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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. It bothers me too, makes me kind of nauseated when I see it, Its my thing though, my problem. That women at the restaurant Joe and Kendra, you could see the exact moment when she realize she was in the middlem of a freak show. I took a Greek Islands cruise. Mykonos, Corfu, Crete, Santorini, Mykonos, Olympia and Athens. Athens is beautiful but Santorini is otherworldly beautiful. Mainland Greece is actally very reasonably priced, the islands, not so much. Oh and my Husband said Its all Greek to Me at least 10 times. That was the same trip where, in Rome he repeatedly said, When In Rome.
  2. Go to say, as a former Marine and as a mom with a son who tried to join the Marines with a GED, they wont let you enlist. The only branch that would take my son with a GED was the Army National Guard.. He just finished his 6 years.
  3. Im already a real Housewife of Orange County... Orange County florida. browards not far. Im game
  4. I hate this whole girl code stuff. I probably have more close male friends than female. I don't owe the females any more or less than the males. Maybe Vicki is just closer to him than to Kelly. We have only seen the Kelly- vicki relationship, not the other. The thing is, we know Vicki is terrible so we probably (rightly) assume that she is in the wrong.
  5. That was me being a smart ass because someone on this thread called them menopausal Hags. I need spanx, but i still look pretty darned good
  6. Im pretty much always watching my weight because im a 48 yo almost menopausal hag. I don't drink a lot of alcohol but when i do i often stick with vodka.. its got less calories than a lot of other alcohols. Of course none at all is better. But a 60 cal shot of vodka is always better than my favorite drink, the 800 calorie BBC
  7. We (almost) menopausal hags need fun too.. thay said I’m so straight laced that i would never in a million years act like these women.
  8. Agreed. Making an ass out of yourself in private is fine,, actually destroyimg things in an airport, not so mch
  9. You all are wrong. ive had a terrible day and this shit is making it better. The high point of my day is nakedTamra falling and she cant get up. Andele Bitches!
  10. Lorna is a New Yorker, the actress is Australian. i cant differentiate the accents of th NYC boroughs, but they apparently do exist. Brooklyn sounds different from the Bronx, which sounds different from Queens. My NY friends can differentiate. I cant
  11. And Jessica Lange’s accent is not good either. But thats just it. if I told you that a Louisiana accent sounded just like a Texas one, you would probably tell me i was wrong. To me they sound the same, but they arent.. But i cant pick it up because i didnt spend my entire life listening to those very accents. i remember when my husband a native Californian moved with me back to RI, My new landlord talked like Peter Griffon. My husband thought it sounded just like a Southie Mark Wahlberg accent. Peter’s Providence/attleboro accent sounded the same to him as a Boston accent. But i can instantly spot a RI accent if im in another state. A new englander can tell the difference. We lived there for 7 years and when we left, my husband could tell a JFK accent from Donnie Walhberg one, but he still thought all of the other accents sound the same. One big tell between a RI accent and most other New England accent is cought-cot.. In most NE accents those words sound the same but a rhode Islander would say cought and cot differently. Rhode Islanders say ‘Pawk the caw,’ whereas Bostonians say ‘Pahk the cah.’ In Boston you ride a hahs, but in Providence, you ride a hawse. These subtle differences are give aways to natives. There are some vocal habits that most everyone from new England has..they almost all drop r from many words and add them to others, they elongate the a sound. These are things that actors always glom on too to come up with a generic Boston accent. Most non natives hear that aaaa sound and they hear dropped the r from words and think the accent is good. Badison may say pahk the cah... and thats proper boston, but then says cot which is not. I think she was also elongating her aaaah sounds for way too long. Thee way a RI native says coffee is also a dead give away, We say Cwafee. Sorry to drone on, but i love accents and ive taken more than a few Anthropological Linguistics classes. I could go on now and talk about how most New England accents are much closer to what English accents sounded like in 17th century england and a out how many Appalachian accents have Scottish roots
  12. Makenzie Phillips had the same name as her sister on One Day at a Time and the boston accent was THE WORST to the Poster above who said she has heard that accent, Ill buy that you heard something close... but its one of those cases where you have to really know the accents well. Im from RI but also lived in Ma and NH. I can tell an RI accent from most Ma accents, and i can tell a NH accent from a Maine accent. there are a lot of regional accents in New England. Many do have real similarities, but none sound quite like that character. And i know the particular accent she was going for very well. It was like Dick Van Dyke cockney accent in Mary Poppins. My british friends think its the worst but most americans think it sounds right.
  13. That and What Does a Yellow Light Mean ? From Taxi. New york wife reminds me of someone. Busy Phillips maybe?
  14. The Turkeys are hitting the ground like bags of wet cement!! Also an apt description of this show
  15. I was watching this. My husband was in the room and playing with his phone, looking the other way. He heard Alison ask her dad why he contacted her now. My husband said, “ he needs a kidney”. Dad says, “my health is not good, I need a kidney”. I laughed so hard. My husband doesnt watch but this show is predictable.
  16. I think it looks like a hospital gown or her pajamas
  17. Do you mean the chocolate laxative AYDS.. AYDS lost its lustre after AIDS. Unfortunate name oops, apparently it was a diet suppresent ..UM.. Ironic
  18. Its part of a long standing tradition of Duggars wearing Handmaid Red
  19. Felons can teaching California. It depends on the felony.
  20. Now, having read other posts...Im not so sure anymore
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