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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. I’m questioning who he is altogether; I have no memory of him. 🤣
  2. I love ya’ll. 2 days later and we are still talking about this muffin thing 🤣
  3. Cal was right. 25 is too young. Dom is so immature. She’s like, so, like, sorry, like.
  4. Not weird to me. Salmon Benedict rocks. I feel her about the cravings though, I crave red meat like crazy sometimes and usually it’s because my iron is low.
  5. Ok everyone. Help me out here. This recorded as a new episode last night. But I saw it last week! Was there a first look or something that I didn’t realize I watched?
  6. I’m sad I missed the live chat. Syreeta is adorable and I hope she’s successful. I really liked her attitude.
  7. I was born in 1970 and got spanked. Slapped across the face a few times when I was particularly mean to a parent. Never hard enough to bruise or really hurt, and it was more the threat of it that was scary. Same with all my friends. I think it was just “done” that way in Eastern European American households then. Never had kids of my own but I wouldn’t spank or slap. But I would expect respect. Kody for sure is one who yells. And I am not surprised he would throw a kid around “to scare them.” I feel like there’s so much more to this and it’s similar to physical (not sexual) abuse allegations we hear from other FLDS cult survivors. Meri grew up in the lifestyle so probably had it happen to her. I am hoping this coming season exposes more of Kody ‘s anger and actions. The gloves need to be off.
  8. I think Fraser was in the wrong…he’d get spoken to by Sandy and then would immediately go carry the tale and vent to his stews. SO unprofessional. He should never have undermined the captain’s authority…remember this is in the world of yachts and boats where there’s a very clear hierarchy on purpose. Running around like a wounded little kid and telling anyone who will listen is NOT what a good manager or leader does. Ugh. It’s not high school, where mean girls carry tales. He has supposedly turned a new leaf so we will see.
  9. Clint uses all these big words to feel smart, but he uses a lot of them incorrectly. I still don’t see “ginger”. I see brown hair that’s bleached blonde from the sun, pink/fair skin, and freckles (sun damage). I don’t see red hair and neither does hubby. Producer shenanigans finding an apartment that only allows 2 dogs/pets.
  10. Dominique needs to get rid of the word “like”. She’s so immature and that makes her seem more so. ETA that Nicole was wonderful about the dog situation. I’m the one who would be sobbing uncontrollably about missing my own dog or cats, so I feel for Chris. Noooo Airris the idiot and Jasmine (?) with the like like like!
  11. The blindingly white bar-of-teeth, even Florian has them now. Some aesthetician somewhere in the USA is maintaining their lip injections. Their lips are close to bursting. I am sad that they have such body dysmorphia that they’ve gone this far down the road. I hope Darcey’s girls don’t grow up to be the same way.
  12. Gordon’s rocking a new hair color and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I too like the changes with the immunity pin.
  13. Alex was my pick from day 1 so I am happy. And he was so humble when he won. I may have had a tear or two
  14. Clint is a “ginger”? He has brown hair and pink skin…he has freckles but that could be sun damage from all the sailing. I’ve watched this on a couple different tv sets and I do not see red hair at all. Is Gina on the show solely to promote her salon? Airris is dead behind the eyes and so immature. He’s in his late 30s but never been in love and all about hooking up. Dom…I started out liking her, but something is rubbing me the wrong way. She’s young and seems rigid, her way or the Highway. Maybe I’m just too negative lol.
  15. I kind of love Chris. Tammy is not making strides on her weight loss. She’s not “back on track”. I wish I felt more empathy for her than I do.
  16. Those high pitched bugs? In the background are hurting my ears. I think Dominique is SO pretty.
  17. I’m sorry. Tammy is so petulant, mean, bratty. I can’t stand her. The snotty looks on her face. Ugh. I just can’t.
  18. My mom smoked while pregnant with my brother, my sister, and me. Also drank. How times and medicine have changed!
  19. This is the first final 4 (5 actually) where I don’t dislike anyone. To me, Alex is a clear winner but from what I hear about the winning position from past contestants, I’m not sure he would fit well with that. He and Summer are my final 2.
  20. I hope Alex wins it. He’s my favorite.
  21. Jasmine’s sister (?) her poor eyes were so red, I couldn’t even look at her without my own eyes tearing up. I swear, I read these threads and don’t know who you all are talking about (I am terrible with names). Who is Kirsten?
  22. Abby is a liar, pants on fire. She totally planned to run off to the US.
  23. Sandy is as frustrating and blind as ever with her acceptance of Camille. So far. Question. The Brit chick with the red hair. Is she deck? Stew? I don’t really remember ever seeing her on either.
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