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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. Yes times a thousand! Besides being attractive and nuts, I really do not see what she brings to the game (Well that is probably the exact reason why she is on the show). She talks a metric fuckton of crap and yet she is not that great at challenges. I mean she is not terrible by any means but she tends to do well in every challenge because she is so politically connected.
  2. I looked up who had the earliest Road Rules/Real World season because I was wondering out of Veronica, Aneesa, and Darrell whose season was the oldest. It turned out that it was Veronica, which did and did not shock me. Also, I was a little surprised that she is a year older than me. I just assumed she was younger. Now I really feel old when the "old person" on the challenge is a year older than me. Screw you MTV! Count me in on not being a fan of them holding off on the elimination challenge until the next episode. I get that they want to be suspenseful and all but come on not even Big Brother pulls that crap.
  3. Those were my thoughts exactly. Same goes for Josh in regards to Mark. I saw the fight and Josh said something along the lines of (If I am incorrect in this quote I am sorry I watched it on YouTube and the audio was not that great), "If you come at me, I'll lay you out." I think both Josh and Paul are all bark and no bite.
  4. I kind of felt it was real, but with it being filmed around April Fools Day and all I had just a tad bit of doubt about it. It is funny once they are off the show I do not pay attention to what happens to them. Unless someone does something really bad like Adam or Mike Skupin from Survivor. So thank you for telling me.
  5. Marcellus was the whole reason why I started watching this show in the first place. I remember finding him so entertaining but by the end of the game I was sick of him and I was so happy when he did not use the veto. That along with the birthday fight of season ten have to be my favorite things that have happened on this show. I was thinking the same thing last night. I thought to myself, "Man this dude wears a lot of tank tops." Then I realized it was that dumbass chest tattoo. I never really understood why they kicked Scott out during season four, when he threw a chair in a completely empty room. However, they allowed Dick, Amanda, and Josh to get away with much worse actions. The other night I was watching with a friend and the moment she heard Josh talk she asked me, "Is that guy simple? Because he sounds...uh....very dumb...I mean simple."
  6. Nope, every damn time I read it I think of the late David Ruffin.
  7. I was watching a video posted on YouTube the other day where James was trashing Natalie. Apparently they broke up after a few months of dating but were pretending to still be in a relationship so that they could book appearances together and make money. James then said that Natalie sent him a cease and desist order because she claims that he used fake accounts to post pictures of her. He said that she cheated on him throughout the majority of their relationship. Now this video was published around April the first so it very well could be an April Fools Prank. I was just wondering if anyone else saw this video and if it was or was not real.
  8. The funny thing about my comment is when I said I live in the northern part of the state. I realized that I only live about ten minutes away from Cranston. So yeah I am not far from where she is from. Okay sorry for going off topic.
  9. Well her bio says she was from Cranston, Rhode Island (I live in Rhode Island as well). I would not really consider Cranston to be affluent, I mean yes there are some sections that are upper middleclass but nothing that in my opinion would be classified as affluent. Granted I am from the northern part of the state, so I am not that familiar with it.
  10. Part of me would not be surprised if Matt was playing the "Kevin Martin game" from the last season of BBCan. Meaning do nothing unless you absolutely have to. Nothing I have read from you Live Feed watchers suggests that but I am going to go with it anyway because at least it would make him interesting.
  11. I agree. It seems like people dislike him for...reasons, heck I don't know. But he really is not offensive. Granted my first impression of him was that he was Frankie part II. I thought he would be begging for screen time but I was way off on that.
  12. A strain? I don't know Special Agent Phillip Sheppard always managed to make me laugh because he was so damn crazy. In news pertaining to this show. I am not feeling these noms at all. I want to see Paul's game get screwed and while Josh going might help that happen, I would much rather see Paul gone.
  13. Thanks for the pictures! Was there a lot of people there? For some reason I always feel like me and the people on here are the only folks who watch the show. I know of nobody in real life who even knows what the show is. Most know what the Real World is and most are shocked that it is still on, but I have yet to find a person in my real life who knows anything about this show.
  14. Maybe they could go all BBCan on these fools and hold a triple evection. I know that will not happen but I would love to see it done on the American version.
  15. Is she really comparing herself to a woman who was burnt at the stake? Oh man that woman has some bats loose in her belfry.
  16. If I remember right, that was exactly why the did the first regeneration. It was mainly because William Hartnell was unable to physically do the role any longer but they wanted to keep the show going. I am not sure if it is a ballsy move. Especially if the show sees a further decline in ratings, then it comes across as a very bad move. I am not a fan of this stunt casting move and I truly do think it was done to create a buzz over the show. I will simply not watch the show anymore. For the record I do not hate shows with female leads, I love Buffy, the Golden Girls, Jessica Jones, Agent Carter (Those are the ones I could think of off the top of my head). I just feel that certain roles should not cave into stunt casting just because a vocal few demand it happen. I think that is exactly what happened here. There were a lot of things about the new Doctor Who series that I did not like, but I think this is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I hated that he had a wife because one of the unwritten rules of the original series was that the Doctor should not have romantic involvement with his companions (Actually how creepy would it have been if one of the first three Doctors was romantically involved with their much younger companions). I hated the fact that we became much more involved in the companions personal lives. Granted I did like Rose's family and Mickey and Donna's grandfather was awesome but still I always felt as it was a cheap way to try to enhance the show. The original series never really relied on the companions personal lives to that extent and I felt the show was better for it. The entire use of the Master/Missy on the new series. I think Michelle Gomez was also casted for the part to create buzz for the show and while I thought she did a good job, I think her character probably would have been better off not being the Master. This whole Master trying to find his good side crap was just bad. Just like I felt like John Simm was wasted as the Master as well (Which sucks because as a fan of Life on Mars I had high hopes for him as the Master). To me there was something missing with both of their portrayals of the character and I really cannot put my finger on exactly what it is.
  17. When I was in high school the SciFi channel used to show Dark Shadows and so my father would tape the episodes for me and I would watch them when I got home. Every so often my sister would watch them with me and she absolutely hated Roger. Not the character but as she said back then (I am paraphrasing here), "The guy is such a sucky actor. He's terrible." A few years later I went to a Dark Shadows convention and Louis was there signing autographs. I asked him to sign an autograph for my sister and he did so. When I got back to the hotel room I handed my sister the autograph (She was too cool to go to a DS convention so she went shopping with my mom in Times Square) and she laughed her ass off. I believe she still has the autograph to this day. I miss watching old episodes of DS, I wish SyFy would show them again.
  18. That appears to be a condescending response there (Granted it is hard to tell just by text), telling me I need to be “educated” by another poster just because you think I have a different opinion than you. Especially seeing how I said I do not think she is anywhere near as bad as she says she is. I just had the thought of Frankie pop up in my head and how we used to joke around about her on TWOP. Much the way people are joking about Raven on here. I was not trying to call anyone out about making comments or anything. In fact, Callaphera has been one of Raven’s most vocal critics and I often heart Callaphera’s comments about Raven because they are funny. Technically we are all dying the minute we are born so, she is not wrong about that part. Do I think she is using a “dying girl” strategy? Yes I do, if it is as serious as she claims it to be, then I highly doubt she would be allowed to be on the show. Okay sorry to take this off topic… I agree with Mark that is such a nasty word to use. It is one of the few words I have stricken from the plethora of profane words that I use. That being said, after reading your first post I immediately thought that Paul must think he is from Australia or England because it is commonplace over there. I actually hardly ever heard it used much here. Does that mean he will come back two more times before he is handed the victory? If he does come back four times they better have the awesome Special Agent Phillip Sheppard playing with him. Blackface? What is he Al Jolson? He cannot be moronic enough to think that is funny or something he can do without there being a huge amount of backlash heading his way. Does Dom want her Paul snake comments to air on the evection show because she wants the audience to hear her call him that? Because that is the only way her statement would make sense. I mean she could call him a snake at the Veto Ceremony and the rest of the houseguests would be right there.
  19. What if Raven might be somewhat telling the truth about her illness (I do not personally believe her that it is a bad as she said it is)? I remember back in the TWOP days we all sort of laughed at Frankie from the Real World and her illness and she eventually ended up dying from it at a young age.
  20. I am not sure why people were shocked about Brenda in the Dawn situation. She was an asshole the first time she played as well.
  21. Well to be fair, she is young so she might not even know what YCDTOT is/was. It did go off the air in 1990, either three or four years before she was born (Depending on what year she was born in).
  22. I wonder why they had a big gap between Rivals III and Invasion of the Champions. Yet now they are showing back-to-back-to-back seasons in the span of a couple of months. Yes I know the Pros season was not an official season but it played out like a season. They probably should have held off showing season XXX until like October or November.
  23. I think Christmas is really hot, but you are right those tattoos have to go. You know it is funny how back in BB4 the show made a big deal out of the first people having sex on the show (Was it Dave and Amanda?). Now I cannot even remember if they show it when people are having sex. Or maybe it is because I just do not care and do not pay attention when those types of segments air.
  24. I liked Rachel her first season and despised her during her winning season. Also, for people wanting to check out old Big Brother seasons, you can't go wrong with BB3. Granted it holds a soft spot in my heart because that was the first season I watched but I felt that the cast ranked right up there with my other three favorite seasons (Which are 2, 6, and 10). So did he really end up playing for them? Like you said, he is way to big of a star to be on Big Brother. Now if you told me Jimmy Brooks was going to be there then that is more believable... Also, I see folks asking where Jillian is. I think the bigger question is, Where is Ramses? When I first saw him I thought for sure he would be a camera hog. However, he is hardly shown on the show and he is almost never mentioned on here. Shoot we might as well call him Claude Rains because the dude is the Invisible Man.
  25. I am really sick of seeing Camilla, Johnny (but that's a given, the dude has only missed one challenge in how many years), Corey, Dario, Ashely. Why can't they take one damn season off? Especially Camilla. She does nothing all season and yet manages to make it to the finals every time.
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