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Everything posted by toodywoody

  1. This dude, I swear. It's no wonder most of his older kids that have moved out hate his ass. They got around other people and gotten into relationships and seen how much of a c^nt he is. Yes I said it. As far as Christine giving him and Robyn money for them cosigning or helping with the down-payment (how could Robyn, she's never had a job and her Victoria Secrets account was probably in collections, so the only credit she has is that and the Vegas house, which is linked with him, so she can fuck off) it doesn't even matter to me. He was on the mortgage then off the mortgage to buy Robyn the biggest house because she needed a 5 million room castle. So how was that fair to the others. I can see now why Jenelle just spent 50k and got a rv because she didn't want him and Robyn hanging that over her head if they helped out in any way. And I love how Meri and Robyn have made Christine's leaving all about them. Goes to show if they were as great of a sister wives to her, they would have known how bad her marriage was. So they can both fuck off because of that but because one divorced her first husband and the other was about to when she thought Sam was a dude.
  2. So who did Nikki kill or fuck up? Was it her husband and he smacked her and she knocked his ass out. Was it the producer dude? Or was it Rosa's daughter, Castel (Queen of the South) I mean Cat, and Gigi were headed to her house. So was it one of them who she knocked out and are they going to come in or see through the windows what happened? My guess is it's the husband. Giving needs to get the fuck over herself. She didn't write the song and Dottie didn't give it only to her. I know she's trying to be a star, but go record another song since she says her audience doesn't like the crap that Nikki sings and that song is what Nikki sings.
  3. Dude Dom's sweaty face made me laugh again this week. When the switched over to them talking at the end last week, I almost fell out of my chair. It looked like the movie Airplane and when he was dripping buckets of sweat. Sorry I had to mention it tonight but I thought of it again watching tonight's episode. Because I was like holy crap, that's a lot of sweat or she poured water over her face, but who would do that right before their interview without wiping their face?
  4. Puppies, camel, Petra, train, reacting a scene from a movie and a puzzle. The heat would be absolutely draining. I was happy for Linton and glad his daughter was actually happier this episode. Was happy the order got all mixed up. Phil is amazing and the one man who was giving out the first clues was great.
  5. Am I the only one that saw Dom's sweaty face last time and immediately thought of the movie Airplane and other movies where they are pouring down buckets of sweat? I forgot to mention it last week. Because when they went to show their confessional at the end I busted out laughing because that's what it looked like. I love this show and love Phil and he is so much better than Probst.
  6. That was one of my favorite episodes when they found the weed. As another silent kid, some kids don't want to be called on not because they do or don't know the answer but being in the spotlight stresses them out. Teachers need to realize not all kids are the same. I hated when my daughter was in school and wasn't reading at the same level as Becky or Darlene and was put into reading classes. They had wanted all the kids to read so many words in whatever time and those kids got prizes but didn't have a clue what they read, where as my daughter who was reading slower knew what she read. Teacher i know have to maks sure that the kids are passing the tests that they test for every other year but teachers need to understand not all kids learn or read at the same levels. It doesn't make a kid smarter or dumber than the others, just each one is different, not all kids are talkers either. But encouraging kids to not speak up is bs. Some kids get bored because they do know things the other kids don't. Jackie was right in saying that Beverly Rose needs to find out who she is and be hee own person and no teacher should be putting that light out. Maybe call on each kid and then if they don't know the answer you call on another. Some kids aren't comfortable talking in front of people and others are. Every kid is different
  7. This just goes to show you, that she really loved and paid attention to him and who he was and what makes him tick. He never paid attention to who she was or what she was made of and what makes her tick. She was just a baby maker and his ticket to his planet. Such a shame. I know they all sign up for this, but it's such a shame for all the women in this religion that are brain washed to think that this is how life is. No love and just baby makers.
  8. Not to mention, if this family hadn't of come across Robyn, the oldest would probably be married off to some old crust, not to mention the next one would have been married off very soon. So these two girls need to quit being so damn snotty about other people's positions in life. And it seems to me that maybe that's the reason why Robyn's kids don't mesh with the real Brown kids because they have come off as that way to others. Meaning, that the clique that all of Jenelle snd Christine's kids have been accused of being was the other way around.
  9. Someone should have snotted back to the turds that at least the RV is paid for and not occupied by 2 turds that should already be out from under their mommas tits according to how Kodouche wants all the other kids out when they are 18. Or how all the older not snotty kids helped with the other kids and their moms didn't need a freaking nanny to take care of the youngins. What a bunch of snotty kids. Like really?
  10. Can someone tell me what Robyn's girls said about the RV?
  11. And here I was Routing for them. I liked them both, mean Linton and Sharik. I still like him but now think she's just going to make excuses about everything and if she is neurodivergent, why do this race? So which is it? You're neurodivergent, have anxiety, your arms hurt or are you tired? My point I'm trying to make is if you have anxiety, which I do, I just suck it up and do whatever it is that needs to get done to get it over with, then I realize it wasn't that bad. I get anxiety over being around new people and new things. This show is around people you don't know and you're doing things you never have and most likely never will. So why go on this show knowing you're going to freak out? Which to me wasn't even a freak out. It was being a big baby and whiner and just wanting to quit because things didn't go your way. It still baffles me that people who send in their application to do this show still don't know how to drive a stick, are in relatively good shape (or at least if you are thinking about go get into shape), know how to read a map, and know how to swim.
  12. She really pissed me off when he's trying to drive and she couldn't even tell him where to go. Was she just along for the ride? Give him some directions, you're a team. It isn't all on his shoulders Ms. Positivity. Then she gets to the sculpture and says this isn't my thing. It wasn't anyone's. I could not believe she wanted to take the penalty and not even try. Wow! And this coming from a motivational speaker. Are you kidding me? Then the daughter just giving up. I understand she was tired and I've really liked them. I understand she has anxiety but she was actually her own worse enemy with wanting to quit and wanting to go home. Yes, she was tired, I get it. But come on. Between her and Dom, and Dom's crying, omg.
  13. This is so sad. I know that Sean fishes all year long and does other things besides crab. I wonder if anyone else does also?
  14. I'm so sick of Garrett and his bs. I don't care about his ex and her story or him getting on her case. I just want the dude to go the fuck away. He thinks he is such this great guy and he's just as much of a fuck up as the people he is investigating. And I just know Lost dude is gonna fuck over Nadia somehow.
  15. I love John and am so glad he's back. The cookie challenge is pissing me off. Jet is ok but the other chick does not have any comic timing. I can't even remember what gag they did but she said the line and it was lame. Meanwhile John is over there scratching his back with the arm and throwing it into the fireplace and I'm giggling. John is just funny to me.
  16. I agree. If they had stuck to the one case per season, I would have watched. And like you said the friendship was worth watching and the blended family was interesting. Those two things made it seem like real life. I wish network's would give shows more of a chance before deciding to cancel or not renew it. Then they put on more shows that are crap and then wonder why they don't have the viewers that they do.
  17. My daughter and I were pissed. It was getting so good and then we were left hanging. And Jeffrey Dean Morgan in it!!!!
  18. My picks of shows I loved that got cancelled Magic City, I was pissed when Starz didn't renew it. It was getting so good. Invasion, it was slow to really start making sense but at the end it had me hooked. Rebel, I wanted this to get renewed because I love Andy Garcia. But I thought it deserved another sesson. Kindred, vampire show way before Twilight. Plus it had a bunch of hotties on it. My So Called Life, I wanted another couple seasons just to see her dump Jordan since he was such a douche. And wanted more drama from her best friends.
  19. Did anyone watch The Dissapperance of Cari Farver? Holy smokes some people are nuts and over a dude that told her he didn't want anything serious. Chick was legit nuts.
  20. I'm loving the front door of the house. Why didn't the son think back on his mom telling him that she is leaving him her shares and question that. Wouldn't that have been a giveaway that she intended to do something? I think the girls instead of competing against each other, would be better as a duo. Was that really Shania? And damn was Dottie a piece of work to her kids and her sister.
  21. I love having TAR back. I love the shake up of the placements. The Brothers. Great job. The Husband and Wife, did fantastic. The Dad and daughter, amazing. The rest amazed me at not losing their shit. I'm liking this season so far. I think last season with the 2nd chances that kept going to the same team is what made them think to not do any of the non elimination legs. I'm waiting on fatigue to start showing in some of the teams, that always makes it interesting. While I am glad self driving is back and my show is back. I do miss the airport drama and hope for it to return, maybe someday. I wish that it would be like the earlier TARs, but I understand we live in a different world now. I'm just so happy to have TAR back, it has always been my top reality show.
  22. So if Mykelti was taking care of Robyn's kids then why did Christine need go take care of them? And why was Kodouche saying that Jenelle and Christine's kids were a clique if Mykelti obviously wasn't part of that. Probably because the clique comment came from Robyn and Probably because Kodouche didn't have a clue what was going on or who was taking care of Robyn's kids. I still don't understand why she needed ho with her own older kids.i know she is lazy but come on, she has never worked at all and should be able to take care of her own kids and since they weren't babies when she had the other 2, she still didn't need the help that she has always had. So we know what the nanny is doing, the question is what does Robyn do and what has she been doing while all the other wives clearly did more than she ever did.
  23. I truly felt bad for Jackie and glad she said something. How are they going to explain away DJ not being there? Wife stationed overseas? While I love the family just tearing each other apart, I want to see them all happy. They all love each other, but it is nice to see the adults finally getting a happy ending. I read that this is the last season. Is that correct?
  24. Yes, I was laughing. It's always been my understanding that when a person has to tell you how good of a person, wife, father, worker, sexual partner or anything else then they aren't. People who are all those, don't have to say it over and over for people to believe it.
  25. Did anyone see Paedons TikTok? The shade was great.
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