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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. I have a story for everyone. A couple of years ago I went to see some Clive Owen movie (I cannot remember which one and I do not want to look it up). Anyway this lady sits next to me and throughout the entire movie she gave a running commentary to the guy sitting next to her about what was going on in the movie. Now had she be younger I would just pass it off as her trying to troll people but this lady had to be in her mid to late forties so I really could not understand why she was doing this. Finally I had had enough and I told her to shut up. She looked at me with a stunned look on her face and she said, "Why are you being rude to me? You are not supposed to tell a woman to shut up." My reply was, "Normally I would never speak to a woman like that but for the last half hour you have been giving a running play-by-play of the movie. I wasn't expecting to sit next to Howard Cosell. I can't even follow this movie because you are talking too much and in your normal voice. Lady I'm not being rude, you're the one being rude." She looked at me incredulously and said, "This is a free country and I am allowed to talk. If you don't like it then you can move your seat!" Other people started telling her to be quiet as well and she said to the guy she was sitting with, "I guess some people don't respect women. So I am going to be nice and not talk." I honestly thought I was being Punked or in an episode of the Twilight Zone. I have never come across someone like that in the movies before. I also have a friend who loves to talk during the movie and he gets really offended when I ignore him. I told him that unless it is an emergency, when we are at the movies I could care less what you have to say. Yeah they are trained to do that. I worked in a cinema, I never worked behind the stand I was an usher, but they are told to do so. From time to time a mystery shopper would come in and if the person behind the stand upsold they would get a fifty dollar bonus. So there was incentive to upsell at lest for the company that I worked for. I really wish there was an Alamo Drafthouse near me. That place sounds like a movie theater nirvana. I am so sick of going to a movie and seeing nothing but a sea of little white screens all over the place. I do not recall if I have ever been spoiled with a movie ending but the ending of the BBC show Ashes to Ashes was spoiled for me on the internet by a Brit who thought I would be funny to spoil it for us, and these where his words, Yanks. I was none to happy about that.
  2. BK1978

    S26: Caramoan

    I thought I would bring this over here from the other thread because this has more to do with this season. I remember on TWOP I was damn near crucified (Well saying that is a bit dramatic but people strongly disagreed with me.) when I said I disliked Brenda and thought she was a bully when she was on Nicaragua and that I enjoyed seeing what happened to her on this season. As you said I found her to be very much the mean girl during Nicaragua. She was basically a non-entity during this season and everyone was saying how she had changed but then came the FTC and she did the whole teeth thing and I felt justified for not liking her. Because when it comes to these shows I sometimes forget what exactly happened so I was thinking maybe Brenda was not that bad her first time around. But her petty reaction at FTC reminded me that she indeed the mean girl that I thought she was.
  3. Was Nany always this entitled? The whole know your role crap annoyed me. I mean yeah the A-Rod twins (Seriously those dudes look exactly like A-Rod. So much so that I never bothered to learn their names, I just call them the A-Rod twins) were annoying as all hell but I would probably be starting crap with her as well if she told me to know my role. That is the one thing I have always hated about this show is how much the veterans always seem to dominate. I was hoping for the Rookie uprising to succeeded. I was thinking the exact same thing, I mean Aneesa has to be my age or a little younger and there comes a time in ones life where they just have to grow up. She sort of reminds of this guy I used to work with when I was in my early-20's. He was in his early forties and he was still hanging out with people that I worked with who were my age at the time. He would go out to the bars with people who were twenty years younger than him and get drunk with them. He would then brag about it. He was also a father of three young kids and while most found this guy to be cool, I found him to be pretty pathetic. Abe's hate of Johnny is top notch. Oddly enough I was a fan of Johnny's during his initial Real World season but I loathe him now and I very much agree and approve of Abe's hatred of him. Yeah Sydney was horrible for women. I agree with everyone else the only one that was cool was Parisa. I still remember when they tried to/did spit on here (I cannot remember if they actually did spit on here or not because I only saw that season when it first aired.). That was so foul.
  4. I often wondered why it is called the Tyler Perry Idol. I mean the Idol rules for his Idol and the rules for the one that Yul won are the exact same. Why call it the Tyler Perry Idol when he did not really create it?
  5. This does not have anything to do with the episode but I saw in the previews that Aneesa is hooking up with a guy. I thought she said that she was a lesbian back when she was on her RW season. Granted my memory of that season (Which was the first RW season I ever watched all the way through) could be off because that season was so long ago.
  6. Same here. I am watching the current season and I have no clue who most of the new people are (Not the loved ones obviously). I hate that the AYTO are cast on this show because they really have nothing to do with the RW, RR, or previous Challenges. But I get why they are doing it, mainly because the RW seems to be on its last legs and so there are fewer and fewer people in the pool to pick from.
  7. There is a season 32 Spoiler thread so you might want to check there, which I will be doing as well because you bring up a good point and I honestly do not know the answer to your question. The only one I remember reading about was Caleb from Big Brother.
  8. I was just coming in to say that I think, barring something happening where they cannot take part, the will be back for another season. There has not been a truly annoying team (Besides the Twins and yes I am still bitter that one of them won Survivor) in some time on the show so Justin would fit that bill.
  9. I agree, I mean I am a fan of Coach but he does not belong there and there is no way Tyson should be there. After all he basically voted himself out so I cannot see how he could be in any kind of HOF. As much as I hate to say this, I would consider Rupert a HOF player mainly because he was such a focal point of season seven and All-Stars. That is probably enough for him to make it. Heck I would put him in there just for that shit shelter he built in All-Stars, I never laughed at the show more than that.
  10. Jeremy just comes across as very likable and maybe that is why he wins if he does indeed end up winning. I mean I agree with you he has not done much to pin his hat on but the guy is charming and sometimes that is enough.
  11. This is more of a general comment about the show but is it weird that I remember racers from earlier seasons and I cannot remember any racers from the more recent seasons? When I was watching the show on Friday I struggled to think who won last season and for the life of me I could not remember until I looked it up on the internet (I cannot believe I forgot Laura she was so hot...). The only people I remember from last season were Jackie and Jeff and that was because they were on last season of Big Brother.
  12. Honestly I never really doubted that they were in an alliance. Mainly because they seemed so close during their first season so I thought that might have carried over.
  13. I wish they would bring back the closing statements. To me it was a way for the castaways to deal with some of the bitter jury members after having the time to process what was said to them. I wanted to ask a question but I was not sure what thread it was supposed to go into. Was it ever said who got Mike's spot on this season? I know there was some speculation but is it a known answer or is it just pure speculation as to who it was that got his spot.
  14. I hate these stupid stunt seasons. Did they not learn last year when the whole dating season was a dud?
  15. I knew about Rock & Roll Jeopardy, but I did not know about this. That was a great find.
  16. I cannot remember the first Doctor I was exposed to. My father watched it and I would say either the fourth or fifth Doctor was the first one I saw on a regular basis. The only Doctors that I did not really enjoy watching all that much was the first and the sixth. I found a lot of the first Doctor's shows to be boring. As for the sixth, well I honestly cannot remember why I disliked him as it has been years since I watched any of his episodes but I do remember not liking his version. My favorite out of the original Doctors would probably be the second Doctor. Granted I did not much of the second Doctor but I enjoyed how he was a more comedic Doctor. I am probably one of the only people who actually enjoyed War Games (Yes there were episodes that did drag on in the middle).
  17. Count me in on not really caring that Clara died. Though I have to admit I had no idea that she was leaving during this episode. I thought I read that they were getting rid of her during the Christmas episode. I did not realize that so many fans disliked Clara (Granted I tend to stay away from non-reality show threads that talk about shows because I am tempted to read spoilers.). I never really had a like or dislike of Clara, yeah I think Jenna is cute but other than that I felt her character was just there and I never felt the attachment I did towards Amy. Really I tend to not really care about most of the companions on the new version of the show. I am not sure why but it is the case. I really hate how they do entire episodes about their personal lives. I thought overall this episode was decent, I did like a pissed off Doctor threatening Arya Stark.
  18. Poor guy, trying to trade in the one thing that made him famous and he could not even use it. He probably should have just talked about working for the Tampa Devil Rays maybe that would have been more impressive.
  19. I forgot to bring this up at the time but Caleb was on an episode of Big Brother in I want to say late August/early September. He seemed to be completely fine so I wonder if him being medevaced (If he indeed was) was not that serious. If this was taped in May I guess that would be enough time to recuperate and yes he was only on Big Brother to host a competition so he could have still been sick or whatever. I guess we will have to wait and see.
  20. I just started watching season three a couple of days ago. I am not a fan of Sarah at all thus far, figures she would be the one who ends up winning. I am up to the episode where Graig got voted out (I was glad to see him go). Graig reminds me Puck from the Real World, not only looks wise but he sounds like him as well.
  21. I can't figure out why Savage and not Jeremy. Not that I am complaining but still, why wouldn't you want to get rid of someone who is a legit threat to win the game. Instead of a guy who would probably have little to no chance of winning if he were to make it to the end.
  22. Never have another Battle of the Block season. Despite what CBS says, any fan that I have ever talked to hate BOTB. I would love to see the producers screw with the houseguests more by doing different twits like they do on the Canadian version of the show. Maybe not to the extreme extent that Canada does it but more twists every so often would be cool. For instance I would love to see an Instant Evection where there is no POV. The HOH has just five minutes to decide who they want to put up, then they have to nominate right away and then vote directly after nominations. The hamsters would be crapping their pants over something like that. I totally agree, I miss the individual jury questions because they were more personal. Now they do those stupid bland group questions. I would love to see a more even distribution of ages. When was the last time they had an older houseguest? Probably season ten with Jerry and Renny. I also would not mind a more ethically diverse cast. I like to see people of different backgrounds interact. One more thing, bring back the keys. I hate that they now just have the nominees show up on the wall. There was some drama when each houseguest had to wait to see if they were safe.
  23. A little late to the party but I thought Giana Marie and Amanda hated each other. Why would GM stick up for Amanda? I mean they said some pretty vile stuff to each other during that Jenga fight they had. Have they patched things up since then?
  24. I am going to bring this thread back from the dead because I just started watching BB Canada. Right now I just got up to the part where Adel and Sabrina are on the block at Final Five. Obviously I know that outcome but I have to say season two's cast was kind of bland. I much preferred season one's cast. For me the highlight of the season thus far was Ika took the money and destroyed all their letters. The hamster's reaction to that was priceless. I also liked Adel's co-founder of the Gremlins speech just because it was so out there. I have to say that the female cast of BB Canada Two might be the best looking female cast of any Big Brother season I have ever watched. Rachelle, Neda, Ika, Allison, and Heather were all, in the words of James Huling, total smoke bombs. Another thing I noticed is that I have yet to come across any truly vile players. Granted I have not gotten to season three yet and I have never watched the live feeds so I am only seeing how they are on the broadcast edition. But yeah I mean I was not a fan of Suzette and Tom from season one or Sabrina and Andrew from season two but it was not because I thought they were vile like Evil Dick or Aaryn. I just was not a fan of them. So I guess the stereotype is true, Canadians are much nicer than Americans. I was not able to watch the last episode of season two because it was not up on YouTube. Oh well I know how it turned out but I would have still enjoyed watching the entire season.
  25. My thoughts exactly, in fact that thought remained in my head throughout the movie. I am so happy that people on here think the movie was utter crap. Often times I think that certain movies or television shows are bad, only to have someone tell me that is because it was over my head. Now I do have a feeling that if Jason was here he would say that to me but yeah this movie was one heaping pile of dog crap that was not remotely funny. It amazes me that people like the Farrelly Brothers, Affleck and Damon would even want their names associated with this. While watching this show I was expecting a very funny movie because I guess I bought the Jason hype of him being some sort of dark comedy genius. Shame on me I guess because I should have realized this movie was going to suck. In regards to the car crash, it looked like a very awkward edit right when the car hit the parked car. I cannot put my finger on why I feel that way but something did not look right about it.
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