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Everything posted by amaranta

  1. Anne Francis in "The After Hours." For some reason that episode really freaked me out; I've never looked at mannequins the same since. As in they totally creep me out (as do ventriloquist dummies and clowns.) She was also in an episode called "Jess-Belle," which I don't think I've seen. I've only watched this series in syndication so I've probably missed a good many. Diana Hyland in "Spur of the Moment." I really liked this one, have seen it a few times, and always wish for a different outcome.
  2. I spent the month of August watching all four seasons of "Episodes," which I had not seen before. Not even a clip. Nothing. And by the end of the first season I found myself thinking: "When did Matt LeBlanc get so hot?" Didn't do anything for me when he was Joey, but now? Damn!
  3. I'm okay with a reset on Rebecca Budig's Hayden. I don't think Ron had any idea of who the character was supposed to be and the audience had no idea why she was doing things. "I lie a lot! I behave like a sex addict! I want money! Now I want more money! And more sex!" wasn't a character. It was a caricature. And the last few shows I'm beginning to sense a different dynamic between her and TC. With an actual story I think they may have chemistry.
  4. So Carly actually said to Jordan that she's always been straight with her kids? Really? REALLY!?! Yup, that AJ's murder thing where she was totally honest with Michael about who shot AJ, understood his anger towards Sonny, and helped him process his grief ... Oh wait. That didn't happen that way, did it? Having GH rage blackouts is the new normal.
  5. I'm just winding up a series rewatch, which got me wondering what Matt Bomer might have in the works other than Magic Mike and Montgomery Clift. So I checked Twitter and ended up finding this "Awwww" moment from a couple of months ago. Love these guys.
  6. I guess I would have made a bad writer / director / producer because, letter or no letter, I would have spliced in one last shot. When Luke turns to look back I would have put in one camera shot of Laura standing farther back on the dock. It's an unplanned encounter. No lines, she just gives a small smile, a look. Then a cut back to Luke, his salute and wry smile. The walk into the fog and ... end scene. It's plausible. Laura does have to catch the launch back to Windemere. You wouldn't have needed Geary, it could have been shot after he was gone. And, yes, perhaps Tony's head would have exploded. Don't care. Leaving the well-being of Port Charles in Sonny's oh so capable mob hands? Yeah, right. What could go wrong with that?
  7. Another a Robert and Anna fan here, I've always seen them as end game. And I liked Scrubs. I think I'll also give Night Shift 2 another watch.
  8. I like Tina Fey and think that most of her work is great. But not in this case, not on this show. IMO, her character (along with co-counsel) and the trial scenes almost derailed the series. I can't help but think she got the nomination simply because she's Tina! Effin! Fey! Congrats to Tituss Burgess! The Pinot Noir video* would probably make my Top Ten TV Moments list for the 2014-2015 season. While I'm happy for Jane Krakowski I think I would have preferred a Carol Kane nod. *I miss the Tubeys. *sniff* I so would have nominated that for best musical moment.
  9. I too loved his Lord John Marbury character. I had forgotten he was Robin Colcord on Cheers, but then I sort of checked out during the Kirstie Alley years. RIP Roger Rees.
  10. Hey, if it's on the Internet it must be true, yes? ;-) Apology happily accepted. Poor word choices and brain freezes, both something most people can relate to. Amanda Peterson, gone too soon at 43. R.I.P.
  11. I made this mistake recently, in the last week or so. HuffPo had a death in their side bar of "breaking" news. I was in a hurry, so I did a click / copy / save on the link when I posted. I did not check the date on the link. When I realized my error, I apologized. I am not stupid. Really. Rushed at times, yes. But not stupid.
  12. The overly dramatic orchestral music that played during the Michael returning Avery / AJ scene drove me nuts. It felt like the show was shouting at me, "See? This is moving! It's heartwarming that Sonny has his girl child back, back where she belongs. With Sonny our hero, our poor misunderstood mobster." No, it's not where she belongs. And I felt no emotion. Rising heartburn, oh yeah. But any real emotion? Hell, no. And I don't suppose Sonny swearing to protect cutest baby ever with his life will actually amount to anything, which is a damn shame. Where's an actual anvil when you need one? Carly is always at Sonny's. Last week I noticed she referred to his house as "home." So I guess Bobby is raising Joss now, since Carly no apparently no longer lives in her own house. Arrgh. *Takes more Tums*
  13. I have the same question; it's odd. And misleading. I saw it in the other stories of interest, side of the page column, on The Huffington Post. So apologies for what was likely a repost regarding Ms. Strassman.
  14. Marcia Strassman, probably best known as Mrs. Kotter, passes away at age 66.
  15. Me too! Every time they show that high exterior shot I think I audibly sigh. Add to that it's in La Jolla, which is so lovely. Unaffordable for anyone who's not a 1 percenter, but lovely all the same.
  16. Sometimes I forget how good of an actress Lily Tomlin can be. The look in her eyes when Grace said that Frankie didn't know what it was like to be pregnant and therefore couldn't understand, just about took my breath away.
  17. My favorite part of the episode was Jeff's obsession with Chris Pratt. I miss both Troy and Shirley; this ep, and every other this season, just feels off balance somehow.
  18. Just watched the promo. Great cast, some funny lines. Quick thoughts: Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin together again after all these years? Yes! Martin Sheen/Jed Bartlet and Sam Waterston/Charlie Skinner are in love? For some reason, this alone gives me the giggles. In a good way. Yup, I'm in. Happily looking forward to it. I rarely binge, but I just might make an exception for this and watch it all in about a week.
  19. I still can't believe it was only 18 minutes long. Cut it three more minutes, Mr. Lorre, and we'll have an even split between ads and actual show time. Is this like the ultimate network TV dream? A top rated show where you only have to fill just a little over half of your time slot? Less work, more ads, lots more money? I'm not certain why I'm pissed off about the run time, but I am. So there you go. But yeah, other than that, an OK episode. Is that the first time Raj and Leonard have had their own story apart from the others? It felt like it.
  20. For any interested iTunes users - this episode is currently available in the Free on iTunes section. I really enjoyed this concert episode, especially the Triple Exes, and Jackson's and Esten's songs. So it's now in my video library for free! They rotate the freebies, so I don't know how long it will be there.
  21. James Best - Actor Who Played 'Dukes of Hazzard' Sheriff Dies at Age 88 http://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/tv/actor-who-played-dukes-of-hazzard-sheriff-dies-at-age-88/2015/04/07/48f5bf40-dd3a-11e4-b6d7-b9bc8acf16f7_story.html All of the headlines I've seen reference Dukes of Hazard. I guess he was best known for that, but to me he's a syndication HITG: guitarist Jim on The Andy Griffith Show, countless westerns, The Twilight Zone, etc. I think of Best as a character actor and a darn good one. RIP, Mr. Best.
  22. And I'll throw in his West Wing episodes. I'm beginning to wonder about Matthew Perry's choices for his career; I think the smart move would have been to go drama for a while. I loved his WW performances and the more serious beats he hit in Go On (which started out strong and then kind of went off the rails.) I too hear the ba-da-bum, stilted delivery. It's both irritating me and making me sad.
  23. I just watched yesterday's episode. Usually I catch up with the thread before posting but regarding this Luke story I just had to get this off of my chest: Ron is out of his fucking mind. Totally, utterly and completely insane, as is probably TG. Unless of course they are trying to do the Mel Brooks version of Silence of the Lambs (a la Young Frankenstein.) Otherwise, just .... no.
  24. Nerves, poor breathing and a tight throat can really destroy a voice. Years ago I was an understudy for a production of Godspell and a cast member was replaced with a NY performer at the last minute. On her first night she was so scared that we thought she was going to pass out. It seemed to get better once she was on stage and then came her song, Day By Day. She was awful. Squeaks and cracks and flat the whole time. The second-hand embarrassment was unbearable. And so was the after show crying. The next day there was a rehearsal, her first in our production. She blew the roof off the place. Her voice was incredible; bouncing off the walls and filling the room without a mic fantastic. For some reason being rushed and never having rehearsed with the cast threw her for a loop. From that day on she was great. Sometimes I don't know how the blind auditions - for the true amateurs - go off as well as they do. For the seasoned performers, I expect to be blown away. For a little girl who only has high school and choir experience; not so much. The Danielle Bradburys and Sawyer Fredericks of the world are an anomaly, I think.
  25. Maybe not. Place and time of statement made. Reasonable interpretation. Actions that followed utterance. And ... context is everything. I think Donna could be in a whole lot of trouble. Mostly due to her own hubris, though. Actually, I think doing this was out of character for Donna. There's no way the Donna of seasons past wouldn't know this was a dumb ass move. So I blame the writers. Something I've been doing more and more this year.
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