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Everything posted by amaranta

  1. Shag Claudette Marry Hayden Kill Nina (That was hard.) A Legion of Doom round: Stavros Faison Jerry Jacks
  2. Hee. I love Lou Barlow. Really. And in all his musical guises - solo stuff, Folk Implosion and Sebadoh.
  3. Game of Thrones. I've seen still photos and read some of the press, since it's everywhere, all the time. What I've gleaned from my press exposure: The focus is on how many horrible and different ways a person can be killed. Oh, and sexual abuse. And there's dragons. And royal wars and shit. The dragons seem cool. The other stuff, not so much. But then I've always had a low violence threshold and tend to use "I Can't Unsee That" as my litmus test.
  4. Every time someone went to pick a lock (either to get in or out of a room - are we at farce levels yet?), the swelling of the orchestral, supposedly suspenseful, music made me giggle. Latin lover fantasy RoHo was so much secondhand embarrassment. That was excruciating. Morgan, leave Dillon and Lauren alone. I like them. You said you're not good for her. You are correct. Oh - and I almost forgot - congrats to KSt for not collapsing in fits of laughter when she walked in on Nina and delivered her "Snap out of it" line. I do wonder if Staff was supposed to be sitting there in a blissful reverie, but instead threw herself backwards over the desk and assumed the position. Though if I had been the one walking in, my first words would have been "Should I call 911?"
  5. The way Nina was looking at Curtis during the photo shoot really creeped me out. There's a look that says you think a person's really hot, you're feeling lust... or whatever. And then there's Stafford, whose expression seemed to say 'I'm going to mate with you and then unleash my inner praying mantis and devour you." IMO, Donnell Turner is the best looking guy on GH right now. And of the more recent cast additions one of the show's best actors. In the right pairing and story line I think he could burn up the screen. But I'm not feeling it with cadet Val. Has he been chem tested with Anna? (Why yes, I think everyone needs a chem test with FH. ;-) ) He'd be an excellent way for Anna to move on from Duke.
  6. Shag Maxie Marry Georgie Kill Sage Noah Drake Patrick Drake Sean Donnelly
  7. I'm watching and, so far, enjoying this season more than the first. I'm glad they've moved toward the family and friend dynamics for each character instead of every story being a setup for a random hookup. Though I'm sure they'll still happen. I'm even finding Laura more tolerable; she seems to have learned a bit from her mistakes. I'm not surprised the actress is in her twenties; most of TVs teens seem to be. I think she tolerably passes for 16-17. Still loving Leon.
  8. Look, I really like Finola. But the last two guys, Paul and Andre, that have declared their feelings for her have done so in such a robotic, flat manner. I didn't believe either one of them. And the dating site - what are the odds that Tender Legal is Paul? Sigh. I wish we had Tristan. Congrats to Valerie for being in the top ten percent of her class. A class which seemed to consist of six people. </sarcasm> At least she wasn't Sabrina'd and scored the highest! score! ever! in the history of the academy. I don't know if I can take much more of "look, Sonny is a great guy! He really is!" Because he really isn't. Lulu beaming a laser bright smile at Valerie was kind of weird. I don't need or want sniping and fighting between these two characters but it just seems too much, too soon. It's like all of last year never happened and now it's all "see how much I love my cousin." Because on on screen they still barely know each other - we never got to see them explore a real familial relationship.
  9. Mad Men - That shot of Peggy Olsen wearing sunglasses, cigarette hanging from her mouth, moving her belongings into her new office at McCann. First visual that popped into my mind when I saw this thread title. I also remember reading this article, which says it better that I ever could: http://www.gq.com/story/peggy-olson-mad-men-office-season-seven
  10. I honestly don't think KSt looks that bad. Yes, the makeup seems a bit heavy and they are making use of her hair to hide the side parts of her face. But rather than bad, I think she just looks different. I hope she feels better soon and is able to return before too long. The wedding in my head was so much more than what we got. I wanted joyous and celebratory, surrounded by family and friends. Sam should have been there, in addition to her super sleuthing story line and not left out because of it. And the Davis girls should have been there as well, especially given Kristina's recent bonding conversation with Lucas. Joss is family; she should have been there. I also would have welcomed Felix today. But again, that's the wedding in my imagination. And I'm going with one hell of an after party (that's taking place off screen, of course.)
  11. Well. we can't let this kill the game. And yes, those are some difficult choices. Kill Sonny in the 90's. This is to prevent the coming decades. But since this is a soap, it doesn't take. Shag - Sonny, early 00's Marry - Sonny now. He's a despicable POS, but he's a richer older POS. Try to hang in there for the money and the house, then when he croaks donate most of it. Turn the house into a safe place, halfway type facility for Disturbed Children of Moobsters. Lois Chloe Alexis
  12. Obama has one of the best deadpans / straight deliveries I've ever seen. The reaction to now needing his birth certificate to prove he's only 54 was amazing.
  13. Well, Jonathon Jackson and Clare Bowen seem happy,
  14. Me too. And even happier that it will still stream on Hulu as I cut the cord a couple of years ago. Same here so I hope Hayden is able to return. Oh, who am I kidding? I'll likely watch. I still like the Avery and Will characters. And though I would have never thought this to be the case before this season, I came to like Luke Wheeler, especially the last 3-4 episodes.
  15. This was driving me crazy so I tried to find it. (Yes, I'm weird.) I think that the joke ended up being that not only is the whole wedding gone, which is why Ray arranged for a vow renewal, the tag may have showed that he didn't get the end of the game either. I couldn't find that part and I honestly don't remember the ending of no game. The clip below is the only tape related part I remember seeing. I hate it when silly stuff get stuck in my head. But this wasn't exactly one of my favorite episodes either. Not only does he come off as inconsiderate, but extremely stupid as well.
  16. There were only 45 seconds left of the wedding, the very start. All that was left was the bridal entrance. The rest of the tape was the game. They weren't upset about no game. Ray was freaked because there was a game but no wedding. And. boy, he knew was he in trouble.
  17. OK, WTF is MS doing in that picture? There can't possibly be a good answer to that question.
  18. You know, at the time, I didn't really get Sawyer's win. But now, I think I do. At the time he auditioned he was, what, 15? Then turned 16 before the lives and I guess would be 17 now? For his age, he has a really seasoned voice with a pretty remarkable tone. But it's more than that - I remember him. If it weren't for these forums, I don't think I'd recall that Craig Wayne Boyd existed. And even with occasional mention of his name here I can't tell you even one thing about Javier Colon. I don't think I'd recognize him if he walked right up and said hello, and yes, I watched his season. I now own two of Sawyer's songs, the first winner I've purchased music from - 4 Pockets and Stranger from an EP that came out not that long after his win. I wasn't aware there was an album until he appeared on the show; I subscribe to a couple of music pubs and I never saw him on the new release lists. Anyway, I like these two. And if he's writing what I've heard so far, then he's definitely got promise. I have music from two other contestants, again just a couple of songs, but they're not winners. So I'll visit the other thread soon and perhaps post the ones I liked.
  19. Seriously. I keep getting taken out of scenes by that extremely ugly chain link monstrosity of a fence in the background. At least when AMC started doing outdoor park shoots it actually looked like a park. I now have two potential pairings I like. Dillon and Kiki/Lauren (dump the nickname, hon!) and Laura / Kevin. I can't remember the last time that happened. And Hayden / Finn had a decent start; I liked the banter. Good for Leslie C. I think she's been on more the last two months than she has in the last two years. And they're doing crossover with both her professional and personal life (Tracy, Danny.) I wonder what happened with her judge boyfriend. They're not doing the best (ha!) job writing Hospital Murder Mystery but at least it is a hospital story that involves several doctors. Trying to be thankful for small favors here.
  20. So Ingo is coming back? I like IR so it'll be good to see him, even if only for a little while. And he's the only man that's ever had any chemistry with Laura Wright, IMO. Which means that, yeah, Jax will likely get crapped on and abused. Damn.
  21. Total speculation here: maybe, later in the series, we find out that Mike had the virus but survived it. In becoming the first human to do so he now has the means to create a vaccine. He is a scientist, after all. I'm probably just reaching since I want Mike to live. I teared up again - two weeks in a row! And then got scared by creepy guys with guns. Each time I watch an episode I'm always surprised by how much I like this show.
  22. +1000. I may have originally tuned in to see what Rob Lowe was up to, but I stayed for Fred Savage. I hope TPTB took notice, he gets offered another show, and that he takes it.
  23. I loved the scene where Frankie apologizes to Robert; Tomlin and Sheen were wonderful. A couple of hours after I watched this episode I realized just how much credit should go to the actors. I was / am a huge West Wing fan and not once during that scene did I see President Bartlet talking to Debbie. I replayed it and still don't. So kudos. Grace was great bluntly telling Sol that he had picked the absolute worst place to seek refuge, especially when he had other options. I love forthright Grace, especially in situations where she must feel like she's been set adrift on a ship of fools. If Sol is supposed to this kind and wonderful person they need to start showing it. Right now he's just coming off as a petulant, selfish man-child. Another good, small moment - Frankie barreling onto the farm in her dust mobile, music blaring. Hee. Maybe the world was better a place when she didn't have her license... ETA - And it just occurred to me the same could be said for Fonda and Waterston, both from The Newsroom. This cast is really good. Though I've only seen The Newsroom once; The West Wing I think I've lost count.
  24. THIS is how Jason gets his memories back? Really? Another blow to the head, a few hallucinations of the women in his life ... and Sonny? It's like the writers just said screw it, let's finally get this over with. Which I'm glad for, it was way past time. But it's the most anti-climactic ending that ever anti-climacticed. And if his remembering leads to him heading to Sonny, entering the house and basically saying "Honey, I'm home!" I'm going to want to hurt somebody.
  25. So yesterday I decided to watch a show during my lunch break. I picked this as a fun, silly show - good lunchtime entertainment. And then I was crying in my yogurt. IMO, the show gave little room for doubt. Mike has the virus. He's going to die. Falling Slowly. Will Forte made me cry, y'all.
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