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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. Closed captioning said puppins instead of pumpkins, Husband said he thinks Coltee likes her for her puppins
  2. It wasnt just Pripyat that was abandoned, there were 187 smaller communites deserted.. The exclusion zone is like 1000 square miles
  3. Another good book that is fiction but based in fact is All That is Solid Melts into Air
  4. Thats how many Revolutionary War soldiers were paid for their services, Many got land in places like Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. My Revolutionary War ancestors settled near Columbus Ohio
  5. I wish Drogon had died, I hate the dragons. I watched the show despite the fantasy elements, not because of them. They were basically MOAB”s . I know this wont be a popular opinion, but once I saw Dany had Dragons , i knew things would end badly for her. No one should have that kind of power
  6. It was certainly art to me. If the toilet i saw at the Tate Modern in London is considered art, this sure was
  7. I just rewatched s5 E7. Dany has a conversation with Dario where he tells her she should gather all of the Masters good and bad the day of the great game and slaughter them. She says she is a Queen not a butcher. He tells her that all rulers are either the butchers or the meat. IIRC that doesn’t end well in Meereen. I cant help but think that hasn’t weighed on her decision making now.
  8. Thats fair. My assumption was that he was doing something similar to what Tyrion did with Shea. He made himself seem as horrible as humanly possible . In this case to make it easier for Brienne to let go of him
  9. I wanted Jaime’s redemption too, his and Theon’s. I got it with Theon. But, I think jaime’s story is very real. Many people try to change, They make progress, they grow. Then, sadly many backslide and go back to who they were. It makes me said, but its real, and it doesnt make me angry
  10. I think I may be the only person who loves this season of GoT. It wont be my favorite season, but, It will be somewhere in the middle. Episodes 2 and 3 will be in my top 10 of all time.
  11. Is that where they ate all of the fucking chickens?
  12. But its not about who the slave masters were, its about who Dany is. And she is someone who choose to collectively execute people in the most painful way. This says way more about her than about the slave masters. There is no way i will EVER think its OK to crucify someone
  13. I think LH is more beautiful that EC. EC is obviously younger
  14. Weren’t we informed those cities later went back to slaving? If so , claiming Westeros was more important that freedom for the enslaved.
  15. And in those cases the innocent people were worshiping her and grateful. They people of Westeros, not so much
  16. I did sort of want her to suffer more. Though I do see a weird symmetry in her dying under the literal walls of her making. And Jaime wanted to die in the arms of his true love but I dont think he meant crushed to death by bricks
  17. I could go for a gratuitous shot of her broken body, eyes bulging in the rubble
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