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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. Was that posted on here and I just did not see it? Who ended up winning?
  2. Once you said that I had to look and now my life will not be the same again. He looked like Darth Vader without his helmet on at the end of Return of the Jedi. Nope I am also part of that club as well. She seems very full of herself and I really see no reason why that should be the case. I wasted a half hour of my life watching that crap. I have not watched an after show in a couple of seasons and so I decided to check that one out. Good god was it awful. I mean they were always terrible but this version took it to a whole other level of suck.
  3. What I find interesting about the "Champs" team from this and the previous two seasons, is when they cast people on the Champs team who have never actually won anything. How can you call them Champs? Maybe the show should be Veterans vs. Stars...
  4. That makes it interesting because we have the potential to see a first time winner this time around.
  5. My point was, I thought and it seems that I am right, that most posters on here were not fans of J&C because they were from BB. I am not sure if people know what Cody's comments were or if some do not care. I was just looking at it from a pure stunt casting standpoint. Which is what I felt the Twinnies were on Survivor, they along with the useless John Rocker, were stunt cast. I was not a fan of the Twinnies because they were highly annoying on TAR and they proudly stole from another team and gloated about it. Therefore, when one of them won Survivor I was not happy. I mean that season of Survivor was pretty bad and would have sucked no matter who won it (Well had Keith ended up winning, that might have made that season decent because Keith was awesome) but having a thief win the game due to stunt casting made it suck just a tad bit more. That is why I said what I said because I noticed a lot of people decrying J&C winning because they were a stunt cast team, were the same people that were happy that someone from TAR won Survivor even if that person was a stunt cast as well. That is the way I took it as well. Or maybe from Cody's standpoint. Jessica can be very mean girl at times and I think she was feeling a combination of both being pissed that Evan and Henry made it to the finals and also being sad that one of her friends were being eliminated. That is why I do not get the backlash about BB players. There have been tons of teams who were stunt casted and nobody complains about them. I am actually more annoyed with CBS reality show people showing up on The Challenge, which while under the same corporate family is an entirely different network, than I am with them showing up on TAR. I know Whimsy said to stop rehashing BB stuff but I just wanted to give you a quick example of something that Paul was trying to do that I thought was vile. Cody as you know was a Marine who saw combat. Therefore, Paul decided to tell his allies to constantly harass Cody in order to try and trigger Cody's PTSD (I am not sure if Cody even has PTSD or not). The hope was that Cody would physically assault someone and get kicked out of the house. For the record, I wanted Team Extreme to win, then Indy, then J&C. That being said, I am not disappointed that J&C ended up winning.
  6. I am going to be lazy here but are Cara, Brad, and Zach the only three in this group to have actually won a finals?
  7. Well she and Cody ended up winning TAR.
  8. That was the almost the exact same thought I had as well. Anything that brings Paul sorrow, I am down for. I wonder if part of him being silent was him just sick of the constant nagging and nitpicking and therefore he just drowned her out. I know that is what I would have done. Cody and Jessica winning was not the outcome that I wanted, I would have rather have had Jen and Kristi because I felt they had run the best race by far. However, I am cool with Jessica and Cody winning, I was just happy that Evan did not win. I wish that Henry could have run the race by himself because he seemed like a nice enough guy. I was not crazy with the last deciding task being a roadblock. Mainly because I think that teams should win as a team and lose as a team. It sucks that one person can cost their partner the race. Funny how all of these people are not happy about Jessica and Cody winning. I wonder how many of them were happy when one of the Twinnies won Survivor? I know I am still a little salty about her winning but there were an awful lot of TAR fans that were over the moon when she won Survivor.
  9. I know Theo is a comedian but I never found him to be all that funny. I always found his attempts at humor on the show to be lame. Coral on the other hand was very funny and she was all sorts of awesome. Out of everyone from the past I think she would be the one I would want to see the most. Though part of me would love to see Beth or possibly Puck return but due to age I highly doubt either of them would come back. Plus for all I know Puck is probably in prison right now. I would not want to see Paulie from BB on here. Also, I think it is only a matter of time before we see Paul on a season.
  10. I am surprised that Victor did so poorly during challenges on this show. He was the challenge beast on Big Brother, in fact he was voted out and had to beat four or five people (I cannot remember exactly how many it was and I am too lazy to look it up) in challenges in order to get back into the game. I was a huge fan of Natalie on Big Brother, on here not so much. Of course she understands how to play the game, she had some very good instincts on Big Brother. RHJunkie is right the strategy is very similar on both shows, so to see her play the victim was just annoying.
  11. I wish Yale had not been speared. Oh well... I love it when Henry questioned their math and Evan gave him a look as if to say, "How dear you question my math!", and Henry was right it was because the math was screwed up. Out of the final four I think I want either Indy or Team Extreme to take the win, I am leaning more Kristi and Jen because they have kicked ass all throughout the race and it would be cool to see them win.
  12. Sorry that was my mistake I meant The Apprentice and I put TAR. I am not sure why I did that and I had already been quoted so I felt weird editing it. So yeah I apologize.
  13. I hate when they pull an all one gender alliance, it makes the game so boring. It does not matter if it is an All-Dude Bro alliance or an All-Woman alliance. It just does not make for interesting television for me. I am racking my brain trying to figure out where I know Brandi from. I knew who she was before she was on TCA and I have never watched any episodes of the Real Housewives, so it has been bothering me all night. I looked her up on Wikipedia and there was nothing really about her prior to he two previous reality shows. Maybe she was a guest on Howard Stern...I am just not sure but I could have sworn I knew her before she was on TAR. I like Chuck and was a fan of his when he was in the UFC but the dude is so boring. I am surprised they cast him on a show where you have to have some sort of personality. Well they did cast Matt last season... Screw you CBS for putting Paul on my television for the third year in a row! A laughed when they had Rachel come out and sing because it was so heavily auto-tuned that I thought Britney Spears was singing. Despite me not being a fan of the All-Women's alliance I actually think I want to see Shannon win this based on the first episode. Though I would not complain about Chuck or Ross winning either.
  14. It is funny I was going to come on here and say that nobody really bothers me this season which is an oddity. That actually is not true though as both Evan and Brittany annoy me. While no one team annoys me, members of team annoy me I guess. I do get annoyed by the fact that Henry and Evan always need to point out that they are being underestimated because they are the "smart" team. Granted that is probably just the narrative that the producers want them to push and so they are probably encouraged to bring it up in every episode and that is why it does not annoy me all that much. After watching Evan's slight disagreement with Henry last week, I would find it hard to believe that she is this great debater if she were to use her same tactics in a debate. All she kept on saying was, "I really feel it should be this way", over and over again. It is almost as if she wore him down by saying how she feels over and over again. That is a really good way to prove your point, he probably just ends up giving in because he does not want to listen to her anymore. My father's first name is Henry (which is my middle name) and he gets annoyed when people call him Hank. I cannot imagine his reaction to being called Hen all of the time. I am not a fan of Brittany and I am not even sure why that is the case. Maybe it was over the whole gnome thing and how she blamed Jessica for intentionally screwing with her when that was not the case. That is why I have no problem with Jessica actually intentionally trying to screw her this time around.
  15. It was good to see Shane and Brad back mostly for nostalgia reasons (Yeah I know Shane was on recently but it is always cool to see one of the older contestants on the show who have not become regulars again. I am looking at you Veronica). I was never a fan of either one of them and while I knew Brad was going to be on the show (I did not even know it was him at first) I had no clue that Shane was going to be on this season. Maybe it is because I am a fan of Big Brother, but I did not have a problem with El Fit Vic and Natalie being on the show. Same goes with the other new blood from the British shows. It is odd but I really hated it when the AYTO people first started showing up but now it does not bother me at all. Plus I really like the cute blonde British girl that was called the boyfriend stealer. It is so weird that the Real World and Road Rules alumni are now the minority of the cast. One thought that I am not sure I should put out in the world but I am going to do it anyway is...now that Big Brother people are on the show does it mean that the vile Paul Abrahamian will be making his way onto the show.
  16. To add to that, he is currently filming a WWE produced "movie". I say "movie" because it is one of those direct-to-video/DVD/whatever technology term you want to use for crappy movies now. The type of movie he is starring in is on par with the crap that Steven Seagal puts out. Not going to lie, I have a bit of a crush on here so I am glad to see her. I still remember how good she looked in that blue dress when she was voted out. I wonder how much she's going to cry.
  17. Well they did the whole race season, so I would not put anything past them.
  18. Oh I love me a good Twitter war and I dislike the three of them so I have no dog in the fight. I am going to have to check it out.
  19. No you did not hear it wrong. I watched that episode two nights ago and I heard it as well. I was thinking the same thing when I was watching them buy drinks at the bar. Wait a second at least one person does. Paddy was my favorite character on the show and I hated it when they killed him off. Your theory about Beau and Paddy seems to be plausible. I finished watching the second season last night and I was wondering about who was thinking about Paddy and Charlie. I mean Paddy has been dead for what a century and a half and Charlie has been dead for a almost a century. What living person would be longing for their return. Your Beau theory works for Paddy but the bartender who knew everything about Charlie is a huge stretch. Also if I was the bartender I would find Charlie to be very odd. I mean this guy comes to town looking to find information about his relative and yet from the bartender's perspective Charlie only gives him bits of information here and there. This made me laugh far more than it should have. Thank you.
  20. This times a thousand. That may very well have been one of my favorite moments ever on reality TV. I loved it when, I think, Christopher Knight said something like, "Hey buddy don't you think it's a little strange what you're doing?" and Verne replied, "Strange? What's strange?" Did any of the contestants go over to Kevin's house for Thanksgiving?
  21. My thoughts exactly. I think it would be very messed up if they ended up getting rid of Jax just because Victor Garber wanted to return to Broadway. I wonder if Jax is gone for good. Yes, I thought Sara was looking a lot like Lagertha in this episode. I kept on waiting/hoping that the awesome Floki would show up, but sadly he did not. Hey now it is a proven fact that John Noble (Much like Roger Cross and CCH Pounder) automatically makes any show that he is at even more awesome. That is just scientific fact...uh yeah...look it up. Come on writers we all have eyes we all know Caity Lotz is hot, but why must every single Bisexual female or Lesbian character fall in love with her right off the bat? I just find it a tad bit unrealistic that every single LBGT female character automatically finds her attractive.
  22. Sorry for the late response. Yeah I finally got around to watching the episode Sunday afternoon. I did not think it was one of the stronger episode of the season thus far but it was decent. I really have enjoyed the crossover episodes that aired last night. Oh I would love Sarah/Caity Lotz to kick the crap out of...let's go with Camilla and Johnny.
  23. I mean yeah Zach is an asshole but he cannot be that big of an asshole if he shaved his head for Locks of Love. That being said I do think Jenna could do a lot better. and What MV said. She was probably drunk so they sent a PA in to help her. I have worked as a PA in the past and such is the life of a PA. You have to do all sorts of crappy jobs on set, including trying to help dress a nasty drunken Brazilian woman.
  24. CM Punk from last season was a pretty big name from the world of wrestling. Granted not on the mainstream level of Hogan, the Rock, or Cena but not many are on that level. I mean Punk is mostly known for wrestling but he also is currently an MMA fighter and he writes comic books for Marvel. That being said if you are not into those things I would understand not knowing who he is. I mean for me I have no clue who any of the Real House Wives are besides Nene Leakes. So if one of them were to show up on something I would be saying the same thing as you are. I hate the voice of the chick from Wild N' Out (I have not learned her name yet). The fact that they gave her a ton of talking head segments drove me up the walls.
  25. I thought it was a dress but it may very well have been a top with black pants. To be honest I am not willing to put myself through the torture of watching the show again in order to find out. I should have just watched Legends of Tomorrow in the first place and read who won the show.
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