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Everything posted by toodywoody

  1. Great season. I still love this show and am glad it made it through the pandemic. Tonight was back and forth. All 3 teams were great and great with whoever they ran the race with. All 3 teams also were saying things about all the other racers and I hope they all stay in touch with each other. It didn't matter to me who won, they all ran a good race. So happy for my favorite show but don't want to wait so long for it to come back
  2. So the kids that Christine raised are never suppose to see her ever? Like she is coming there when she didn't have to. This guy is so wrapped up in his betrayal bs and hate for Christine that he just is about to stroke himself out. I just love how no one has anything to say in front of him. Like where was everyone suppose to stay, in the woods behind his house? I'm even talking the boys. Like a vacation rental makes sense. Why is he making a big deal about it? Because Christine will be there? What is she suppose to never come to Flagstaff ever again? He just makes no gd sense. He should say, that's great that she's coming and bringing the kids and that the kids are going to see her. I'm glad the kids have a relationship with her since she brought them up. Betrayal, Betrayal, Betrayal. Everything is a fucking Betrayal to him. None of it is. So calm down Kidney before you blow a gasket and fry your hair and your remaining kidney.
  3. I wish someone would ask Gwen about it. Was it just stuff any blended families deal with? I don't come from a blended family but my entire family talks smack to each other. My mom has since become sensitive to it and says we have always made fun of her. We make fun of everyone in the family. There isn't as many of us, but I could see the kids just trying to be a certain way and it taken badly by Robyn's kids because they hadn't been around the others. And is this the reason Robyn didn't want anyone but a nanny taking care of her kids and that she's kept her kids purposely apart of the others? That's why I was asking, if it was maybe the kids making fun or were they really bullying? I'd love to know what Gwen thought or has she already mentioned it on whatever that site is?
  4. What exactly were the kids doing that they were bullying Robyn's kids?
  5. This right here. Or the person that claims they are so busy and tells everyone about how busy they are at work, but is always seen standing around doing nothing.
  6. That's what I was thinking. If this had been his first temper tantrum they would truly be like whoa. But poor Robyn over there with her quivering eyebrow. Whose RV is that in the background? I am glad Jenelle told him that they didn't get his rules until 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. I just love how he rewrites shit to suit himself. Libby, you are right about Robyn. That's some major bs. She can't handle a damn thing.
  7. I don't understand her, I'm here but I don't want these relationships. Or whatever exactly she said. Jenelle if you don't want these relationships with these people, that's called you need to leave. And why couldn't Kidney communicate this to Christine. I'm not saying it would have mattered, but if he had fucking listened when people were telling him she was thinking of leaving then maybe.... And then him saying they are one family and not multiple families is on him. He is the one that says Jenelle's kids, Christine's kids, etc. And does Kidney think that the marriages are suppose to survive without love, affection, attention and respect for the other person? He is only saying this shit now because someone actually called him on his shit and fucking left. He never wanted to put in the work. Did he ever go to the mall with the other three? Did he ever sit there and throw a fit about them? Was he ever upset about the others? He just needs to let these women go and let them go live their lives. Quit the shit and have some fucking respect for them and let them go live their lives with or without a man. I know that's not going to happen, but it's just bullshit
  8. So on the preview, Kidney is acting like a lunatic and the other 2 just sit there. When he says he needs back up, they just sit there. Oh Mr I'm taking all the blame, well you are all the kids father and is the only dude married and at one time sleeping with 4 women, so yeah it is all on you dude. You reap what you sow. Then Jenell walking away and him threatening her. I would have turned around and said you're gonna what? Please enlighten me on what you're going to do? Help me find a house? Help me build on CP? Talk to your kids? Why is it a bad idea? I'm a grown ass woman and I'm not going to sit her and take your gd shit another minute while you and your wives think up more ways to take money put of my pocket, so fuck off Kidney. I know she won't but this guy just needs to zip it.
  9. I'm surprised he can even go out in public now without people egging him right in his pissed off head with gloves on and his stupid ass visor
  10. Kidney saying about the wife and husband should go see the kids together is bs and nothing but a way to control Jenelle. First off he should be making plans to see all his kids, pre covid, during covid and now. Since the other 3 wives were made to deal with their households and kids throughout the years and Robyn knew what family she was getting into, then her nanny having ass should be just fine without him there to go see his other kids. But that's the way she controls him. She wants to sit there and say how she cares so much for this family when that's bullshit. Why were the other wives allowed to handle their own shit and Robyn can't and Robyn's kids can't. Those two youngest should be taught that Dad has other kids he needs to go see and spend time with. And how many days does Kidney spend away when he goes to sell guns? I think it's all crap and it's something Kidney let happen. So he needs to own up to his own shit relationships with his other kids.
  11. Poor Gabe. Kidney carrying on and on about his kids being turned against him by their mothers, when he does shit like he did to Gabe. He deserves to be treated like trash from his kids. I'm glad the older kids all seem to get along except for a few and even those have the others supporting them. That's a win for me. These kids have been raised by their real parents, Jenelle and Christine. And they seem to know that.
  12. Kayce and Monica laughing was great. Watching Rip's face was funny because he was the only one concerned. I don't want to see what happens next week. Jamie is an idiot. Some random chick who happens to be employed by ME is jumping your bones and you don't think she's still up to something?
  13. So Hen's son, just goes off on his bike and peddles over to his Dad's house which is 2 blocks over? LA is huge, there is no way he would live just so close that the kid could bicycle without anyone knowing he's been going somewhere. Not to mention, he's going somewhere without telling anyone and how things could happen. I agree that the mom is going to die in childbirth then Buck will have the kid or some crap. I just hope Bobby doesn't fall off the wagon with wherever this is going. When Chim took Maddie to the house, all I could think is asbestos since I bought an older house and yeah asbestos. Then the storyline made me think of some 'murder house' in LA that's sat empty for years but is currently being remodeled or for sale. I just read the article maybe a month ago.
  14. I don't know how the twins are going to survive the final leg with her knee being so bad.
  15. HOLY HELL!!! Kidney is so condescending in just how he talks. First he says about communication. Didn't he just let one wife go because he was told by people that she wasn't happy and he just never talked to her about it and then when they did, he tells her nope, no more sex for you and then has the audacity to be shocked she fucking left. Now he is wanting to work on his relationship with Jenelle and says all this shit about Precious and how she is so loyal to him. Bitch had three wives before Precious that were loyal. Then he says that she's been living as a single woman. Yes she has because you let her. There are 2 sides and he's let Jenelle all these years without a word about him not getting what he needed or wanted from Jenelle, so she thought he was fine with it. This mf is something else. Jenelle just needs to tell him to fuck off and have him buy her out of Coyote Pass. This mf wants nothing to do with any of them except his loyal Precious. And the silence means more than what he is saying when she asked if it was reversed. So much silence from him
  16. Number 1, no one is Robyn and he's the one bringing Robyn into it. That's between him and Jenelle and Robyn's name shouldn't be brought up to Jenelle. Like how the fuck would he like it if she was bringing up another man. Each wife is different and he needs to respect that and Jenelle is right, he is changing shit up on her now. What a damn douche. They put Robyn in the crosshairs, but there he was talking about her.
  17. Jc, these two are really over dramatic. Yes I am going to hell. If she was having trouble breathing then she shouldn't have been yacking to the camera out of fear of wheezing and not being able to breathe and that's not fun. Kidney saying he has it and what's the point of him going to the ER. Well the point is to not get everyone else sick, remember when he wouldn't let his kids hug his other kids. And as far as Robyn withering away, give me a break. Remember the protocols. I guess the nanny is taking care of the kids while he's out in the parking lot, looking like he needs to go to bed. Both of them sounded just fine and not like they were withering away. And what I mean by that is, if they couldn't breathe or needed oxygen or anything else, then they wouldn't be on camera. Then to interview the daughter to get more dramatic. Kidney just doesn't like anyone to go to the hospital and that's the bottom line. Because he equals it to dying. And he doesn't want anyone there because it's all out of his control. You would think from all their talking heads that it was something more than covid. Like calm down people go to the hospital all the time. And I'm in no way downplaying covid or anything else. I just think they are all being dramatic. I was thinking she was going to be looking and sounding worse than laying there sounding like herself, yes I know she's supposed to sound like herself. When I'm sick, I sound like an old man and when I'm sick and can't breathe, I sound absolutely horrid and don't want to talk much less have my mug on camera. And finally he just needs to quit pulling his hair back by his visor or his sunglasses because he really needs to shave his little thing of hair at the front. He looks fucking ridiculous.
  18. I loved how she says he's her best friend and some other shit and he can't say shit back to her and is at a lose for words and then is too busy wanting to eat before the food gets cold. Their communication sucks. Jenelle was talking and it's like he doesn't even know her and doesn't have anything to say so he'd rather sit there and eat. She's wanting to work on it and he's like I don't know. She better run because if my dude sat there and said that to me, I'd be waiter, get me a to go box because I'm done. They are at two different places in life. She's about to be an empty nester who wants to go travel and be with her adult kids and he still has obligations and a wife that he won't leave. So she's the other woman except he isn't sleeping with her. Like wake the fuck up Jenelle.
  19. I agree. I want Jenelle to get specific on the problems she has with Robyn. We know how Christine felt about Robyn. I want to now know what the deal is with Jenelle and Robyn, besides the obvious. We know what the deal was between Meri and Jenelle and Christine, now I want to know what Jenelle's issues are with Robyn. I think she keeps quiet on shit because of the way she's seen Kidney go after Christine all these years. I also think she bought the Lehi house because it was about the kids having a roof over their heads and it was for the whole family. She also believed this when they were in LV since they all lived right there together. Now on CP and Robyn's mansion, I think she thought she could put the RV out there while her house was built and then she could sell it or maybe one of her kids could use it. As far as giving Robyn money for her house, I think she just plain and simple got conned by Kidney. He fed her some bs and now she's seeing the chaos he creates and how it isn't about anyone but his family with Robyn. In the beginning she did it because she was doing it for family because Lehi, they still were a family.
  20. So let me get this straight..... Christine leaving is causing collateral damage for generations, even though all the older not Robyn kids are older and support her. The only 2 that are younger are Truly and Savannah. Soooooo...... When Robyn left her ex, it didn't cause the same generational collateral damage for 509 years? Maybe Robyn needs to turn that onto her dear sweet husband that she adores since he is the problem, he is the one that can't decide if he loved or didn't love one of his wives and said it for the whole world and his kids to hear. I don't hear Christine saying such shitty things.
  21. Him and his dumbass visor. Like he just got through golfing. So which is it Kidney? You weren't attracted to her and never loved her or that you loved her. No wonder she's left his dumbass. And how is it fair to everyone that they put in money for Robyn's house. Her money from her LV house should have went to it, just as Meri's money from her LV house should have went to Meri's house and so on and so forth. How is all that money even fair to spend on one wives house and only 5 kids? 3 of which need to be gone and out getting a husband and getting a job. And Kidney wonders why his other wives and kids think he plays favorites. Like this dude is the definition of a complete dumbass. And if the others put in money for her house, why have they had to refinance it, is it twice already? I know for taxes, but they should have used the money to pay the taxes and not CP. I'm glad the wives have stopped drinking the Kool-aid and woken up to his bs and favortism.
  22. Sooooo let me get this straight. Meri can say that she wants nothing to do with Christine because she isn't a sister wife anymore and Kidney can say he never wants to see Christine again, but Christine saying she needs some space from these mfs, has her being the bad guy. And Arimullet needs to just be a kid and stop the shit. It isn't cute and the greatest parents in the world should have shut that shit down instead of thinking everything she does is cute and holds the family together. Oh yeah, that's right Kidney thinks she so cute and he is so proud of her. Why, exactly? He does know how has other kids right? I cannot believe the impatience he was showing this episode or the bs of trying to paint himself the good guy that was the last to know that the wife he treated like dog shit was leaving. Would he want someone to treat his precious fucking Arimullet like that? I think the girls and their resting bitch face has been trained to be like that all along. They also looked like they couldn't get out of their fast enough since they don't even know these people. It was like when you sre forced as a teen to go spend time with the family on holidays and you want nothing to do with them and can't wait to leave. That's exactly how the girls were acting towards Christine. Christine's family is like distant cousins to them. They have barely seen them in 3 years and who knows when before Covid. I think Kidney and Arimullet need their pacifiers and a nap. And if Kidney wanted a better relationship with Jenelle, maybe not yelling at her boys, being an asshole and just taking time to go see her would have helped. But he needed to be doing all this long before now. Saying goes, once people get used to you not being around, they learn they can and will live without you. Too little too late jerkoff. Only reason he is saying that now, is because he really is losing his fucking mind because he has no relationships with anyone but one of his wives. What did he think would happen? He honestly thought these women would just sit there and take nothing from him and be happy. What a gd jerk.
  23. Soooooo now Kayce's vision said he couldn't have his cake and eat it too? So he's just going to sit around and be Monica's little bitch? I thought she had a job? And I'm not talking about this time off because of losing her baby. She needs something to do other than be up Kayce's asshole. Shouldn't John be governing the state? Are Rainwater and John going to team up? I can't believe Jamie falls for every fucking thing. Like you were raised around Beth, he should be suspicious of everyone. The wolf thing, has got to be going somewhere other than flashbacks and threats. And Beth, you can't smash bottles up against someone's head and not pay the price. Even though if someone was all up on my man I would probably lose my shit too especially having had some drinks.
  24. But according to Kidney she never cared about the family. But there she was, saying a goodbye to people she needed some space from. Meanwhile, Robyn's sullen little fucks, this is great btw whydoievencare, are over there being pissy because of something that was said to them. First off, Robyn and Kidney shouldn't have been saying shit to any of the kids. Be a fucking grown up and respect that Christine wants some space from the two big ass fakers that made it all about them and she needed space from over dramatic man child Kidney that can't act like an adult and had a hissy fit about how one of his 4 wives was treated so badly and how hurt he was. But he never loved her and didn't find her attractive and was just holding her hand out of duty. If I was even Robyn's kids and saw that, I would hate him. Number 1, these women would not want a former spouse of any of their children to be treated that way, much less a sister wife. I would hate to be any of Kidney's kids and to be watching how and what he said about Christine no matter what my relationship was with her. Because as a kid Or grown adult I would think, oh wow, what if he said that to my mom or my sisters. Does that make sense?
  25. A good leader of his family would calm his tits and nor be acting like a total shit head. For someone who can't wait to no longer see her ever again, he sure is obssessed with her. It's the case of you don't know what you have until it's gone and that someone dared to leave him. Someone dared to want more for themselves than to be treated like an afterthought and like your opinion and your feelings didn't matter. Yeah what a great leader. He needs to just go curl his hair and run back to his closet and pout there.
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