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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. BK1978

    S17: Gabon

    I found Fuji's cast to be the cast I hated the most. This was a close second but I was a fan of Sugar and was happy to see Bob win (Mainly because I love seeing older people do well on Survivor.). I really do not remember all that much about this season because the last time I saw it was when it aired (Funny how I can remember stuff that happened in older seasons but I completely forget stuff that happened in more recent seasons.). I know I hated Marcus, Charlie, and Corrine. Un-popular opinion time but I liked Randy.
  2. I watched a few episodes of this and from what I saw of it I enjoyed it. I remember Emily and Timmy from the Challenges. While watching the show I decided to look up the last time Timmy was on a challenge and it has been almost ten years. I was a little shocked by that and I am not really sure why that is the case. It seems like yesterday and it has already been nine years. It was also a bit strange to read that Darrell has not been on a Challenge since 2010. They (Timmy and Darrell) both seemed like mainstays back then and the fact that neither have been around in a long time is so strange to me (Also I had forgotten that Cara Maria was Darrell's partner on Fresh Meat II. For some reason I thought Cara was on the first Fresh Meat season.).
  3. I watched two episodes of this and found it to be very boring. I feel like I have written that in every episode thread thus far.
  4. I remember reading that both Renee Zelleweger and Matthew McConaughey tried to get the Texas Chainsaw Massacre that they starred in shelved. Not that I blame either of them but still. I loved Empire Records and am sorry to hear that she thinks it was such fluff.
  5. As much as I dislike the theme, I really wish they would have added a baby boomers tribe. At least there is more difference there between the three generations.
  6. I love the revisionist history in this post. Everyone knows that Cowboy was running that season and totally deserved to win. Ducks head while angry villagers with pitchforks comes after him. On a more serious note, I do think you are right about Meech ending up like Michelle from season eleven. Though I doubt Meech would end up doing porn.
  7. Sorry to take this a bit off topic but earlier when everyone was talking about where James lives in Texas, I was thinking it was a town of a couple of hundred people. I was picturing this small one traffic light town, then I find out that he lives in Wichita Falls (Which I have heard of before) and the city he lives in has over one hundred thousand people living in it. I mean shoot the capital city of my state, Providence which is in Rhode Island, only has a couple of thousand more people than Wichita Falls and without looking it up I can guarantee that you could probably fit two Providences in Wichita Falls and still have some room leftover. So much for my visualization of James living in some small podunk town.
  8. Are they going to show older seasons on MTV Classic? I would love to see the seasons that I missed.
  9. I did not know she had siblings. I thought it was only one sister. Are both of her sisters teenagers? I was that way about last season. Well I did not want Austin or the twins to win but besides them I could care less about who won. That being said I think Vanessa played the best game season long and was a little disappointed when Steve won the whole thing.
  10. I did not know until recently (perhaps two years ago or so) that production dressed them. I remember during the first season that I watched (Season three) thinking about how terrible the houseguests dressed for some reason Jason really stood out to me as being a terrible dresser.
  11. I never saw this when it first aired but I caught a few episodes yesterday and from what I had a chance to see I enjoyed. It is so odd watching these older seasons and seeing what the show has become. Granted I only watch the newer seasons sporadically and while I did watch both Skeletons and Portland all the way through. The last season prior to Portland that I watched was Brooklyn. The show just seems more like Big Brother now and while I am a fan of Big Brother I am not a fan of the Real World being Big Brother. I was in high school when these first seasons aired (I feel old even admitting that) and so as someone said in a prior post this is almost the prefect time capsule into that time period. I remember back then there was so much panic over AIDS and I think Pedro (Along with Ryan White and Magic Johnson) helped to put a human face to the disease. I mean I knew who Pedro was at the time and I did not even watch the show back then, so it shows you how much of an impact he had.
  12. I cringed a little because I actually remembered his name was Eric. I mean I had to look it up to confirm it but yeah Cappy's name was Eric.
  13. Funny my mother was over last night and she said the exact same thing. Her quote was, "How is it that each of these girls has a more annoying voice than the previous one?"
  14. I guess both Zeke and Michaela either do well or have some sort of impact on the game because they are both going to be on season 34.
  15. I have not watched it yet but I am going to try and do so. I love watching the International versions of the different reality shows. It is a little weird for me that the host is a sort of known actor granted Jonathan LaPaglia is not as famous as his brother but still I knew exactly who he was. I also found it odd to see Grant Bowler as the host of the Aussie TAR. I remember the fist time I saw Grant on there I was shocked because I was a Defiance fan and I had no clue that Grant was Australian. I remember thinking, "Why is Nolan hosting TAR?"
  16. I came in here because I was watching the Real World Los Angeles marathon earlier today and it got me thinking about how long I have been watching the Challenge. I guess the first BOTS was my first Challenge season. I did not realize it was so long ago. I also checked when Beth S. was last on a season of the Challenge and it was in 2008. It does not seem that long ago. Anyway I guess I came in here to say I did not realize I have been watching this damn show since 2003. I am a little surprised that Frank has only done two seasons. I thought for sure he would become a Challenge mainstay. Not that I want him to because I despised him and was pissed that him and Zach got that win after how poorly they treated Sam.
  17. I watched some of the marathon today, I watched from the first episode up until the conclusion of the David incident and then I caught the last episode. I never saw this when it first aired (The first season I saw all the way through was Chicago, though I did see some episodes of Hawaii) so I decided to check it out. I liked it a lot more than the first season (Which I saw when they were showing that season's marathon). Having been an avid Challenge viewer (I realized today that I have been watching that damn show since 2003) I wanted to see Beth S. in her original season. I have to say she was a lot more attractive during her Real World season. I wonder if she went under the knife because she had more of the girl-next-door look to her during this season (She looked like every girl I went to high school with). What I saw of this season I enjoyed and I am looking forward to seeing the Pedro and Puck season next.
  18. I remember the first time I really thought they were rigging was back in season six. I just thought it was so odd that the HOH would go back and forth between the two alliances. Obviously the most blatant one was the Rachel/Jordan one. Like you said when it come to comps I don't think they outright rig them but they make the conditions favorable to certain houseguests.
  19. ETA: I don't love a returning HG this late into the game, but Big Brother will be Big Brother. Well you would have really hated the first season of Big Brother Canada. They brought back the returning jury member at the final four. That is kind of messed up because as a player if you make it to the final four it is sort of a big deal. Only to learn that you only made it to the final five instead.
  20. I had to favorite this post just for the mention of Jenn City. Because any mention of Jenn City cracks me up.
  21. LMAO! Seriously, thanks for the laugh! I am flabbergasted by Nicole. This girl has had three chances to play this game. THREE! She has got to be up there for dumbest player ever. Natalie and Paul are playing circles around her and they have never even seen the show. I was thinking Paul was playing pretty well but the fact that he's so aggressively playing both sides will probably catch up to him. It certainly should. Natalie/James/Michelle/Victor should not allow him to continue to take no heat for this. Everyone seems to be sure veto will be Zingbot. And it does make sense since he was in the audience on Thursday. I hope so because I really need to see Corey/Nicole/Paulie zinged. And James. BB is the only way she can get a date. Last night I was going to make a comment on UMBELINA's post but I decided not to. But for some reason I still have the post quoted so disregard that quoted post. This comment is directed at Peach's post in regards to Nicole being one of the dumbest players ever. I am not sure if she is up there with Cowboy and Amber (The one from season eight who used to cry all of the time) but Nicole is pretty close to their level.
  22. Funny that was a problem with one of the past seasons of Big Brother. One of the contestants was hoarding Adderall for the challenge so she would do well in them.
  23. I never really disliked Fairplay, I thought Fairplay was more pathetic than anything else. Johnny on the other hand is someone I dislike (Which is odd because I liked him on his original Real World season.). Where does he rank in the Pantheon? Tough to say, you opinion is probably different than mine. I would say he is not at Richard Hatch level but he is hovering somewhere below that level.
  24. I did not watch the show at the time (My first season was Chicago) but holy crap from what I saw of it, it was boring. I know at the time it was groundbreaking but this season did not age well. I guess it is maybe because I am used to the crap that Reality TV has turned into and maybe that was why I found it boring. That being said it was cool to see how different the show is compared to now (Well I have not really watched the current version of the show either. The last full season I watched was Skeletons.). Part of me was hoping that they would show the commercials from 1992 like they did when they showed MTV's first hour. I hope they show old seasons of the Challenge.
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