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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. This. I dont see the crucifixions as justic but as revenge. Those are 2 very different things.
  2. Apparently, Rob McElhenney had a cameo tonight.
  3. I just rewatched that today. I thought it was her subconscious hand to belly move that tipped him off.
  4. I dont think the surgeon general’s warning was out then.
  5. When I was in the 10th grade I was in a production of the Music Man. The costumes came and I got stuck wearing a hideous orange dress that looked like a long version of Bethanny”s dress. I had bad flashbacks looking at her dress
  6. I have issues with LVP and have for ages. I believe she was guilty of the collusion with Teddy. I absolutely believe the LVP was telling the truth. in this episode. I dont believe she tipped off Radar Online
  7. I went to basic training for the Marines on 8/8/88. I dont think anyone can beat that!
  8. Got to hand it to Dorit, Vanderpuppet is a good one. I wonder who she heard say it, Shes not smart enough to come up with this on her own.
  9. Can we please just get rid of Dorit. I like Teddi and while I think LVP is a stealth bitch she is at least entertaining
  10. Thats fair. I would not use it in an academic paper. I did write a paper once about Thomas(ine) Hall. Thomasine was born in the UK as a female in the late 1500’s, raised as one, but served in the military as male and came to the colonies as a male indentured servent, They were involved in a court case in Jamestown in which the court declared them to be. both legally both male and female. Talk about complicated. In my paper i had had to use he in some situations and she in others. I think I went with they at some point, but this was a very unusual case. I think I may have been better off just using T.
  11. They is not always singular they /T͟Hā/ pronoun 1. used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. "the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted" 2. used to refer to a person of unspecified gender. "ask someone if they could help"
  12. OMG! I watch Billions and I saw the in memory of thing and it didnt’t even click that that is who they were talking about.
  13. Yes, I would say so. On HSN Bethanny said if you are unsure, go one size smaller. These are European sized so there are a lot more size options. I did size down and they fit well. These jeans are very stretchy and comfortable so I think there is some wiggle room as to the size anyway. I got mine in peach and I may go back for the aqua looking ones HunterHunted, thanks for the info in pain meds. My husband actually does see a pain speciaist at a pain clinic and he has had no issues with getting meds, I think its easier for someone like him to get his meds, what with something in his history like aortic dissection and a body covered in scars.
  14. My Skinny Girl jeans came. I just tried them on. They are really nice jeans, soft and comfortable. I got the peach color. I didnt pay full price and Im not sure that I would by them at rack rate, on sale though, sure.
  15. Not everyone who overdoses is an addict. Not everyone who regularly takes opioids is an addict. My husband has chronic pain. He had an aortic dissection in 2007, that thing that killed John Ritter, and which kills the majority of people who have it. My husband lived but spent 3 months in the hospital and developed compartment syndrome. He almost lost his leg. He had a dozen or so surgeries for it including skin grafts. As a result he lives in chronic pain, Without opiods on a daily basis he would be in a ball on the bed crying, Believe me. Ive seen it. He has had 2 neurostimulaters put in his back to help with pain, to helpfully get him off of meds. Both failed after about a year. Now they want to do a third surgery. He’s been on everything, morphine, fentanol, oxy, methadone. Currently its oxycodone. As his doctor says he is drug dependent, not an addict. He has a physical need need for the meds and has physical symptoms if he doesnt take him, but there is no mental need or desire for the drugs. But does it matter? My greatest fear(and his) is that he will accidentally overdose. It wont be because he’s stupid, or an addict. It will be because he is in a lot of pain and just wants one full nights sleep for the first time in 12 years, or because he forgets that he already took his meds. If he dies people will just see him as another stat in the opioid epidemic? And these new laws? I think they might kill him too. If he gets denied his meds eventually, if they cut him off, I honestly dont think he could live with the pain. I think he would kill himself. People with chronic pan are already doing this. I dont know what caused Dennis’s death, but Im not willing to just label him a stupid drug addict.
  16. Im prepared to send them back if I dont like them. They were on sale and they look nice, We shall see. Just saw that her dresses go to a size 6. If its a big 6 I might be able to wear it. If its small. No go
  17. i just got a pair of Bethanny’s Jeans, now I want Sonja’s dress
  18. You two are both correct and I am wrong. The local news report I saw said Wekiva Springs bit I found an Orlando Sentinal article that said they were just outside of the park on private property
  19. I’ll post back here when they arrive. I got a peachy/pink skinny jean. They were om sale and I can return them, so it was a good time to try them
  20. I just bought a pair of SkinnyGirl Jeans. She was on HSN last nightt and I couldnt help myself
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