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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I dont think. thats true and I LOVE Peter Dinklage. And “ugly” people have affairs too
  2. Im beginning to think Leida comes from a wealthy family. I wish she had mentioned it before.
  3. Im thinking a lot of people here really dont know what it can be like for Black people in America.... even in liberal diverse places
  4. When does Olga get to take a walk all by herself to clear her head?
  5. Im a bit behind. Coltee was just talking about his onus.
  6. People stay during mandatory evacuations all of the time. Is Barbara on the beach too, like Jen? My kids were inland just a few miles and had a voluntary evacuation when people close to the beach had a mandatory one. Its no like cops can get to every door to make sure you leave. They dont physically force people to leave. I can definitely confirm that the coastal areas of Pinellas county did have mandatory evacuations
  7. As a Floridian who lived though Irma I understand why they wanted to get back. The uncertainty for one. The worry about your house trumped the worry about the drive. If their house did have water damage they needed to start dealing with it asap. Even without water damage, just the mold risk from no A/C for days was bad. And this was 4 days later. I would have been in the car on day 2 , 18 hour drive or not. There was traffic like that for more than a week after. You can only wait it out for so long and there was no way to know just how bad it would be any given day. I live in Orlando but my kids live right near Jen. They evacuated to my house and went home the next day. They were without power for 10 days or so. I remember going to dinner at Disney a week later and they wouldnt give me a milkshake because very little milk was coming into the state, and they were saving it for babies. My Orlando community was without power for 9 days, with the exception of my house and a feeothers that are tied in to the power grid of a water treatment facility.
  8. Eric is what 40+ and he served 8 years. He’s been out for at least a decade. He may very well be depressed, but I dont think that is the reason why
  9. Larissa can be the Lala to his Tinky Winky.
  10. Hi all, The race discussion in the episode thread is great. but O/T. Maybe we can continue it here?
  11. Im good though. Its been 28 years and im healthy. I fooled them all. AIDS is not a death sentence at least in western society. AIDS and race intersect a lot and Ive learned a lot from being in this group. Survivors like me owe a lot to Black women, who were at the forefront of the AIDS movement. Samoa actually has pretty low HIV transmission rates so they are doing something well. To me Asueala seems a little slow. Maybe just on the lower end of the average IQ scale
  12. I dont get why , when Larissa arrived, one of the first things he told her was that she could pick a couch and then he basically laughed at her when she wanted to buy said couch.
  13. Good people can still get AIDS if they have sex without a condom. Im living proof of that. I was on Samoan dudes side until he made the slut comment.
  14. Absolutely. And I cant ever presume to understand what that is like for you. What I can do is believe you and support you when you say you are experiencing racism. What I will not do is lecture you about how it cant really be racism.
  15. You know those insticts we women develop, the ones that make us careful and wary when we are alone in a group of men? I think its like that. When I am in a place where I am the only female and a lot of men are looking at me, Im nervous. And I was in that position A LOT in the Marines and I was always on guard. There was a lot of sexism. Now, I knew that not all, or even many of the men were a threat, but it only took 1 for me to be in trouble. I had just enough bad experiences with the few who were bad to make me wary. The 1 potential threat is is enough to make we wary in any situation with a lot of men. I think Jay feels a lot like that.
  16. All it takes of for one of them to be racist. One call for shopping while Black, one complaint, is all it takes.
  17. I am not really sure why people think areas that are more diverse are less racist. Its not really true. Some of the most diverese areas are also areas with the most institutionalized racism. Look at Georgia in the last election. Voter suppresion is institutionalized racism. Now to be fair, Jay has never been to the USA and he has read some(true) horror stories. Add to that he is coming forom a majority Black country and he is going to have a difficult adjustment. I dont think Eric has any sort of medical or emotional issies due to his time in service, at least not any diagnosed ones. If he did, he would be in better shape financially.
  18. Life is pretty rough in Jamaca. The economy is terrible. He may have weighed racism vs quality of life and the second one won.
  19. The thing is Jay didnt say that people were looking at them, He said people were looking at him. That’s not the same thing. Now there may be a bit of paranoia there on his part but generally, as a white women, when a POC tells me they are uncomfortable or are experiencing racism, I believe them. I think a lot of us fail to understand the many ways, both large and small, that racism manifests itself in this country.
  20. Can You imagine Eric fighting Isis. He would just stare off into space while they did things. Maybe he wanted to fight Isis the superhero? How the heck did this man serve.
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