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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. Alex was my pick from day 1 so I am happy. And he was so humble when he won. I may have had a tear or two
  2. Clint is a “ginger”? He has brown hair and pink skin…he has freckles but that could be sun damage from all the sailing. I’ve watched this on a couple different tv sets and I do not see red hair at all. Is Gina on the show solely to promote her salon? Airris is dead behind the eyes and so immature. He’s in his late 30s but never been in love and all about hooking up. Dom…I started out liking her, but something is rubbing me the wrong way. She’s young and seems rigid, her way or the Highway. Maybe I’m just too negative lol.
  3. I kind of love Chris. Tammy is not making strides on her weight loss. She’s not “back on track”. I wish I felt more empathy for her than I do.
  4. Those high pitched bugs? In the background are hurting my ears. I think Dominique is SO pretty.
  5. I’m sorry. Tammy is so petulant, mean, bratty. I can’t stand her. The snotty looks on her face. Ugh. I just can’t.
  6. My mom smoked while pregnant with my brother, my sister, and me. Also drank. How times and medicine have changed!
  7. This is the first final 4 (5 actually) where I don’t dislike anyone. To me, Alex is a clear winner but from what I hear about the winning position from past contestants, I’m not sure he would fit well with that. He and Summer are my final 2.
  8. I hope Alex wins it. He’s my favorite.
  9. Jasmine’s sister (?) her poor eyes were so red, I couldn’t even look at her without my own eyes tearing up. I swear, I read these threads and don’t know who you all are talking about (I am terrible with names). Who is Kirsten?
  10. Abby is a liar, pants on fire. She totally planned to run off to the US.
  11. Sandy is as frustrating and blind as ever with her acceptance of Camille. So far. Question. The Brit chick with the red hair. Is she deck? Stew? I don’t really remember ever seeing her on either.
  12. Ed is repugnant. A whiner, that Weasley little voice. Talking over everyone, proclaiming Liz to be “performing “. He’s just like my narcissistic ex. Exactly. Liz is broken and will be like me….staying until we have to flee in the middle of the night and look over our shoulders for years. I HATE Ed.
  13. Part of the voice synthesizer thing is mimicking accents and speech patterns.
  14. To me, the TikTok videos are creepy. They are very dark. I’m certain they are Jackie. She shut down “Sam’s” blog and is craving attention. A lot of what they say are old news anyway. And they use a different fake voice in each video. Dollars to donuts it’s not a “team”. It’s one sick person named Jackie.
  15. I say good for Janelle. I hope she is celebrating her new found life with a massage too! I can’t imagine begrudging her for this.
  16. Kody and Janelle were originally planning to get married on Meri’s birthday. Wayyyy before Robyn.
  17. It’s the Grangela show. Ugh. Her abusive tirades and ugly faces are my ex to the tee and I have to leave the room when she starts up. What a horrible human being. Andrei is definitely part of the problem and doesn’t think he is. Her family is equally awful though….for the show anyway. Who knows what’s true. Andrei sure loves to blame.
  18. Right? Conveniently, everything is Christine’s fault. Everything
  19. I feel like Jess’ food either isn’t mentioned much or perhaps isn’t as good? As other chefs on other BD shows. I don’t hear the raves like I do for, say, Rachel’s food. Head charter guest was typical loud crude American. (I’m American too and super aware of the stereotype while overseas) so I cringed. Add me to the group who thought this is BD ADVENTURE so we would see a lot more actual adventures.
  20. Valentine seems like a picky, particular man-child. He seems devoid of feelings or something. These people are so unlikeable!!!!!!
  21. Aryanna is another one with permanent anger. She’s ready to fight. Here we go with the tops vs bottoms again. They explained it enough last week.
  22. Amber is resenting him because he’s not legally able to work yet? WTF is he supposed to do? I hate her and her permanently angry face.
  23. Ooooh they had these in an airport I was in. They are great! I felt so good after that. Her face looks thinner. I can imagine she’s not needing to eat her feelings anymore, now that she separated from Kodouche.
  24. Mael looks so much like Freddie Mercury. I can’t Un-see it. Gurleen has a beautiful smile, but her negativity and rude tone in her voice bugs. Brian (?) took a U Turn when he found out Danna’s age. You could see it. None of us are guaranteed to be able to have kids. He just wants a hot 24 year old who will run his farm with him. How old is he? 45? I didn’t catch his age. So glad I’m married and not dating. I am 51, and the men my age all want hotties in their 20s and 30s.
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