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Everything posted by toodywoody

  1. I think Jaleesa should have went home. Yes Tom's looked childish, but every time they bake Jalessa's is messy or something goes wrong. Her cheesecake wasn't done this week.
  2. Someone remind me why EZ is mad at Pops. Bishop really fucked shit up and continues to be bitter. I had forgotten about the SOA being killed by accident. I don't care about Emily. The less of her the better. What's her name will show up just in time when Angel is happy. I hope Sally comes around and everyone loves on her. While I don't agree with what Taza did, it's still not cool to shun him since Bishop has done his own shit too. This season looks good.
  3. Rob Lowe is hot and all, but I'm sick of the Owen and TK hour. Stop it already. This is a damn show that has other people on it. And I'm sick to death of TK and Owen in peril or their love lives. I want more of the 911 calls and less of this crap.
  4. So Kail is turning into Farrah with not letting the crew into her, next she will have a portapotty for them. Like get real girl, you've been around these people for years. I just can't with her. She just thinks she's God's gift to MTV
  5. I'm going to defend the tomato soup in a cake. My mom got this recipe from my grandmother and makes a tomato soup cake. It ends up tasting like a spice cake but both used cream cheese iciing with it. I will have to ask my mom for the recipe to see what else is in it but it can work. Now Molly has always driven me nuts. I can't watch her cooking show and she pissed me off on one of the other baking championship shows. Her walking around all smiling makes me want to punch myself. No one walks around smiling all the time. What happened to the challenges being actual cakes that are taught or they know. Like the dome one that you put ice cream in the middle (that's the only one I can think of). Just more stuff like that. I'm just glad Romy knew what to do with the saukerkrat because he's my favorite.
  6. I see Kodick finally got around to seeing his grand baby, can't believe Robyn let him. And dude we see your hairline good here.
  7. I thought she had a tampon in her hand in the this picture.
  8. I'm so confused. First, I am not downplaying anybody's rape or will I ever but... Let me go clear my schedule so I can pencil in my assault. What in the actual fuck. So if this was a year ago, did she say anything until now? It's like she does the porn with James and then says it was rape. Is this another case of that? And it was filmed? Was she at the playboy mansion? I'm still so confused.
  9. https://heavy.com/entertainment/teen-mom/jenelle-evans-hair-loss-balding-2022/ So she has everything known to man and losing her hair now? That's a big forehead. Just cut yourself some bangs. That's a lot of hair loss in a short amount of time.
  10. It amazes me first of all, that this whole town could be built in such a short amount of time. Second, the number of people that followed this dude. I can get why Sheela was worn out and she left. He used her. She made this town, while he just sat back and basically did nothing. Yes, she was a maniac. But if she hadn't of found the land and gotten the people and been the driving force to get the people to work. And to be so brainwashed by this creep, like Manson and Jim Jones and David Koresh, there is usually a breaking point and usually it comes when someone 'gets replaced' or the main principles change. I find it entirely funny that he claims he didn't know. Yeah bro, because everyone was doing shit for you and they left you and you were afraid they were going to rat you out. So you found your voice again and ratted them out first. He was perfectly fine with her doing all his shit for him. Yes what they did was wrong but you cannot tell me that he didn't hear shit about what was going on. He just spoke because he wanted the blame to fall on them and not him. That's what people do, they save their own ass.
  11. Is no one watching this? I'm sorry but Randy looks bad. I don't know if it's the big glasses or he really looks bad.
  12. I just hope the people who went to New Eden flourish and fix things and lead a good life. I was glad LJ finally got hers. So what did Melanie see and who is behind it. Will we get just Snowpiercer stuff next season or will we see what's going on with New Eden?
  13. I didn't like Anthony in the first season, but good Lord the man is hot. I love that they had both been taking care of their family for so long that neither believed they deserved love. I loved it.
  14. I agree. Use her mini train to scope it out and do more testing. So LJ is in with Wilford. Great, but Melanie should have known he was up to something and made sure her friends were ok before pulling the shit she just did. So Wolford murdering people is ok with his people. And what side is Aubrey going to be on. Was anyone else scared for Till when she was alone with Aubrey, like LJ was gonna pop up and stab her or Aubrey was going to do it? I just think Melanie should have made sure her group was somewhere else before she announced that shit and like they can't back up. I thought they did in a previous season
  15. Wow, it truly was a good Ole boys club. I'm glad Miki and the others found each other and have given the few who participated a platform. I feel bad for Dorothy, who was nothing but a piece of meat to both Hef and her ex-husband. And here she was brutally murdered and Hef didn't give two shits since he had used her up. What a giant asshole.
  16. I'm sick of Athena going into places by herself. Wait for back up. I swear.
  17. Why wasn't Christian disqualified. The one guy was disqualified 2 weeks ago because something didn't make it onto his plate. I call complete bs on Christian not being disqualified, they didn't even taste the other guys plate when he got disqualified
  18. I read something this weekend that she said she had als and was talking about ms and how she would rather have that. So which is it? Als or fibromyalgia?
  19. Exactly. Just let them go and watch them drop like flies for not saving and just spending all their money.
  20. Who was Widow Dr hiding in the back, her husband or someone else?
  21. Dude, I was wondering why he looked so familiar. And I remember The Swan. I don't understand why all shows seem to think that every woman needs to be a size 0, wear heels, bleach her hair, no body hair, and dress in miniskirts and that's what all men want. It is a shame that we have shows like Teen Mom that they all have had plastic surgery and are barely 30. This episode makes me wonder how many of the women went missing because they were either given too many drugs or just down right killed for the thrills of old creepy dudes. How do these women like Paulina, just disappear and no one knows a damn thing.
  22. Did anyone watch the friends of R Kelly? They were saying he was creeping around his old school where he sang choir and was picking up on teenagers all the way back then. And then I saw on here how Cuomo is suing CNN for letting him go. Dude you were just as bad as your brother. He's suing for 125 million. So did Matt Lauer do the same to NBC? How can Cuomo win that? And if a judge does grant that, oh man.
  23. Weird question to bring up, but what happened to all those sex tapes? Did Kimberly know about them and get rid of them? Did someone else? Were they still there when he died? We heard about the photos being destroyed, but what about the tapes? Hef catered to the rich and famous to be part of the crowd and be accepted. He had the women and the house secluded and all the toys and shit for the abuse to go on. Such a shame that the cleaners went in and cleaned up after the suicide. All of these years with Hef, Cosby, Weinstein and all the others. They all have gotten away with it and just kept getting away with it and all covered for each other. All the women were just disposable and more brought into this man's world. Such a damn shame.
  24. https://www.tvseasonspoilers.com/news/sister-wives-kodys-mother-genielle-thinks-hes-garbage-man-child/ so even his mom is a traitor. He just thinks that anyone that doesn't agree with him and what he does is a traitor.
  25. I'm happy with who won. Especially since they were the first older team to win. I'm glad my show is back and I loved them panning out to the photographers. I loved this season, it might not have been what it was in the past and it might never be again, but I am glad it's still on.
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