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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. War is horrible. People under stress break and do things they would not otherwise do. Sometimes they deeply regret them. Sometimes they experience PTSD For it. I was in the Marines, its not unheard of.
  2. He wasnt drinking before. Obviously he had restarted. And PTSD is tricky like that.
  3. i book my flights to Europe without a passport. I have to enter the passport number, i think 48 hours ahead of time. Im flying to London on Sept 13th and i havent registered my passport info with Norwegian airlines yet She likely got her passport first and had the passport info anyway. then you send your passport in to get the visa. Some Visas are stamped on stuck on to the actual passport. Its very possible the visa came inside of the passport
  4. Im pretty sure she had to send in her passport to get the visa. Now both items are missing.
  5. That was horrifying. That was every woman’s nightmare And yes, Alison was still alive at some point while in the water. That is why she had water in her lungs
  6. Most of my friends are British. They come here multiple times a yeat. theynuse an ESTA not regular visa. So i agree with you.
  7. Id be good with this, it would be a relief. I wonder if its the law in NY?
  8. Its definitely not required in Florida or my husband would have it,
  9. Im a bit sad that in the many threads about Bethany righth now, so many people automatically assume that any drug overdose means someone was an addict, a user. They might be right. My niece that died on Jan 1st was a user, an addict. She was also a living kind human being in a lot of mental pain. Many people though, are like my husband, in horrible pain and trying to live a life , to function , to sleep, to not be in agony. There have been times in the past 11 years when my husband has accidentally doubled up and ive spent the night making sure he was Ok. As i said in another thread, i fear that one day the pain will be to much and he will take too many and die. or when the pain is so intense that he isnt thinking straight and takes too many. I hope people dont see him as just an addict. Hes just genuinely trying not to live in Horrible pain and to be able to contribute to society. I know people who live like him who have died this way and its frustrating to see people write them off because “they did it to themselves” or whatever. And guess what happens to some of these people? There insurance cuts them off or the meds are too expensive, so they move to street drugs, its not really a simple issue. I will say that having narcan on hand makes me curious.
  10. I would like to believe that she uses that crepe erase i see advertised on TV. I want to believe that can be fixed for $30
  11. When Sonny Bono died, i remember Cher crying at his memorial and stating that he was the love of her life. They were long divorced and had moved on. Im not sure what the situation is with the wife, but im not reading too much into it.
  12. In regards to the English guy getting into the country, i know how hard it can be wirh a minor crime. I know a Doctor Who actress whose husband cannot get into the country at all for a minor marijuana imfraction years ago. Another had a similar issue way back in the 60s. She gets in to the country but she ALWAYS gets stuck yting to get through immigration.
  13. They gave my husband morphine and codeine after his aortic dissection. Hes been one multiple opiods since then and that was 2007. My doctors have told us that hes dependent, Not addicted. hes dependent because his body needs it and because h goes through physical withdrawl when off of them... but there is no mental component that addiction requires. They may just be trying to make him feel better because he hates taking the meds
  14. I don’t care what role Henry Winkler plays, I will always call him Fonzie. That’s just way it is. The death announcement reminded me of the scene from Roseanne where Jackie had to call people to tell them that dad died. .. I have some bad news... Dad is not with us anymore... [slowly getting louder] Jackie: I said Dad has passed away... He's passed away!... Dad is gone!... Dad's dead!... He's dead!... NO, *DEAD!*... *DAD!*... ..,,,He's fine! He sends his love! Bye or maybe She is an ex-alison
  15. I actually had to fast forward through the food scene. And regular milk is gross and i dont drink it. My 4 kids rarely did. i made sur thye got vitamin D from other sources
  16. Of course she was. Thats a shame. I dont blame her one bit for leaving if this is true
  17. I can think she has duck lips and be a great actress. And i do think shes fantastic. I also think shes really beautiful. I just think she could lay off of the lip fillers that it looks like she has. She doesnt need them.
  18. I think Alison did kill herself. It fits for her. Its real. People with plenty to live dor kill themselves all of the time. I loved how Noah described Cole as Mopey....well so was Alison.
  19. I bet a picture of her lips was the main pic that Cole was going to use to identify her
  20. Some of what she described went on in my "good" school. We had one male gym teacher who creeped us girls out. We never trusted him. and lots of girls had horrible stories abuut him. His wife was also a teacher and the nicest woman. A couple of years after I got out of school he had an affair. He then sliced his wife up with an exacto knife and beat ger. She lingered for a few hours and then died. He's now serving life in prison in MA.
  21. I did. He's still proud of it. i sort of want to hurt him
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