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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I also think you just get treated better by airlines if you dress up a bit. I know there are studies that show that you are more likely to get bumped up a cabin level if you are better dressed. I try to walk the line where I look nice but can be comfortable. And when I fly overnight to the UK, I bring a change of clothes for first thing in the morning Ebonics AAVE, African American Vernacular English is a legitimate dialect with its own syntax and grammar. It shares some grammatical rules with the African languages of the people brought here in chains. There is some evidence that it developed, in part, as a way for enslaved people to "speak"in code, while in bondage. <--- has spent some time in the last few years studying anthropological linguistics while earning a degree in History and Anthropology.
  2. I friend of mine lost her fiance 2weeks ago. She was posting about it on facebook pretty quickly. But we belong to a tightknit group of people who live all over the USA UK and other places. I posted a lot when my niece died on NYD. Anything to keep busy and better than individually telling everyone. And i was comforting to see that though she lost her battle with opioids, she helped others a lot.
  3. She's 52 years old. She likes to kick, stretch, and kick . Shes 50....52 years old
  4. I would go to Nigeria in a heartbeat despite them being at a level 3 out of4. But most of Europe is at a 2 when I am there. Morocco is at a 1. Its safer than France, the UK, Italy and Belgium are right now. I was in the UK when the Manchester bombing happened. I was supposed to meet a friend for dinner in Paris and a restaurant that was attacked by terrorists. The attack was 3 days after I was there. I'm always watchful but I'm still going to travel. I think my line is at level 4, but that really would depend on the situation.I'm hoping to get to Morocco next year. But Angela seems to be a bit naive and I hope she is aware of her surroundings at all times.
  5. I swear, i really dont want to see “ its not even my plate you fing bitch” ever again. I swear they show it every week.
  6. I did. In My FAMILY VAN!! Stopped and fill my love tank along the way. but I swear, i have never had a 3 way in all my life.
  7. Haha. not a very good affair if thats the case. If im going to have one its going to last a while.
  8. I have the feeling we will never know, which is how it is in real life much of the time. I think its poetic that she experienced her own secondary drowning, at least in the second version of events.
  9. Im trying to recover from the Affair last night. These ladies had better bring it tonight.
  10. That line, "why do you kill an ant?", tells me a a lot about his killing the child, IF it's the true story. In one of my classes about Nazis, the Third Reich, I had to read a book called Ordinary Men by historian Christopher Browning. IT was about how ordinary men, with no real feelings of antisemitism , slowly turned into killers with no remorse. They were tailors, banker etc, before the war. They then became part of a police group sent to kill Jews and communists in the east. They weren't told what they were going to do. When the first orders to kill, many backed out. Some helped people escape. Some got ill. But as time went by more and more of them joined in the killing. BY the end they were hunting Jewish people,, in the woods, for sport. They had been conditioned, desensitized. They learned to view their victims as problems, as the vermin of Nazi propaganda. And there can be a level of dehumanization in all military. When you are exposed, day after day to your friends dying, being maimed and killed, sometimes even by women and teenager, and when you yourself are injured and in pain, well you l sometimes lose the ability to see right from wrong. It changes you in ways you cant imagine. This is why they try not to keep people over there for long periods of time. IT breaks them. Those tailors and banker of the police battalion, some of them were fine with it and never regretted what they did. Others, later on, away from war, had to recognize the evil they created. Some could not live with it. Some broke. Some killed themselves. Some became violent. Ants. Ben reached the point where any child was an ant. He lost all sense of right and wrong. And it happens to ordinary men like Ben. I knows its easier to believe people like that were born monsters, but its not always the case.
  11. While that doc was over the top, We were told similar. If they get wet, throw them away . Its meant to dissolve slowly in the stomach, hence the timed release. Drinking water as you take it is not quite the same as it getting wet outside of the body. i wouldnt be worrid about a splash right before i took it but if i ever discovered they were wet, I would toss them. i think that Doc was being overly cautious.
  12. To be very clear, PTSD presents in many different ways. The vast majority of people with PTSD are not dangerous and do not commit crimes.
  13. Id again like to reiterate that addiction and dependency are different things. Physically relying on painkiilers doesn't always mean addiction.
  14. Did I miss something? DO we know he had Fentanyl in his system? He may have had a fentanyl patch. My husband was on both fentanyl and I think one fomr of Oxy or another, for breakthrough pain.
  15. yeah, I'm just going to let this debate go. I live with someone with PTSD and have been around quite a few others who have/ had it. The anger and rage my husband had in the early years with this is something I recognize . He was a completely different person, sometimes a very scary one for a few years. Thats probably one of the reasons I couldn't sleep last night
  16. That it is, lol. That it is! I only know because I study a lot of colonialism
  17. I love the song too But I have to disagree about Ben’s behavior. PTSD often looks like that, long periods of normalcy, then a break.
  18. Nigeria’s national language is English. Colonialism and all. IT was a British Protectorate.
  19. I have a feeling Angela may have a tough time getting a Visa for him to live in the USA, if it reaches that point. Of course they do. If the stick turns pink , its a girl, if it turns blue , its a boy.
  20. Great Britain is the island on which England Scotland and Wales lie the UK is a political entity composed of England(yes Trump they still call it that) Wales Scotland and NI
  21. I couldnt sleep either. It brought up memories of my first husband
  22. I always notify the bank of where Im going and sometimes they still cut off my cards. I once notified BofA that i was going to th UK. On New Years day I tried to pull money out of an ATM at the Millenium Center in Cardiff, Wales. The ATM ate my card. I called BofA and they told me that I had notified them thatI would be in the UK, bit I was using an ATM in Wales. Do you see the problem here? Then, a day after I got home and they declined my card at a restaurant here. I again called BofA . They then said that they had declined my card because i said I was going to be using it in the UK but I never did. You're right BOfA, I never used my card in the uk because YOU TURNED IT OFF! Morons You just know this stuff is happening to these people who have never travelled before. At least american cards have chips now, which makes things a bit better.
  23. I dont see travelers cheques at all anymore. I usually have a few pounds but I mostly is my credit cards that dont have foreign transaction fees
  24. The first time i arrived on London I flew in to Gatwick, which is further outside of London than Heathrow. I had to get to my friend in Putney in SW London. He was going to come get me, but London’s traffic was exceptionally bad that day. I had to take a train to another train and then lug my luggage down the road for a half mile. Londoners do this shit. They think nothing of lugging their luggage through the overground and onto the Tube. People travel an hour each way across the city all the time. We americans have no understanding of the public transport culture. It might take my Best friend an hour and a half the get the few miles to Heathrow, longer to Gatwick. Sometimes he picks me up, but a couple of times ive arrived with a text telling me to take Gatwick express. Now i just use a car service. For her first visit, he should have at least come to meat her at Heathrow to help her deal with public transport. Paddington is a great place to meet up with someone who lives outside of London when you are coming from Heathrow. Heathrow Express goes directly there. It was her first time out of the country though. I would have gone all the way to Heathrow.
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