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Everything posted by amaranta

  1. Every time Carly defends Sonny, each time she declares her love for him, I picture back when Olivia was shot. At the time Sonny thought it was because Carly had sent Shawn to kill Franco and that it was his bullet that put Olivia's life in danger. I remember quite clearly Sonny and Carly in that hospital hallway, the scene where Sonny looked her in the eye and said, "If she dies, you die." I remember Carly's initial look of disbelief and then the fear spreading across her face, her beginning to tremble, as she realized that Sonny meant it. The dawning realization he was going to kill her. Yes, folks - there you have it. A love story for the ages. Carly, you're sick and should send yourself back to Shady Brook. Like yesterday. Sonny is Sonny. Go Michael. Keep on truth telling, plotting and scheming to do whatever it takes to bring the bastard DOWN.
  2. There's never enough Avery and Juliette. They've been averaging 2-3 minutes out of a total of 42! Come on, show! Yes, perhaps it's due to Hayden's pregnancy. But since they've become the main reason I watch, I don't have to like it. ;-) I would also like to hear Avery perform again; while I also used to enjoy his solos, I think he makes a great duet partner. The busking song with HP from last year is still one of my favorites, even though it lasted for all of about thirty seconds.
  3. I knew I was all in with this show when Leo said, "the President, while riding his bicycle, came to a sudden arboreal stop." Then came, as others have already stated, the greatest introduction of a TV character ever, and I was in love. Well, I already loved Sorkin for Sports Night, but this show really sealed the deal. And I stayed in love all seven seasons. Hey, every relationship has its ups and downs. ;-) I'm always amazed when watching the first two episodes how complete and well-drawn the characters were, that early in the run. I might be a bit sporadic on the rewatch, but I'm going to do my best to keep up. Since real life is a bit crazy right now, it makes me so happy to come in here and see new posts!
  4. A silly moment that makes me smile is during an open (I think): Lorelai and Rory are watching the Brady Bunch Variety Hour (in and of itself a WTF), they are chattering away, suddenly Lorelai looks and says "Ooh! Kayaks!" and moves back towards the TV as if in a hypnotic trance. It's a small thing, but that made me smile. Forgive me for not knowing episode titles; I just watched the series for the first time over the last couple of months on Netflix. I have more but my brain is a bit crowded with Season 7 right now, as I just finished a few nights ago.
  5. I liked that aspect of OLTL and I do miss it. Long ago, in the 1980's and the pre-mob days (which is when I started watching), I did think they were setting up Monica Q and Leslie Weber to have that dynamic, and for their rivalry and relationship as frenemies to grow in a similar way. But that soon got shot to hell. And I remain bitter to this day about Alan's death. He was just coming into his own as show patriarch, and ... gone. Tony and Genie could have grown there eventually, but TPTB had to undermine GF (IMO) resulting in her departure, and Geary apparently has to keep having "I'm a bad ass" story lines, even when he looks like he's about to fall over. Who knows? Maybe Geary had a deep seated fear of being relegated to the patriarch slot and that's when they started retconning about Luke never wanting kids, not wanting to be a family man. It's kind of weird to be watching a show where most everyone is related to each in other in some way, yet there is still no sense of family. ETA: You gotta love spell check. Deep seated became deep sedated. Yeah, I changed it. :-)
  6. I watched the finale one more time and a few things sprang to mind (nothing deep here...) - 1) Matt Bomer and Tim Dekay really sold everything they were given; both are excellent actors 2) I'm going to miss Willie Garson. I always liked Mozzy, but I didn't realize I was going to miss him. 3) People magazine needs to grow a pair and give Sexiest Man Alive to Matt Bomer. No offense to Chris Pine, but Bomer is beyond beautiful. Also see the already noted excellent acting skills. Bye show!
  7. I think I'll be listening to Mad Dogs and Englishmen tonight. R.I.P. Joe.
  8. I saw this today for the first time. I was eating lunch and had to take a little break, seems I had something in my eye. Very nicely done.
  9. Me thinks that marihunc was a loyal Chuck watcher (as was I). But yes, if you haven't seen or Netflixed Chuck that wouldn't mean much. That show is where I first saw Matt Bomer, as gorgeous and totally kick ass CIA agent Bryce Larson. So that would be an interesting tie-in. I've watched the finale once, just last night. I don't know what Eastin's been smoking and like most here I didn't see any of what he was talking about play on my screen. Not with how Matt and Tim played it. I too thought when they showed the newspaper with the Louvre headline that Neal was in charge of that security upgrade. Did anyone else think of the storage unit as a vehicle for returns? That the items inside are valuables that Neal has stolen back and were left there for Peter to find? Or returns of things Neal himself had? Now I need someone to make a series about a magic storage unit, one that acts as a portal. Or something...
  10. At times I have suspected myself to be an over-worrier and now, dammit, I think there's an ad this year that may provide proof. The McDonald's ad with the man who carries a wrapped, flat present box to a group of children, where it then gets set on a coffee table, opened by said children and an adorable puppy jumps out. Every time I see this ad I find myself looking for the small print on the bottom of my screen. You know, the warning: "Hey kids! This is a fake box. There's a hole in the table, children. No actual puppy, or any animal for that matter, could be put in such a small box, especially one without air holes, be wrapped in shiny paper and live. So do not do this, kids. Do not surprise your family or your friends with a living creature you think will pop out oh so cutely like on the TV as this will instead result in tears and suffering. Do not try this at home!!!" In how many homes is sweet little Bobby, wrapping paper and scissors in hand, being told to step away from the family kitty cat? (Bobby! I said now!) Or maybe it's just me. *sigh* And that Budweiser Clydesdale article is beyond depressing. Guys, this just might be the holiday season where I realize I'm getting old. Crap. (And Bobby? Get the fuck off my lawn!)
  11. Oh, that was really good; thanks for posting. Funny, touching and well put together; he did a great job. Hilarious how he included a clip of First Brad. I wish KT the best; I liked her.
  12. Thank you! I could not remember who that was. And I was watching back then.
  13. I don't think a scene like this would ever happen on the GH of today. Or maybe any other soap, but then I only watched ABC's line up. One of my favorite Anna moments - Anna Dances
  14. Every so often, I'll sing or hum while doing chores. The other day I realized I was singing The Pit. I just mentioned this in another thread. I love the whole speech.
  15. I liked Leslie's hair in the time jump. Tom can get on my nerves too. But since he gave us DJ Roomba and his special names for foods list (chickie chickie parm parm) I always forgive him.
  16. Agree with previous poster that the first sighting of this ad marks the beginning of the holiday season. (Sorry, I hit the quote button for your post but it didn't come through.) IMO the best holiday ad ever. (Clydesdales are my second choice.) It's simple, clean, to the point, clever and - even after all these years - I still wait for the little hardest ringer at the end to go "Whew!" I've always hoped that the person who came up with the concept won a Cleo, was handsomely compensated, and retired rich.
  17. I was this close to checking out of this show after the 'let's make having [fake] meth all weird and awkward, causing the whole cast to be too stupid to function' episode. But I really liked this one. The pull away shot of the sheet tent filled with the guys drinking Sangria (I want to be the orange), the cheesy 80's songs and the rousing shout of "Boys Night" had me giggling way longer than it should have. As did this. And Winston measuring things. (Do I really start here? Or there? It's so confusing.) And Ned and guh-mail - loved that. It was nice to see Lisa Bonet. This felt like old New Girl, complete with a too good to be true guy for Jess. Good episode.
  18. I don't understand how Neal faking his own death precludes a happy ending. In fact, it may be the only way he is able to have one. It's a fairly long standing plot line in both TV and movies; "The Sting" comes readily to mind. I think what you've described could be written all kinds of ways: bittersweet, fun, ironic, or even exhilarating. But I don't see it as having to be sad or tragic.
  19. The unzipping of the dress and the slight caress on the back of the neck may have been the most sensual moment ever on this show. Or, heck, on any show I've seen this season. In every scene, the actors playing Avery and Juliette really do bring it. I originally came to Nashville for Connie Britton, based on a tremendous amount good will left over from her portrayal of Tami Taylor. But I only see an occasional glimmer of that spark, that depth of performance on this show. And whenever she calls Luke 'babe', I'm reminded that was her term of endearment for Eric Taylor on FNL. Now I'm wondering if the 'babes' are even scripted or if that's something Connie Britton just tosses out there. As others have posted, I'm hanging onto this show for Avery and Juliette. Though I did enjoy Deacon and Scarlett watching the CMAs from their couch. That was both sweet and cute. Hey, an episode where I kind of liked Scarlett! Yay! And I miss the quality of the music we got in season 1 and parts of season 2.
  20. Since this was the 100th episode, personally, I would rather have seen Daymond on the show and not Lori. At least he was part of the interview and look back clip.
  21. Carol Ann Susi of 'The Big Bang Theory' dies of cancer The voice of Mrs Wolowitz, and a veteran character actress with many TV and stage appearances. R.I.P. Ms. Susi.
  22. Well I'm all rose colored glasses and flippity-giddy inside - my show is back! And I thought it was a great start to a much too short season. My happiness is only tempered by it being the last one. I adore Bomer and DeKay. Plus it was so good to see the other "family" members: Mozzie, Diana, Jonesy, and Mrs. Suit. (I have no history with Thiesson - somehow I've managed to miss her entire career before this show. Weird, I know.) I do think we'll get June as well before too long. And because of my cheerfully colored view, I choose to believe that even at the worst of times that if it were do or die, and a choice had to be made, Peter and Neal would each choose to have the other one's back. The fact that at times they have both been looking over their shoulders has never bothered me. It just makes it more real somehow. I loved the pace of this episode. That's the only up side to having only six episodes, I think. It will be a whirling, roller coaster ride of a final season. I think my favorite scene was DeKay as Fat Charlie and him telling Neal "I'm here if you need me" and Neal's quick look of both gratitude and relief. They sold it well and I totally believed them. It never even occurred to me that Neal would die at the end of the show's run; I honestly don't think they would ever go there. A faked death with Peter looking the other way is not out of the question, but even then I think it will be open ended and upbeat. I'm not burdened by Rebecca's statements and don't see them as an anvil. The writers needed to wrap up her part of the story and, for her character, this route made sense. It was in keeping with the her dark brand of crazy. And, boy, do I love watching Matt Bomer. During the last few years he has become one of my favorite actors (he killed me in The Normal Heart.) I look forward to seeing him do many great things. But for now - welcome back show! I just know I'm going to rewatch again this weekend.
  23. Yeah, me too. I fell in love with his (w/ Michael Andrews') version over a decade ago and, as far as I can tell, it's that arrangement that is frequently covered. That said, I preferred Taylor x3 performance to Troy's; Taylor seemed more connected. And Troy's "Dad dancing" seemed really inorganic and forced.
  24. Strange as it may seem, I find that, out of all the characters, I want most for Annabeth to have her happy ending. And even odder still, I can picture a storyline where she and Joel could work. I grew to like Joel; perhaps he could come back for AB's HEA. And if being in Hart of Dixie Land means everyone must absolutely end in a pairing, then: George and Lemon Zoe and Wade Emily (Mary Page Keller) comes back for Brick Lavon and the Town of Bluebell (it does seem to be his one true love)
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