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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. I hate the fact that I find Brooke attractive and yet I really do not like her personality. I want to see the three women broken up. I would rather see Brooke or Flick go before El, because they seem more smug but El is really turning into a jerk as well, but I am fine with any of them going. Part of me wonders if any of the guys even realize how to play the game. Lee seems completely oblivious to me, especially with the comment about how they won ten challenges in a row and so they are going to stick together. Matt reminds me a lot of Sarah from the Challenge. He is so desperate to be one of the "cool kids", that he is willing to tank his game for them. He even said as much in that confessional were he was talking about not having very many friends. Which I can totally relate to and it makes me want to cheer for him to do well because he reminds me a lot of myself. However, I just cannot bring myself to do so because of the way he is playing. Sucks to see Sue gone. I would love to see someone like her, an older woman who kicks all sorts of ass, on the American version.
  2. I wonder how they got the vote together. I thought for sure Flick and Lee would have ended up throwing their votes at Matt. Maybe that was misdirection on their part but Flick seemed pretty set on taking Matt out and it seemed that she would vote that way. This has nothing to do with anything but I have to say, Kylie has an amazing body.
  3. It will be interesting if they do the six stay on each tribe, three from each tribe form a new tribe. Depending on who ends up where we might see a tribe divided in half and they could end up risking a tie in the votes.
  4. So this was the last episode? I had no clue. I half expected another episode to pop us telling us what happened to Drake. Damn you BBC America and your poor promotion/scheduling.
  5. Yeah I was not getting the Nick hate at all. I did not even view him as being a snake. Though I think that one confessional where he was complaining about being called a snake was a little over the top. I am a little annoyed that I did not get to see the Kate boot episode but it seemed to be uneventful anyway as I had pegged Kate to go when she went. I do have to say I want Flick gone, the smug look on her face when Connor got voted out annoyed the hell out of me. Edited: Because I meant Nick not Sam. I do not get why people think Nick is a snake. Also, I had to edit my edit because I put same instead of Sam. This is what I get fro tying so late at night.
  6. Was that Peter from BBCan in the background? If so, does that dude have no life? I always see him in video or pictures at reality "events" like this.
  7. Same here. The only way I will watch it is if someone posts the episodes on YouTube. Which is actually the way I watch BBCan and Australian Survivor.
  8. I wonder if James gets voted out tonight if he is going to standup and proclaim, "Now it is finally time to start playing Big Brother!"
  9. I keep on seeing everywhere how people hated Rachel the first time and wanted her to win the second time around. I guess I am in the minority because I loved Rachel the first time around and would have loved to see her win (I was not a fan of the Bro-gade, well Enzo was cool but the rest of them were pretty bland. I despised both Ragan and Britney). However, I absolutely hated Rachel the second time she played and I was actually angry that she won. Which really is not that big of a deal because as ridiculous as it is to say I often do get angry over who wins Big Brother (Maggie, Mike Malin, Evil Richard, Rachel, Hayden, Ian, and Andy. I actually think Andy, Dick, Maggie, and Mike's wins were the ones that pissed me off the most). They should probably go back to starting the season after the fourth of July. Maybe have fourteen houseguests instead of sixteen. I know it is only two extra people but sixteen just seems excessive (Much like Australian Survivor having twenty-four people at the start of the game). Maybe they should go all BBCAN and mix in a triple eviction.
  10. Like you said the editing really makes trying to predict this show hard. As much as I would love to see them go far, mainly just to upset the apple cart, I honestly cannot see either Connor or Kate lasting much longer in the game. To me Connor screams post-merge first boot, mostly because he was already voted out once and the folks that were the reason why he was voted out are the ones who will probably be in control of the game post-merge. I mean I hope I am wrong but I have a feeling I am not. Funny I went through two stages with Phoebe. At first I did not like her because she seemed so cocky but then I became a fan of her when she joined VV. It sucked to see her get voted out. That being said I kind of love the fact that crazy Kristie is still around. She probably will not do any damage post-merge but she is all sorts of awesome. The post-merge votes will be interesting to me. I wonder if Sue, Kristie, Kate, and Connor are going to be sitting ducks. Or maybe other scores will be settled and we see some members of the blue tribe (Yeah I forgot how to spell the tribe name and I am too lazy to look up how to spell it) getting voted out.
  11. Where is Danielle Reyes when you need her? (That Gerry poop-hand episode was the first episode of Big Brother I ever watched)
  12. Yeah that was my line of thinking as well. I just thought they wouldn't want Connor back that was why the thought of him rejoining them did not even cross my mind. Heck they could have brought him back with Sam when they had the chance but they did not. I think that shows exactly where Connor stands with his former tribe.
  13. Yeah I do not get picking Sue either. Everyone else on that tribe would have been a better pick and this is coming from someone who always cheers on the older folks in the game. My personal pick would have been Kate but perhaps Brooke sees Sue as the heart of the tribe. I was not a fan of that twist. I just seemed excessive, especially now it is ten versus four. What I thought might happen was they were going to take the players who sat out the Reward Challenge and make them join Vavau. Now that would have been a cool twist and totally unexpected. Jenna seems to have assimilated herself into her new tribe pretty well. Edited to added: I wonder if my new theory is right about Brooke being the potential winner. After all the tribe did decide to let her view Vavau's Tribal Council.
  14. Before the season started she was outed as someone who posted nasty comments about fat people on I want to say Reddit. I often wonder how people find this stuff out about her and any contestant really. If she was using a username how where they able to find out it was her?
  15. I remember during Survivor All-Stars people on the TWOP boards were going nuts when Lex went and told people he was going to vote them out. I am on the fence about not being able to tell someone as I can see the pros and cons of it. That being said if I were playing the game I would want to know beforehand if I was getting voted out.
  16. I did not think they would have gotten rid of Craig with the Idol (I probably would have went Sue and yes that is a sexist way of thinking but challenge wise she does not offer what Craig did). Honestly I had Craig pegged as the winner from the start of the game. Obviously now that it is not going to be Craig I guess I have to revaluate who I think could be the possible winner. Brooke and Lee are probably the next two that stand out to me as being possible winners. Anyway, going back to Craig. I thought for sure he would be around for some time because he got a lot of air time and I never thought they would give someone that amount of air time only to be such an early boot. That is why I am loving this season thus far because the editing is not clueing us in as to who might be the potential winner.
  17. Granted it has been some time since I watched BBCAN3 but Godfrey did end up losing big time. Wasn't the reason why he lost because people saw what Sarah did and people did not respect Godfrey's game because it looked like he did nothing to earn his spot. In regards to the Julie interview, I never read any interview with her prior to that where she talked so much smack. I love it. It brought a smile to my face when she basically said she was not fond of Maggie winning. Also, her saying Corey was nothing but a good looking lug was funny.
  18. I agree about how great Natalie looked in that dress. She looked HAF there.
  19. I did not watch the show live (Mr. Robot beats this show in my personal battle of shows) and I honestly was not sure I was even going to bother with this season. I stopped watching last season half-way through because it was just bad and there was no inclination of it getting better. I had also read some reviews that this episode was very lackluster. However, with Big Brother not on tonight I decided to check this episode OnDemand and I must say I loved what I saw thus far. Maybe it is because I am a big fan of the Destination America ghosts shows but I thought the concept was brilliant and I really enjoyed the episode. I just hope I am not let down part way through like I was with last season.
  20. I don't know if he was though. To me he came across like Fairplay in that he seemed to be trying too hard to be the villain. Therefore, I was left wondering if he is truly a villain or if he was just playing one to increase his airtime. Either way I am glad he is gone. Granted I am not a fan of Phoebe (I thought her earlier confessionals were very cocky before the tribe switch) but I loved that she helped knock him out of the game. I also had a huge smile on my face when she found the HII out of nowhere just by noticing where Craig went all of the time. Hmm...maybe I am actually a Phoebe fan after all.
  21. I agree as someone who has never had the live feeds (Yes I know they are pretty cheap but I find them to be pretty boring), you posters in this thread make the show for me. I often feel guilty for even posting in here because everything I tend to post in off topic. Anyway thank you all for helping me enjoy the show even more. A special shout-out (I hate that word) to Peach who has been keeping me entertained since the days of TWOP (I am sure others were there as well, I do not mean to slight anyone. It is just Peach is the name I remember from way back when).
  22. I forgot to quote your the first time you asked this question but from what I remember the only season that had DVD treatment was season three. I did not actually buy it but my I remember reading that nothing was added on and it was just the broadcast show. Now they could have put out later seasons on Amazon but that is the only season I know for a fact was put out because I remember debating on if I should buy it and decided against it because it was like seventy dollars. Just a little rant here but I have a friend who loves to fact check everything I say on his iPhone. It is really annoying because it is usually over the dumbest things. For instance he came back from New Orleans and was all excited to tell me how there was a Battle of New Orleans. I said I knew that and that it was part of the War of 1812 and it was common knowledge. He said he had never heard of the War of 1812 and had to look it up on his phone to see if I was wrong.
  23. I noticed most of the houseguests seem to use the word that I have dubbed the, "Millennials go to word", which is super. Every damn millennial I know uses literally and super in every sentence. It drives me up the wall.
  24. I am really enjoying the Australian version thus far. I would not mind if they brought some of the twists over to the American version. I guess we all know why Barry was not featured. I was disappointed in both him and Peter because I sort of cheer on the older players on these shows because they usually have no chance. Then Barry has to go all Dr. Sean and vote in such a whacky manner.
  25. BK1978

    S02: Australia

    I did not watch season two when it first aired, Amazon was the first season that I watched. However, I bought Australia when it came out on DVD and I remember thinking, "Why was there some much hate directed at her?" To me she was not even a proper villain in the way that Richard Hatch was (Even he was not that bad during his first season. All-Stars was another matter entirely.). I actually have been a fan of Jerri's during her other two seasons and I really wanted her to win season twenty.
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