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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I never had my mother in the room and would not have wanted too
  2. Caution is absolutely warranted and the Actor/ production friends that i have great”spidey senses” to help guide them. But they had normal lives and childhoods(mostly, one has a childhood where he worked with Charlie Chaplin) and so they developed discernment. Im not sure the Duggars have, so they are more likely to fall for or be hurt by those, with less than honorable intentions.
  3. I can tell you from my own personal experiences deep in a fandom that the last part is not always true. I know deep lifelong friendships that have emerged from the fan/celeb atmosphere. I have close friendships with people involved in a world famous show. We have traveled together, spent holidays together, visited other countries together. Celebs are just people who want connections like everyone else My story is not unique at all
  4. That is a good question. I would amend my precious post to say that the publix grieving is only helpful if she wants it. Im much like you. I would keep it to myself. Thats how i'm made. My daughter is the opposite
  5. JFTR! I was agreeing and adding to what you said
  6. This is a story that I have now heard over and over. My daughter joined some pregnancy loss groups on facebook and most of the women, especially the ones with later losses, find that people just do not want to talk about it. This means that many women have no place to share their grief. Even within families it is hard to talk of. It was hard with my daughter. What on earth do you say to your child who delivered and held her dead baby? If it was hard for me, it is hard for others.. So we as a society bury this stuff, we dont talk about it. It almost seems like we are trying to shame the women who do talk about it. And whether you agree or not, social media is talk, and it can help keep some women from drowning in despair from feeling alone. I don't know of a single other women IRL who went through what my daughter did. I’m glad she was able to find a wider group of people. Im glad that she found others who have shared experiences, or fjust people who were willing to listen to her pain. Sorry if that doesnt meet some people’s standards of decency . I mean really, how much genuine and healthy empathy do-we think Joy has access to in that family?
  7. Yup. This is it. By sharing the pics, she may feel like others can share in her grief and people with similar stories can share their grief with her . Then maybe she wont feel so much pain. My daugter shared her photos on facebook. The responses from the many people who had experienced a similar loss helped her.
  8. Im not sure if that is the group that came around for my daughter, but someone did. They took pics, the took the baby’s footprint. The made a little box of things for her covered in butterflies, which is a symbol for pregnancy loss. What was extra heartbreaking was that she was naming him Stephen after my niece Stephanie who died 4 months earlier.
  9. I feel terribly for joy. Last April, my daughter had to deliver her deceased 20 weel old child. It was horrifying. They let her hold him for hours. Its going to take Joy a while to get over this. I feel awful for her. You dont just get over this.
  10. I worked as a cook in the military for 2 years. I had 8 weeks of training. I had to do all of the above with the exception of presentation. A team of 4 of us had to feed hundreds of people and most everything was cooked from scracth, believe it or not. I think i could have done what she did with my 8 weeks of training and some time in the mess hall. I would have struggled with presentation but i could have pulled-it off. Learning timing is the hardest of all and that doesn't really come in a classroom. It comes from doing. But i am also passionate about cooking and am constantly learning new things. You have to have that passion. I actually didnt see that in Mila. I see it in Aanastacia eta, I saw in another post that she did work in a similar but lower pressure position on another boat. That is probabky where she got the timing down
  11. A lot of chefs have their own knives that they bring from place to place. They ca. be a really important tool and are kind of of personal.. But Mila didnt seem like much of a chef, so yeah, she probably stole them.
  12. No worries. I wasn’t. More just pedantic with a history degree. I realize I can be annoying that way.
  13. I would like to point out that neither Ecuador or Brazil are rated as third would countries. They are more developing or 2nd world countries
  14. I was mixing my Hollywood murders. Someone said she looked like the wife Robert Blake was accused of murdering. I was thinking that was the little know actress who played Mr Vargas wife in Fast Time at Ridgemont High, but that was Lana Clarkson who was killed by Phil Spector
  15. Me to husband, “ Do you want to go to another room tonight?” Him <blank stare>
  16. This was true in many many witch trials but actually occurred less in Salem than in other witch trials
  17. The opposite of love isnt hate, its indifference, Larissa is there now.
  18. Lets blow Libby’s mind and tell her where fireworks were invented,
  19. Calling the cops on a Black man for no legitimate reason is reprehensible
  20. Larissa You see it was tough. There were 3 of us in my marriage. It was a bit crowded
  21. I get bored too, but nobody’s dick accidentally falls into me
  22. Definitely not. They were often women on the fringes.. vulnerable. Martha Carrier had the bad luck of moving to a town at the start of a smallpox epidemic and she was blamed for it. There was also a rumor that her husband Thomas was the secret executioner of Charles 1.. Add to that she was an outspoken women when women were meant to be silent and she becomes victim number one. More than 200 people were accused of witchcraft in the trials. It was insanity
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