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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. Tad bit off topic but this came to my mind watching Alex leave and I could not think where else to post it. I wish the American Big Brother house was like the BB Can house so that when the people are voted out they have to climb a set of stairs to leave the house. To me it makes the walk of shame that much sweeter, especially when someone is blindsided.
  2. I am not completely caught up, I just watched Ben's elimination episode. I just wanted to come in here and say I find Tara to be highly annoying. She is way too smug when things go her way. It really annoyed me that she helped to get AK out of the game and get her revenge when she herself should not still be in the game. Yes I know it was a twist but they used the twist last year and I was hoping that they would do something different. Twenty-four players is four players too much. I think this show would be better if they had twenty or even eighteen castaways.
  3. You know what I miss from earlier seasons is when they would do short video segments about the contestants from the previous season. I cannot even remember the last time they did that (I mean featuring the entire cast and not just one or two people). This made me laugh more than it should have.
  4. My thoughts exactly. You should not be able to get a pass from saying awful crap just because you are drunk. In fact, being drunk allows a person to let their guard down and often voice opinions that they would not normally say when they were sober. Also, I like Cara but she should not have been the one doing the talking head about Tony. Granted what Tony did is worst because he has a kid with his girlfriend. That being said Cara did the exact same thing minus the kid and therefore should not get to be the morality judge in that confessional.
  5. BK1978

    S35: Pool

    This sounds like fun but I will probably end up reading the spoilers so there is no way I can take part in it. Good luck to everyone who is going to play.
  6. Same here. When the show first started I thought Christmas and Raven were the two most attractive women in the house. My opinion of Raven changed pretty quickly but it took me some time to not find Christmas attractive. See I always felt that season six was the first season were producer manipulation played a part. Mainly because I always found it weird that someone from the Friendship would win HOH one week and then someone from the Sovereign Six would win it the next week. If any season needed Dr. Drew to come back it is this season. I never saw the first season, what did Dr. Drew actually do on it?
  7. Gary Busey on Celeb BB needs to happen.
  8. I watched it on YouTube. They had all of season one on there but seasons two and three had missing episodes (The final episode of season two was missing which sucked). I am not sure about seasons four and five because I watched them when they were airing.
  9. That was the way I thought as well. I kind of thought it was well documented but I guess not. When I saw that the Redemption House was still in play I thought to myself, "My god what is this Australian Survivor." For those who never watched Australian Survivor the season had a huge cast, did non-eliminations and was far too long. That being said it was a pretty good show. I think I brought this up in last week's episode thread. When did Jordan and CM start protecting Johnny? Well I am not into dudes but I do know that when I see it a women with glasses on it does it to me every time. Not sure why but I love women who wear glasses. Maybe it is because they have poor vision and cannot see how ugly I am... Okay back to the topic at hand CT. People are probably going to give me the side eye but I have always been a CT fan going back to his time on RW Paris. I think it mainly had to do with the fact that he is a fellow New Englander and also, this is the main reason, he hated Adam. Because I despised Adam as well. Therefore, I loved seeming him go off on Adam.
  10. I know I have said it before but Marcellas was the reason why I started watching Big Brother in the first place. That would be awesome if he came back to host a challenge. I love playing any seasons where the audience gets to shape the game a lot. Therefore, I tend to play every BBCan season, BB1, the racist BB15, and OTT (even though I have never watched OTT or BB1). You are right the simulator is awesome. The one thing I hate is that Andy seems to win BB15 every damn time I play it. No matter how I try to stack the cards against him. Agreed though I have to say that my state has two players who are/were considered upper tier players. Yes good old Rhode Island, home of Derrick the cop and Richard Hatch. I say were in the case of Richard because I am not sure if the level of respect still surrounds him after what he did in All-Stars.
  11. What Phonecop said. Jenn was pretty useless during her season but she still did more than Matt. Then you must have never dealt with Steve Shives on Twitter. The dude bans folks who have never had any sort of contact with him. I was told about the dude, went on his page and sure enough I was blocked. Heck you are probably as well because the dude has blocked seemingly everyone on Twitter.
  12. The funny thing is I really do not think he will feel like an idiot. Maybe I am wrong in thinking that way. I have started to call Matt, Mattcity. Honestly I think even JennCity was better at playing this game.
  13. I was going to bring that up earlier but then I could not remember if that was true or not. Glad to know I was not going crazy. I think it happened in either season three or four. Might have been Danielle that did it. I always loved the fact that she used sign language to talk to Lisa (Was it Lisa? It was so long ago I am questioning myself here).
  14. Same her. I know I sound like a broken record but I hate how Camila thinks that she is so great at playing the game. Especially when nearly every season she does not have a chance of seeing elimination until near the end of the game. I will say I did think she looked really pretty in her TH segments during the episode though. I wonder what happened to the little feuds that Johnny used to have with Cara, CT, and Jordan. It is like none of them are remotely interested in getting him out anymore.
  15. You got me. That is what I get for writing so late at night and not looking over what I wrote.
  16. Could the rouge votes turn into a Lex from Survivor Africa like witch hunt?
  17. Same here. I do not even go around my own house without a shirt on because I am so fat. First off Brian Jonestown Massacre is such an awesome name. Anyway, about a week prior to the start of the current Big Brother season I went to a wrestling show in Massachusetts (Don't judge me too harshly after all we all do watch Big Brother) and I saw a dude who looked exactly like Paul. I quickly came to my senses and said to myself, "Paul lives in California, there is no way he would be here for a wrestling pay-per-view." It was such an odd thing because I had not even thought about Paul for a year and yet once I thought I saw him, it made me remember him. Maybe it was a sign or an Omen that he was going to be on this season. I am probably in the minority here but I hate Zingbot. I have never been a fan since they introduced it to the show, in whatever season it was that they introduced it. Happy birthday Callaphera!
  18. Yeah but Kevin had a very tough road getting towards his win. He was pretty much in Mark's current position in which he had to win in order to stay in the game. That was the way I looked at it. I tried out for Big Brother seasons four and five and what would become the first Fans vs. Favorites season of Survivor. I knew I had no chance of getting on but I had to try because like you said you never know.
  19. CBS it does not matter if you try to portray Alex as this funny prankster, I for one am looking forward to seeing her cocky ass taken out of this game.
  20. I saw a video of Raven "dancing" yesterday on YouTube and I have to say she made Elaine's dance moves on Seinfeld look downright graceful. I cannot believe she teaches dance professionally. Also, what is up with the odd faces she makes when she dances?
  21. Tad bit off topic but Ika is the very definition of less is better than more. I loved her during her first season and her shredding the letters might have been my favorite thing to watch on any season of BBCAN or American BB. However, last season I really found her to be annoying. Maybe because I am a Neda fan (though she came off poorly as well) but yeah I was so glad she did not end up winning.
  22. Agreed. At first when it was brought up without the picture I was like, "Maybe he looks a little like Rasputin but not that much." Then I saw the side-by-side and I was like, "Holy shit he really does look exactly like him!"
  23. I still think Matt is just waiting until the Jury phase to become a better player. Granted nothing that he has shown us thus far would validate said theory, but I still have that thought in the back of my mind.
  24. Well that was a waste of a week. I sucks that Josh won HOH because while I am no fan of Cody or Jessica, I would have rather had a Cody HOH. If only to mess with Paul, because let's face facts we are probably stuck with Paul until at least the final five if not longer.
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