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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. One of my closest friends had a preventative mastectomy around a month ago. While she didn't get a bunch of diamonds and such, but she did tell A LOT of people and regularly posts updates to facebook. Everyone handles things differently.
  2. Oh i'm friends with on of the guys from Ghost Hunters International...Paul Bradford. WE are so far off topic now unless can somehow tie this to Meghan's ghost seeing baby
  3. I'm worse..I did my own personal murder tour of LA back in the 90's. OJ's house, the Manson house before it was rebuilt etc.. Got my picture at the gate.. Went to El Coyote.
  4. I tend to go up and down by about 10 pounds. I travel a lot and gain weight when I do. I come home and eat carefully again. I eat red meat regularly. I think it's fine when you don't have tons of weight to lose and want to do so slowly
  5. So I watched the episode again because I'm on break from school and bored and In have to agre on the leggings and heels. It looked terrible but I didn't think the sparkly eyes were too bad. I know what Shannon is thinking, that the skinny leggings and bulky clothes on top make her look thinner. It just didn't work
  6. Ahh, cool. I have all episodes on my DVR but I've been in London for 6 weeks and have not watched yet
  7. I don't know. Those republicans would eat this tree hugging liberal alive. I will say that if you are going to wear glittery eye shadow , you have to keep the rest of the makeup pretty low key.
  8. I'm 47 and you will pry my sparkly shadow out of my cold dead hands. Stila magnificent metals is the best
  9. One of my closest friends had a double mastectomy 3 weeks ago today. She did not have cancer, however her mother died of Cancer, her sister currently has cancer and she has the gene. She had a greater than 60% chance of cancer and it's now less than 2 percent. She also got reconstruction with smaller breasts, something she already wanted. The NHS paid for all of it too. She is so relieved and happy and is recovering well. I think that was brave.
  10. God is incapable of being around sin? I guess their god is not omnipotent
  11. I was a woman and I was positive.They had no clue what to do with me.. Back then it was pretty simple. 2 tcells counts under 300 and you could be discharged. They told me flat out, take the retirement just in case the rules change, So I took it. If your tcells were over 300 you could stay in but had to serve stateside only. I wish sometimes that I had stayed in. It's 27 years later and I'm still around. I think I'm only alive and healthy because of the excellent care I am able to get via Champus and then tricare. Ryan has a back injury. They may want him at a less physically taxing job. He can most likely do that. A discharge may be wishful thinking. He may have to wait it out and hope for a transfer back to CA. I still don't think he's out, so it's becoming clear that they don't want to let him go Or they have been using this as an excuse for why he's not around anymore
  12. Ah, well yes, agreed.I think we are stuck on semantics. All branches will try that. You're not really "in" the process of a discharge if they are trying to change your MOS though . I mean they invested money in you so they want to keep you if they can. I feel like that may be what the Marines are doing with Ryan.. He wants out on a medical discharge but the Marines don't want to let him go. With me... Trust me, they wanted me out. I was HIV positive and it was 1990. There was no possibility they would change my MOS. I went right to the formal discharge process. Sounds like Ryan did not. I think it was you who made the first response saying that maybe they didn't want to discharge him. That may well be true. Re PTSD. The military side seems pretty quick to recognize, rate and discharge for it. It's the VA side where it gets hard. I know more than a few people who the VA said, Nope, No PTSD for you. The VA seems to have a higher burden of proof. I think that's because a VA check is MUCH bigger than a military retirement check. They also have far less staff to process things than the military itself. I think Ryan may be stuck
  13. OK, I don't mean to be pedantic, but 2 different things are being talked about here, one is a medical discharge/military retirement, the other is the VA disability process. I'm not saying you are intertwining them , just that I think people are. The military either retires you or not. If they do. you are entitled to full retirement pay and benefits.. If they rate you unable to work but not totally disabled they place you on TDRL...Temporary retirement and then reevaluate in a couple of years. Pay is dependent on rank and rate when you retire. Getting a medical discharge would keep Ryan attached to his command for the whole process, while the VA would not. This makes sense with Briana saying he is stuck there in OK. You can also receive a medical discharge but not be retired.Those people usually get severance pay but not a monthly check The VA system always gives you ratings by disability. I know a lot of people who get completely denied for PTSD. That one is hard to prove and the VA loves to tell people that they already had mental problems before they joined. You can be rated anywhere from 20% to 100 %..You can be at 40% for PTSD and 20 for an injured back. The VA system take forever. The VA system has nothing at all to do with your command. The military doesn't process VA claims, the VA does. Ryan can live anywhere he wants while the VA decides his rating. I waited a year and my initial rate was 20% . When I was bumped up to 100% in 2003 that review took more than a year. I retired in March of 91. I didn't get a penny from the VA for years. Generally the only thing your command will do regarding the VA is tell you to file, they might refer you to someone who can help. Also the 2 things don't coincide. You can be retired from the military and not get VA disability, and you can get VA disability without being retired. Also Service Connected disability means you got sick or injured while on active duty. It does not have to be combat related. Cancer, AIDS, Heart Disease can all be Service Connected Disabilities if you are diagnosed while on active duty Ryan will likely be long done with the retirement process before he gets his VA rating . He can sit in OC during the entire VA process. The 2 are not connected. I've never heard of a medical retirement process taking years..The VA sure, all the time. They are notoriously slow. And while my experiences are old, I know many who have gone through both processes recently, and my son just got his discharge after 6 year of service. Coming back to add, while the process of medical discharge is ongoing, usually one is placed on light duty the whole time. I didn't work at all my last couple of months, just sat at home waiting for the process to end.
  14. It will depend on if he just retires, or if he also rates as disabled by the VA. With a wife and 2 kids if he rates 100% disabled he will get around $ 3400. I know because I'm medically retired and rate 100% disabled. They should process his retirement and get the ball rolling with the VA at the same time. They are 2 separate systems though. He can get separate ratings for each service connected disability
  15. Did he have back surgery? I should qualify that disabled is the wrong term. Medically retired does not necessarily mean disabled
  16. I got a medical discharge from the Marines in 1991. The process started in October and I was discharged March 8th. Mine was pretty cut and dried though. Maybe they have been arguing about whether or not he is disabled
  17. Congrats to Ofderrick. I hope the baby is actually OK.
  18. Derricks twitter says Papa of of Israel David and Samuel Scott. Has it always said that?
  19. Sound like a pretty serious surgery to be put on a vent.
  20. I was confirmed in 9th grade and I still couldn't really answer for myself. I did it because I had no choice in my family. I didn't mean a word of it. I think it should come when one is an adult. I never believed in hell at all and it's not really a Jewish Concept either.
  21. I'm sorry, but it's a screwed up religion to believe that 13 yo kids will burn in hell for not believing in your brand of god. I just don't understand what the Duggars find good in the god they believe in.
  22. That mustard cardi that Ofderrick wears, I think I had the same one in 1991. I bought it at Merry-Go-Round and wore it with my Z Cavariccis.
  23. I live in Orlando and wear leggings all the time in the summer. I also wear jeans. I never, ever wear shorts. I'm not into modest dressing either I had to edit to say, yup, here in orlando lots of places seem to set their AC to arctic to combat the heat, so I am often cold indoors. Its especially bad in restaurants
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