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Everything posted by toodywoody

  1. I don't even care if he is 'acting'. The shit is out there for all your kids to see and see what he is saying about their mothers. And just like Heather B from Real World said........ He is an asshat and I him and Robyn deserve the shit they are getting.
  2. Are you kidding me? She's over budget and spent that much in counters because she had limited choices? I find that hard to believe. There are plenty of choices, just not the that expensive kind. Sounds to me all she wanted were the expensive choices and didn't consider something else. Then she's been bitching about building this house and is saying she's going to build another. She really needs to cut the shit. There is no reason to keep buying and selling her houses because nothing is ever going to make her happy because she thinks material things are the way to happiness. Quit moving your kids from house to house, you are no better than your own mom, you just have money and don't drink.
  3. https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2021/12/jenelle-evans-i-have-a-tumor-please-pray-for-me/
  4. I'm sick of Jamie's baby momma and his real dad. Can we stop seeing all about Jimmy. Beth and the protesters, I want it to work, but I know it won't. Monica's pregnant, great. I just love how Kayce doesn't have anything else to do but be at the house with them.
  5. I wish all my college booms matched and I could read Danielle Steel. And matched my bookend and bookshelf. What class would you read these in? I'm 'steel' laughing at the Danielle Steel book.
  6. Good move Beth, giving the protestor to protest the airport and other things. Nice to see Jimmy not pinning over Mia. Nice gesture from Lloyd. Love Teeter being back and hugging Rip. Oh Jamie, you and your real daddy may think you can take on John, but you forgot one thing, the man you gave immunity to.
  7. Thanks for this. I'm super excited to have TAR back. I've been a fan since season 1. I know this will look different but I'm just excited that it is back and continuing. I'm glad they found a way to make it work.
  8. I thought John had found out Roake was the one that had the old dude and his son starting shit last season.
  9. I've never understood the reasoning behind expensive appliances. Especially 12 grand. And to top it off why, she isn't a chef. She has never spent her time cooking gourmet meals for her kids. A cheaper appliance would work just fine for the amount it is going to be used. Makes me wonder how much she spent on everything else just to show off. You can still have a nice looking home without blowing money on expensive appliances, fixtures and other items. She's acting like she is a superstar that has unlimited funds. Or is sitting on trillions of dollars.
  10. After watching something on a woman who was raised as FLDS it made me think of the Duggars. Rape and molesting girls occurred all the time and the girls were told to stay sweet and had no say in anything and were considered property. If you tried to leave, they found you and many of the older woman knew these things were happening but would turn a blind eye and often beat the girls. In religions like that, the men can do no wrong and it's all the girls and women's faults if they get beat, raped, whatever, while nothing is done to the boys or men. Therefore with that kind of thinking, I can see where some of the Duggars thought nothing would happen to Josh because their beliefs are so out of whack. With the verdict, maybe some will open their eyes that this behavior is wrong and maybe they will start to think for themselves instead of believing in what and how they do.
  11. Shouldn't that say fighting with someone all the time? But I guess it is right, she is a fighter for life since she wants to fight everyone.
  12. Gary should have told her if it wasn't for his sperm she wouldn't have gotten pregnant. I'm sick of Amber walking off every freaking reunion show because she hears something she doesn't like. I'm also sick of her attacking Kristina. Just stop it already. Once again a prime example of why your daughter doesn't like you. And it seems funny if anyone is acting for the cameras, it is her. Didn't James' dad say something or was it Matt about how she would be all nice on camera and a total bitch off camera. Amber also claimed that someone else had their money because of her. Maybe it was true for that one, but Gary has been on since day 1 and like I said above, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant. So she needs to sit down and stop with the theatrics. But that's her problem, anyone associated with her, she thinks that she is the whole reason they have money coming in. She always wants to throw that up in everyone's face. It's no wonder she has no friends. Maybe her and Kail can hang out.
  13. I think Covid was just a convenient way for Douchey to not have to be around Christine, which he was already on the outs with. There was no reason for him to be such a flaming dickbag about the surgery and then to be such a dick when she stepped closer to him. Like this woman you shared a bed with and had kids with, there was no reason for him to talk to her like that.
  14. Jamie Jamie Jamie, your beloved dad, you don't know from Adam and he's playing you like a fiddle. So glad the girls are gone, but I'm bummed about Teeter, she didn't deserve it. Lloyd, my goodness, get your shit together. Yes, Walker's a dick and yes there were times I wanted to smack his guitar up too but damn. Poor RIP, he loves Lloyd and didn't want to do it but knew there was no other way. Carter, dream on, you will never be John. So what's up with the protestor, we're they the ones cutting the fence? I see something bad happening to Kayce and family with them being so far from anyone. Beth, if you and Jamie would team up, you two could and would be a force to be dealt with. Jamie is going to be puppeted by his dad and then he's going to have to kill him.
  15. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4093798/teen-mom-kailyn-lowry-admits-not-excited-delaware-home/?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=teenmom&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1637978869 Boo hoo. She didn't need another house. The one she is in now is perfectly fine. The one she moved out of to move into her old house was fine. Now she's over her loan amount. Is she stupid? There is no telling what this house is actually costing her and to have a loan on it, and there will be no way when the show ends that she will be able to afford it. She should have already been years paying on a house or paid it off completely by now. But she will be just starting to pay on it, her financial decisions are crap. All to show off.
  16. Can someone tell me what Gabe said in this episode?
  17. I recognized Uncle Bob's voice as soon as he started talking. Even said Uncle Bob all loud, dating myself from watching Urban Cowboy 50 times a year. Even though I love him, I can't with Jimmy and how the hell is he going to carry a show. Teeter could carry a show, hell even Colby.cpuld carry a show. Jimmy, no, why in the hell would they ever think he could?
  18. So Monica and Tate are magically cured after 4 days, kid needs therapy, someone not from rez or ranch. And she wants her own house off the reservation, where everyone can come get them without the help from the rez or the ranch. Jimmy's shit needs to get off my screen, even if uncle Bob is on it or not. Mia didn't like the ranch and is now all breaking bread with the entire bunkhouse and eating food provided by the ranch she loathed last season. All the women need to go. Monica and her bs two story house dreaming, Mia and her split personality, Laramie and her bare ass, protest girl and her protesting, Jamie's baby momma. The only people that can stay are Beth, Poltergeist voiced Sally Struthers and Teeter.
  19. Wonder what Randall is up to and if he called her or did she just so up? So is protest girl John's new love interest? I'm afraid of the previews next week because of what's going on with Lloyd. The girls really need to go. Them just hanging around watching the guys is just ridiculous. Go away and go do your rodeo bs.
  20. For me, she never puts in the work. She just says her behavior is because of xyz and that's how it is and deal with it and never comes across as sorry for anything because it's just because of xyz. I truly believe without all of her mental disorders she would still be a hideous person.
  21. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4110783/teen-mom-kailyn-lowry-chris-lopez-kids-right-feud/?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=teenmom&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1637446278-1 Good grief her makeup looks soooo bad. And for her to say just be good go my kids and I won't say anything. Yeah how did that work out for Lauren, she was constantly talking shit about her.
  22. Jimmy, Monica and Tate can stay gone forever and next Laramie and Mia can go. They serve no purpose at all. Jimmy and his sad face can go get his ass kicked in at 6666. And Monica just as well. Like come off of it, she's such a puss. But as soon as Kayce said he was taking her to her grandfather's her mood automatically picked right up. Was she a prisoner and could never leave? Does she not drive anymore? I get they are suffering from PTSD but she's such a puss. Like she should be a strong ass woman and should have been taking the kid to the Dr. Does she not realize that going to the reservation doesn't make that shit go away. I can't wait for Jaime to deal with his dad and turn around and fuck over the people on the airport and ski lodge. Him and Beth, if they would work together instead of against each other could fuck some people up. Lloyd get it together. So what if Laramie jumped on Walker, that's her decision. While I don't think they should be there at all, that was still her decision. Respect it and move on. Walker needs to cut the shit and quit goading Lloyd. Rip needs to quit preaching to the kid and restore order in bunkhouse by getting rid of the barrel racers. This is going to be interesting between Polgergeist voice and Beth.
  23. Why is she still not in uniform?. I don't care who she is, she should be in uniform like everyone else. And I still don't give two shits about her no matter how much they try to make her sympathetic.
  24. Holy shit. Not only does he look high but looks like he's been eating grass all day like The Lawnmower Man story by Stephen King. Yuck
  25. Ugh I can't stand Kayce's wife. She's just so weak. Have they both been locked up in the room the whole time? It's been months and he is right Tate needs to see a doctor and so does she. I guess she doesn't have the professor job anymore since she's been sitting in the room this whole time. Jimmy should have told Mia that he did pick her and that's why he is in the mess he's in. I think we all know who ordered the hit now but I'll wait for the reveal just in case I'm wrong. Lloyd is really mad at the wrong person. He needs to be mad at Laramie because she just put him out to pasture for Walker. Rip is right though. Rip was right about the kid too and I'm glad Beth saw it and told him he was right. Sooooo is no one noticing that Roake is gone, like the people he worked with? I'm not looking forward to old lady and her creepy voice. She sounds like the lady off Poltergeist so that's what I will be calling her.
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