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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I had a casual wedding at a Doctor Who convention. I got my dress from ebay. I jst know that Larissa wanted more. And why take her to th expensive dress store and then have her buy at goodwill? It seems mean
  2. I was one who made a comment, I said she really dressed for the occasion. Im not saying she needs to wear a dress. There are other ways to look somewhat dressy, That shirt we have seen her wear before is not it
  3. Why does Cody from Sister Wives have Little Lord Fauntleroy curls?
  4. After 24 years my husband still looks at me the way Jon looks at Fernanda. He really loves her
  5. He looks like he wants us to Stop! Collaborate and Listen!
  6. Love after Lockup is where its at.. And the forum is hosted by Drogo
  7. I saw an inflatable couch today at Aldi. I tried to explain its significance to my husband and his eyes glazed over
  8. Everyone her needs to go watch Love After Lockup.. And Drogo moderates the forum too
  9. That was me. It was at the American consulate in Milan. I needed a passport. We were stoppe by guards across the street and told only I could go in. He waited in a coffee shop
  10. I would not be surprised if the visa was turned down because he cant support her. It would explain why he wants to get the baby away NOW
  11. No one at school would stop them for it, but its not allowed and could affect their visa status
  12. You cant study or work on a K1.. As soon as you marry you appy to change your sttus to some sort of resident. DACA is a whole different issue. They didnt come in on a visa. They were brought here illegally, through no fault of their own as children. They have spent most of their lives here. DACA defers their deportation y
  13. You need a student visa to come here as a student. You also need to prove you can support a spouse to get a spousal visa. Just marrying a foreigner does not guarantee you can get any long term visa. I dont think Steven would even qualify to have Olga stay here in the USA. He may need to get someone else to help sponsor her. Other 90 day fiance people have had to get other co sponsers. I think maybe Danielle asked her father?
  14. Im playing catch up and just saw the RI episode and came here to see your comments. I was born and raised in RI, lived there for a time in adulthood and now live in FL. There are a lot of Rhode Islander like that douple. We have a name for them that I wont say here. And yup, there is a chance of mob connections. The mafia IS alive and well in RI. My husband once worked with a woman who had to go pick up her uncle Joey. He had just done 20 years in prison. Got out to a nice cushy job. He was a made man, who eent to prison for murdering 2 people and stuffing them in their car trunk. My Husband was VERY VERY polite to that guy. RI is actually a very beautiful state with a lot to offer outside of real life sopranos.
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