasses when I got to boot camp. They were thick black glasses that were jokingly called BC glasses, Birth Control Glasses, because no man will come near you while you are wearing them.
  8. Yup. I actually know some French Muslims. Some look like Myriam. I do have a friend who father was Algerian. He's not a Muslim. I've also seen plenty of Parisians in sneakers. One Parisian friend , funnily enough named Marion, carries them in a bag and wears them sometimes. She zips around Paris on a Vespa like a lot of Parisians
  9. Cecelia Shephard and Bryan Hartnell really were stabbed at Lake Beryessa. I remember this so clearly as I have read the case file. A man on the lake found them still alive and I remember his testimony about how he waited for her to "compose herself" or something when he found her. She died, Bryan lived. Bryan also asked the zodiac to stab him first as he could not bear to watch her stabbed. They were stabbed separately but the show had to do it this way .. We know there was only 1 person committing that murder
  10. I see some serious prejudice and BS on this thread. That's all I'm going to say.
  11. Yeah, I think you may be right about that. I think i've heard that too
  12. Bride Price. It's not unusual in certain societies. Western Societies used dowries, so that is what we are familiar with but Bride Prices are used in other parts of the the world even today
  13. That's my friend Frazer Hines. He played Jamie McCrimmon with the 2nd Doctor. He first meets the Doctor and travels through time at Culloden in the episode The HIghlanders.. Diana took his First name(Frazer, although changed to S) and his character's name Jamie, to get Jamie Fraser. Jamie on Doctor Who is an 18th century Highlander who travels in time. He's still the Doctors longest running male companion. Frazer Hines had a small part in Outlander season 1 as the warden. I was actually with him a few days before he filmed but he had to keep it a secret. At the end of the War Games, the Doctor is forced to regenerate and his companions have their memories erased and they are dropped back into their original timeline. Jamie is dropped right into the middle of the Battle of Culloden, which is probably what she saw. They could have show episode 8 of the Invasion. It did air that week.. But then DW was not airing in the USA at all in 68
  14. I Agee that maybe it was not neccessary . But I feel like maybe the show felt that their viewers who are people of color did not need to hear more racist terms and see more racism in action that week. I know It was done to make fun Of racists but I just think, if I were a POC, hearing someone using the term Jig@**** on TV might have been a bit painful.
  15. "I'm concerned that Sonja Morgan on the RHONY has a drinking problem.". Girl, we all are.
  16. This. I speak a little, French, German, Italian and Spanish and I travel to Europe a lot. I always try to start speaking in the language of the country I am in and people ALWAYS go right to English. I'm going to Ireland next month, wonder if it will happen there :P Oh and something about why do Floridians speak any Spanish,,, well some do, but lets be honest. There are a lot of racist assholes in this country who see Spanish as beneath them and refuse to learn a word of it.
  17. I cant wait for this show to come back. Oh how I have missed people's opinions on Zoey's haircuts.
  18. Courtney reminds me of Vicki Gunvalson and I don't know why
  19. Correct. The only roman mention of Jesus is by Tacitus and that many many years after Jesus death. There are not contemporaneous accounts of Jesus. But there are accounts of the early first century cult developing around a risen Jesus. Josephus also lived and wrote after Jesus would have died and his writing s on Jesus may very well be forgeries
  20. Right, immigration first but the often out duty free between immigration and where you go out to meet people. I've definitely done this on arrival from the USA to LGW
  21. I too am Reza with the cats
  22. You can. I'm pretty sure ive done it at LGW.. I've also done it in Oslo and other places
  23. At least she didn't go to Bass Lake
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