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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I actually just finished 2 classes on Islamic History. Islam was founded in the early 600!s and experienced rapid expansion in the 7th century . But Islam built onn both Jewish and Christian scriptures. It views Jewish and Christian prophets as prophets of Islam. this included Jesus Mohammad is said to be the last prophet and the Quran is the perfected scripture. This is why Islam recognizes Jews and Christians as people of the book. And yes,they view Muslims as descendants of Ismail but the religion did not exist until Mohammad received his revelation the Quran. The reason Islam is divided into Sunni and Shi’a is becaus both groups disagree on how the Caliph, the heir to Mohammad, is to be picked . Jerusalem is holy to Muslims as it is said to be the place where the Prophet Mohammad ascended to heaven
  2. The Bible mentions Muslims? Or am I misreading, because Christianity came before Islam . I get the feeling I'm just misreading what you mean here.
  3. Arab does not equal Muslim. I wonder if they were really wearing burqas or if the Duggars associate all middle eastern clothing as burqas?
  4. I love Italy, but Milan is my least favorite major city in Europe. I didnt go where they went.
  5. I have a photo of myself, minutes after my sons birth . I have a full face of makeup.. That said my labor was like 1 hour long
  6. Finally , in the last episode of the season, I realized who Evelyn reminds me of. Nancy Kerrigan
  7. Peter said it that way on Family Guy and if my sons are trying to be funny they will pronounce it like that.
  8. I've been to Norway a few times in the last few years. They do yoga there. Any sort of physical fitness is big. In fact one of my favorite signs in Norway is for a gym. IT says, "Feeling fat and Ugly? Just be Ugly" Golds gym or whatever
  9. I cant stand Lagertha and have wanted her dead for a couple of seasons now. She can just go.
  10. See that's exactly what came to mind when she mentioned a snowy wedding.
  11. She's in Florida, not Westeros,lol
  12. yeah, Morocco is not Saudi Arabia. It's full of European tourists. People take day trips over from Spain regularly. Should could definitely do the tourist thing.
  13. Framingham has a really large Brazilian population. MA and RI also have very large Portuguese populations . 2 of my best friends growing up were born in Portugal. I lived in Nashua, one of the largest cities In Nh. Very little minority population. Manchester, the largest city in NH is 8 % Hispanic. They are the largest minority population. Claremont is more likely to have Hispanic residents than Black residents. I think southern NE an Northern NE are really really different. I think moving closer to Boston is a great idea
  14. Just realized who David Poor reminds me of. The goombas from the horrible Mario Brothers movie
  15. I guess nobody is racist now as nobody currently has slaves in the USA. I guess that also means that poor areas where people couldn't afford slaves would be less racist than richer areas where people could afford a lot of slaves.
  16. Having less slaves doesn't make you less racist. 1 in 7 new Yorkers was enslaved in 1776. Colonial populations of cities in New England in the 1600's often had more slaves than free people. The difference between the North and South was that the North was a society with slaves while the south was a slave society. It has nothing to do with levels of racism. The lovely Brown family of Brown University were slave traders and the number one financial activity" for Rhode Island from 1720 to 1807 was the slave trade. NH moved backwards and forwards regarding anti-slavery legislation and didn't officially ban it until 1857. Was the situation as bad as the south? No, It wasn't. But NH and NE in general isn't exactly a bastion of racial harmony. I think we were posting at the same time. I'm actually writing a paper right now on Abolition in the Caribbean and Latin America. I study Atlantic History which covers the slave trade A LOT.
  17. Yeah, I actually meant to respond to the post you responded too and just realized I only quoted yours. I'm going back and removing your quoted section
  18. I grew up in New England. RI, MA and Southern NH. Boston was the last major city in the USA to desegregate. It started in 74 and ended the year I graduated from High School ,1988. I spent my HS years in Southern NH. I spent years hanging out at my bet friends house with her parents. They treated me like their 4th child.. That is, until they saw me talking to a Black boy. I was never allowed in their home again. There was 1 black girl in my school. A lot of my friends parents would not not allow her to come to their house. I also remember a popular joke from when I lived there. The state motto was Live Free or Die.. The joke was, Live Free or Die... unless you are Black. There was plenty of racism in New England. It's not always so easy to see it when you are white though. I love New England and I will always be a New Englander in my heart, but racism exists everywhere in this country. Everywhere.
  19. Yes that's me. I just came back from a con In Ny. You can PM me if you want to go off topic
  20. Baptism , in the Catholic church doesn't bring or guarantee salvation. It is supposed to wash away Original SIn JFTR, I was raised a strict Catholic, converted to Judaism, but I am now an Atheist. I dont have a dog in this fight personally.
  21. And that is EXACTLY what confirmation is for Catholics
  22. I don't see the Appeal in those sorts of bachelorette parties , but then , I'm old. I don't think I would have been into it when younger.
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