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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. There are actually a lot of men who have no interest in a woman who is basically still a child. There are a lot of men who want a women who is as intellectually and socially developed as they are. There are also plenty of men who genuinely find a hot 32 year old attractive.
  2. I dont automatically assume a mother will be the better parent. I raised a friend’s child when the mother abandoned the father. I was legally her guardian for years when the father was in the military. And lots of women breast feed for a month and switch to formula. Richie would be ok on formula. The best parent for a child may be the mother or it may be the father. The scale here tilts to Olga simply due to Steven’s very usnstable life. But I dont fault Steven for getting all ducks in a row regarding citizenship and a passport. I hope there are a lot more conversations about the future happening but not being filmed.
  3. Yup. Like I said I was in and out of the Milan consolate with a passport in an hour, It was a good thing because I had a cruise from Venice the next day. Its very different going right to the source for a passport. Getting a passport from an embassy/ consulate is not same as getting an expedited one from your local passport office.
  4. 24 hours is very common. We had to do this for a family member once.. But it can be as long as 2 weeks. When I lost mine in Europe( not the same as a first time passport, I know) I walked in and out with it in an hour. THE USA doesnt recognize dual citizenship. They just ignore the second one. So while we dont “allow”it, many people have more than one. Russiawill kind of do the same thing. They will view Richie as a Russian citizen and apply their own rules to him when it comes to leaving Russia.
  5. I thought he said he got the baby his passport but I could be wrong. A normal passport can take 6 weeks, but you can pay more for an expedited one right way. But either way, if he got his citizenship he is entitled to a passport
  6. This is my rifle this is my gun... This is for fighting, this is for fun.. Although we WM’s did not say that.
  7. That was me. We say weapon, because thats what it is, a weapon. A marine never fogets what the purpose is. Weapon is a catch all though. My M16 was my rifle. It was never a gun. But that was somewhat tongue in check, once back in civilian life, someone might say gun, especially for a handgun. I dont care if people say frontline
  8. There is a song with the lyrics Alice, Alice, Who the F@** is Alice. I couldnt resist playing with it
  9. Here are some potential issues. She is already in the system trying for K1.. two visa applications look bad. If she gets turned down and then tries for a different visa, it looks bad. When she lists family or friends in America and lists a baby she looks like a risk to overstay her visa. I have a friend who tried to get a longer stay visa in the USA. He’s British. I warned him not to. I told him to stick with the 90 day regular one. He didnt listen. On his visa he mentioned having a girlfriend in the USA. Visa denied. He was a risk to stay. Not only that but hes not even allowed to try to come back to visit for years.
  10. I can honestly say that i never had to guide my husband on how to be one and we have been together 24 years. I never cared if he had the occasional drink after dinner as long as he called me. But all marriages are different and what works for you may not work for me. I disagee with Fernanda that it’s wrong for him to go out for a drink.. but, and its a big but, since he knows it bothers her and he knows that she feels isolated, he shouldnt do it,
  11. I also think that will happen, but i feel like if it didnt, she would let him take the baby. She just seems beaten down by life, like she doesnt have any fight left in her.
  12. Just saw the added stuff. I sadly get the feeling that Olga will just agree to let him take the baby. I think she may feel that even as terrible as it will be, Richie is better off here. Reading about her life in their own thread here, I can see why she may want him to “escape”
  13. Well, Yeah. I dont think he actually has to prove he will support him, just state that he plans too. They are not going to come check . The embassy clearly has no issue with giving him the passport. Its a shame Russia is not in the EU.. It would be handy to have American and EU citizenship
  14. As long as his father acknowledges he is the father and agrees to support the child, he is. Im sure thats exactly what happened in the embassy, Sreven says, Richie is my child, Im prepared to support him and we plan to live in America for a signifigent period of time. All 3 of my siblings were born outside of the US in this manner. ETA, they had 2 US parents though, but were born in Europe. They were entitled to both citizenships He will qualify for both US and Russian citizenship
  15. Richie IS a US citizen by birth. I dont think the US embassy can deny that. So hes entitled to a passport. However, if steven tries to leave with him on that US passport the birthplace will say Russia. Russian immigration will see it. That means they will view him as a Russian citizen and ignore the American citizenship. They will want to see a visa for him and, Richie cant get one of those without Olga’s permision. I think Steven thinks he can just march the baby out of Russia since he has an American passport. I dont think thats the case.
  16. Its not unusual. I lost a passport in Europe and had to go the the embassy in Milan to get a temporary one, may husband wasnt allowed in the bulding..In fact, he wasnt allowed NEAR the building, there were guards across the street. He ended up waiting in a cafe.
  17. I dont know. I lost (or had stolen] my passport on a flight between Beauvais France and Treviso Italy. I had to go to the Embassy in Milan. My husband wasnt even allowed in the building. Now I wasnt getting a passport for a child, but that does show how strict security is. Im not sure that her permission is required on the American side. I am not sure why he would need to lie. It takes 1 American parent to be an American citizen. I know that when my US\UK citizen friends had babies in the UK they had no issue in getting a US passport for their child. The citizenship of their spouse didnt matter, nor did they need permission from the non American. They simply showed that they themselves were a US citizen and were eligable for a passport for their child. The US embassy deemed Richie was a citizen due to his father’s citizenship. I dont think her russian citizenship is relevent at all here. Now It SHOULD matter if he actually tries to take the baby out of Russia when, he will then be forced to deal with Russian immigration. Richie IS an American citizen according to American law as he was born to a citizen, So hes entitled to a passport. They arent deciding custody or who should raise the child and where he should be raised. All they are doing is recognizing that, at birth, Richie is an American citizen. I think
  18. Its a for profit school. Not a fan of them. I went to college at 43 and am about to graduate Magna Cum Laude. My schools graduation rate is 70%. UCF
  19. She cant work, she cant go to school. Its probably hard to watch most TV when her English isnt great. She’s young and misses her family. I feel for her. Why not pick her up and take her with him.
  20. I want to hug Fernanda. She is just not ready for this.
  21. Yeah, Ill be watching Dirty John. Not watching Molly
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