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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I watch all those. And every iteration of 90 Day Fiance. I'm reality TV's Bitch. And I spend a lot of time in the UK so I watch stuff like Doctor Who and Eastenders. And I also love "good shows, like the Americans. Handmaid's Tale and GOT. Do not be ashamed. I'm a full time history and anthropology student so I need some crap TV.
  2. I dont find it strange at all that 2 interns, even of different congressmen, would be at the same party. It seems pretty likely to me.
  3. And Elizabeth grabbed canadian passports and money, so it makes sense
  4. Oh it definitely was a white supremacy based ideology.. No doubt. Their whole reason for invading eastern Europe was to create a much larger space for their very ggermanic world. The war was fought over Lebensraum.. living space. But I can see enough similarities . And lord knows people love to call other people Nazis
  5. If anyone is interested in the Nazis treatment of women I highly suggest the book Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany. I had to read it for a class on Nazis
  6. Not sure that I agree with this. The right has no problems calling people on the left communists, it would not shock me at all to see people call Serena’s types Nazis, even it it’s not technically correct. That said, Gileads treatment of women is a lot like the Nazis treatment of women. Women were taken against their will to “breed” little Nazi babies. There was no higher or more important job for Nazi women than to have babies. The more babies you had, the better. The Mothers Cross, for a woman who had a lot of babies, was a very very high honor. Polish kids were taken from their homes to be germanized. Women who were considered immoral were imprisoned and even sterilized
  7. I just went back and rewatched the end again, you can see all of the handmaids on the top level falling downwards in the explosions. A bunch of them are going to die
  8. Agree it’s true that many make their wine In house, especially in Tuscany. I always get the house wine in Italy
  9. No. I agree.. not a Granade. She did not pull a pin or flip the thumb clip. A suicide bomber will do far more damage than the localized damage from a Grenade. Grenades are useful in throwing into a foxhole. Not so much into a large crowd like that. I have a grenade story that illustrates their range. In basic training we learned how to throw a Grenade. We threw from behind a barrier which was just above waist high. You pull the pin , then at the same time you flip the thumb clip while putting up your other hand to sight where you will throw grenade. We memorized this..... Pull pin, thumb clip, throw grenade. We were in a row maybe, 10 feet between each Marine , throwing live Grenades. The Marine next to me goes to throw hers. Pull pin, thumb clip, throw grenade, right? She went, pull pin, thumb clip, DROP grenade. It landed right by her feet, With 10 feet on either side from other marines, and a Drill instructor right there. The DI immediately yelled get down , grabbed the private, tossed her over the barrier,and jumped over too. The grenade went off. All of us were fine. bottom line I hope Ofglen was a suicide bomber and took a lot more of those motherfuckers out then a grenade would
  10. As a retired Marine who has handled hand Grenades, that was not one, definitely a suicide bomber. And not to defend suicide bombers but most of them do believe that it’s the only way they can make a difference against a much larger entity. They are wrong of course. It’s usually innocents being hurt. Imagine how truly hopeless one is to get the the point Ofglen was at
  11. I the 80s we said, The Prom. Not Prom
  12. To me the letter burning was the saddest part. It was the loss of the last bit of hope for the women.
  13. Re them being in. Parks and such. Yes live in Orlando and both couples that have been in the are have been in Wekiwa Springs National Park. they are surrounded by ivilization. It the park itself is big and being on foot, you do end up in the middle of nowhere. And thee are definitely a lot of wild animals and gators there.
  14. I spend a lot of time in the UK and eat and make a lot of Indian food. Tikki masala, Tandoori chicken, Korma and butter chicken tend to be lower in spice. Eventually make your way to Madras and then Vindaloo. And the Pataks, you can add coconut milk to them to tone down any spice. Now I know what's for dinner
  15. I feel like this will end with Stan and Phillip and one will kill the other. I don't know which one is which
  16. Right, I remember. I've been rewatching the show and Im on episode one of season 2. Details of season 2-3 are hazy
  17. Can you refresh my memory on this murder? I don't remember which one it was.
  18. Oh absolutely.. but different marriage have different sorts of vows . Clearly, by th reactions of Annie ,she felt her vows were violated and that is not cool
  19. I have a non taxable VA Disability pension... I don't file
  20. NO, ..BUt some view them as vows to god.No idea if you do or not. My point remains the same , Marriage means different things to different people,and different people make different vows. There is no one size fits all idea of marriage,
  21. Those might be your vows, but they aren't everyone's and they weren't mine. Not everyone views marriage as sacred. Marriage has had many different meaning in many different cultures. I had a civil ceremony. I am not religious. I didn't make vows to a god as I dont believe in god. And yet we have been happy for 24 years.
  22. Elizabeth doesn;'t have AIDS. I assume people are talking about the mark on her face. Its very very rare for women with aids to get Kaposi sarcoma... That's men that usually get that
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