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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. It is a little fairer than what the gave Neda in the past BBCan season. She was safe until jury and then the moment she lost safety she was promptly voted out. I do not have live feeds so as always I have very little to add to this thread. But as always I would love to thank all of you Live Feed posters. You all enhance this show for me so thank you.
  2. I think Kevin did the smart thing. It seems that the rule of thumb for the most part (barring Jerry in season ten and Kent in season two) is that the old guy is either the first or second to go on Big Brother. While the older woman is usually the first to go on Survivor (the hardly ever cast older women on Big Brother). I am not a fan of Ramses or Josh thus far and I have yet to form an opinion on of the other new players. Ramses sort of reminds me of Frankie, not because they are both gay, but because they both seem to want all eyes on them all of the time. Josh to me is way too cocky and he sort of reminds of Russell from Jeff and Jordan's first season. What I mean by that is I can see him getting into heated arguments with other contestants. Granted I might be reading both Josh and Ramses wrong but that is how I feel thus far. Glad to see Cameron gone, I was not a fan. I am not sure why but I just found him to be a tad bit off putting. Why did they have to bring Paul back? In the words of Paul, I was pissed when I saw him. I mean they couldn't get Michelle or Victor back from last season. I guess I have to be happy that it was not Mike Boogie they decided to bring back.
  3. I am not sure if this was brought up before or really where to put it so I am just going to put it here. I was watching The Bye Bye Man tonight (don't judge) and Jonathan Penner popped up. I said to my friend, "Hey look it's Jonathan from Survivor." To which he replied, "I don't think so bro. Why would a reality star show up in a mainstream movie." I then had to explain that Jonathan was an actual actor and not a reality star trying to become one. Anyway, the credits roll around and it turns out that Penner also wrote and produced the movie. Granted the movie was not that great but it was not horrible either and it was cool to see one of my favorite players in a movie.
  4. How is everyone from the States watching this? I was going to look to see if this was on YouTube but YouTube has the nasty habit of taking these shows down just as soon as they are put up (Screw you YouTube I still got to watch the entire season of BB Can 5 despite your efforts to stop me). I just don't want to get invested in this only to not see the end, which is what happened to me with the last season of Australian Survivor.
  5. Yes I think there was a helicopter as well. Tell Mr. Callaphera that made me laugh and I now also share that mental image.
  6. I brought the jet-ski up to my friend and he said, "Dude how do you remember that shit?" My response was, "Because it was so cheesy it was awesome." I was watching it with my friend and he said the exact same thing. I agree, well about the first part. I am a man so I do not agree about the second part. I spent the entire show drooling over how good looking Andrea and Hali were but then I saw Michaela at the Reunion Show and well damn she is beautiful.
  7. I don't get why they keep on bringing Camilla back season after season. She one once but she is always being billed as a tough competitor. Yet most of the times she sucks at the challenges. I mean sure she brings the crazy when she's drunk and she is eye candy but I am really getting sick of her being on every single damn season.
  8. The funny thing about the whole situation is that Punk is, I believe, a multi-millionaire. This is mainly because, from what I read, he does not spend his money lavishly. Therefore, Johnny's whole argument really is dumb because the dude did accomplish becoming a millionaire.
  9. I have a question and I am not sure if anyone knows the answer, but is Sarah a cop? I mean I truly cannot figure out if she is or not. It's not like she does not mention it in every damn confessional that she has. I am not sure how I feel about her being the potentially eventual winner. I mean I was not a fan of her during her first season but I never disliked her either. She's just there. I would have preferred to see someone like Cirie, Troy (is he truly on this season?), or Andrea win but it was not mean to be.
  10. I wonder how Camilla beats Laurel. Heck I wonder how Camilla manages to make it into the latter part of the season every season. Same goes for Jenna.
  11. If I remember right (This was a long time ago so I could be wrong), Roddy from BB USA S3 used to flirt with Marcellas in order to curry favor with him. He never went as far as kissing him though. What is it with the Jackie hate by the houseguests? They have not shown her on the show to be that offensive, yet all of the other hamsters seem to dislike her and talk about how she is an easy vote to get out. What are we not being shown about her? Every time William pops up on the screen I think to myself, "Hi future jury member."
  12. I am so glad Dallas got voted out. I was wondering how/why it became unanimous because it seemed to be a tad bit up in the air prior to the evection show. Glad to see Emily stay, I hope she goes far. Not that I need eye candy because I find the vast majority of the women attractive this season, but I really like Emily.
  13. I never paid attention to the show during the first three seasons (As an American I watched all of the first three seasons on YouTube in late 2015). I was always of the impression that Gary was beloved by the fans. I am so glad I am not the only one who is not a fan of Gary. I must say I feel blah about the vast majority of the return players. I love Neda (She is my favorite BBCan player ever and I find her hot so that really helps as well), I like Ika, Cass, and Bruno. I have no like or ill feelings towards Kevin. But I really dislike Dallas (I feel he tries to hard to be cool), Gary, and Sindy with an S.
  14. This show sure does killing off characters. I guess we should not get attached to any of them. I have never really witnessed something like this on an American television show before, meaning main and semi-main characters getting killed off so quick. I saw Sam as the killer coming from a mile away. Mainly because Christopher Heyerdahl seems to always plays the psychos in everything that he does (If you have never witnessed him playing the Swede in Hell on Wheels I highly recommend you do so because his character was great).
  15. I did not know about his social media rants during and after the game was over. That probably would make me like him a little less but then again I was no fan of Kat and I strongly disliked Alicia. I thought Christina was awesome and that final three was one of my favorites because none of them offended me.
  16. I might be the lone person to admit this on here but I was a Troyzan fan. Therefore, if he wins I would be happy with that.
  17. Michaela's reaction tonight might have just replaced Judd's from season eleven as my favorite elimination reaction. Just classic stuff right there. I really liked Michaela and I was shocked that she was voted out so early. I found her confessionals to be funny. What is weird is that I normally hate cocky players but I really liked her.
  18. Sorry for my late response, but thank you for the response. I will have to try it out. Though I have yet to watch what I missed, I am glad that Kristie won. Funny thing was, I thought Kristie would be the goat if she ended up in the finals but I guess that did not turn out to be the case. I also think it is cool that the final three consisted of three people from the original Aganoa tribe. The original Aganoa tribe seemed to inept to me at the start of the game and yet El, Lee, and Kristie were all there at the end of the game.
  19. Quick question, as someone who is watching this from the States is there anywhere that I can go to legally watch this? I had been watching it on YouTube but I guess they really cracked down on there over the copyright issue because all of the episodes have been removed. The last episode I saw was Brook's elimination episode and so I really want to watch the entire season. The very same thing happened to me with BBCAN season four and so I just really want to see how things turn out, instead of reading how they turn out.
  20. Holy crap where the hell did they dig Darrell and Shane up from? I am actually excited to see the both of them though.
  21. I wonder if Life Coach Laura is going to be on this season. That woman annoys me to no end. I mean she acts like some sort of therapist, yet she is just a damn life coach. I am not going to lie, I liked seeing Winter get hit. She just comes across as such an asshole.
  22. That may very well be my favorite challenge. I would totally do the exact thing. I would be sitting there not listening to a word Jeff said and I would be screwed when it came to the challenge. This is more of a general opinion post and less than an episode specific post. This might be the first time in some time where I do not favor one tribe over the other. There are people on both tribes that I like (Zeke, Michaela, Adam, Ken, David, and CC) and I have people I dislike on each tribe (Well mostly Figgy and her dude bros and yes I have yet to learn the two dude bros' names).
  23. Why was Matt even in that challenge? He was already going so there really was no point for him to take part in it. Well I mean obviously the producers probably wanted the other castaways to see his answer but still. Also, what is up with these non-elimination episodes? Yeah the non-vote out was cool because it had never been done before but the rest have seemed pointless. I had to laugh when Flick said besides Matt she was the best strategist. Unless she was playing dumb, she did not even realize that she is playing for third if she went to the finals with El and Lee. From what I saw I do not think she was playing dumb and therefore the thought did not even cross her mind until Matt and Sam brought it up. Also, per the second half of the Reward Challenge it would seem that Sam might be the best final two goat. I personally thought it would be either Flick or Kristie but perhaps that is not the case. Why is nobody even thinking about Lee's advantage when they are talking about the vote? One more thing, Lee sort of reminds me of Tom Westman in regards to his reaction towards Sam (Who I guess would be Ian in this case). The, "How dare you try to vote me out!", way of thinking.
  24. I honestly do not care for any of them so far. Maybe Kailie but I am not sure that is the case either. This is odd because by this point there is always one or two girls that I really like, but so far not so much.
  25. This is more of a general comment and not really related to this episode (Well I guess it could be posted in any episode thus far). I really thought it would annoy the hell out of me every time Brynesha would add sh in front of a word. However, I ended up finding it funny. Especially, when she said the word shdaughters. That to me is very funny, it really should not be but it is.
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