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Everything posted by Sharper2002

  1. Kim, what are you even doing right now? Mike looks like he needs to soak in a tub of Bengay, but he is the man with a plan. Jimmy, how’s that Davis & Main job that you pissed away looking?
  2. Although I know he’s a criminal and horrible person, watching Gus burn down Los Pollos Hermanos was pretty sad. Seeing everything that he’s gone through to achieve his goal to have one WW blown it all up. I enjoyed that we spent a bit more time on the Mike/Gus/Saul/Nacho show this week. I don’t give a fig about Kim and never have and now that she was dumb enough to marry Saul, she can really kick rocks. Howard, you tried man...
  3. So, I’ve decided I’m going to stick around long enough to see Tommy trash Reza’s house and then I’m out for good. Screw Reza and I hope he goes back into whatever pathetic hole he crawled out of with his weak-ass husband. 👋🏾
  4. The one thing that isn't ringing true to me is how friendly Carrie and Yevgeny are. Remember Season 7 Yevgeny who was so upset that Carrie outsmarted him that he sucker punched her out of frustration? Unless she has been turned and he's just following through with his plan. Which brings me to how easily Carrie turned to him after their convo by the fountain. So he took you on walks and you told him about almost drowning your daughter when you were imprisoned, so friends? I know Carrie is portrayed as having something about her that makes her irresistible to men, but I hope she didn't sleep with Yevgeny because she's also a Black Widow incarnate and he will die. I like Yevgeny as a formidable adversary and I like the actor, so I hope the end game pays off. Ben and David going over the correct pronunciation of Gulom's name was hilarious. How did he even rise to the position of vice president if he's that incompetent? The scene with Carrie and Saul in her hotel room was great. Mandy Patinkin did a really great job in that scene, especially when Carrie said she had a lead on Max via Yevgeny. He really looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel. Poor Max. I hope he hangs in there, but I guess Carrie, the one-woman-kickass-machine, is on her way. Overall, I've had to suspend some disbelief this season (which is par for the course with Homeland), but I guess I'm committed till the end.
  5. If I were Lyle, I’d walk across the street and apply at the KFC. Poor guy.
  6. Mike yelling at Kaylee hurt my feelings through the screen. 😢
  7. I honestly wish I was in MJ’s place for him to call me while I’m in ICU. He would have gotten all of the energy from me that he’d hang up shaking. MJ isn’t a saint, but Reza has crossed the line way too many times. Also, again with him coming at Mike about his failed businesses in front of his family at dinner. I’d have shot back, “Worry about your man and his behavior”.
  8. Did they leave him alive? I know John said he'd get his chopper, but I couldn't quite understand what Malcolm said. I thought I heard him saying he wanted to die alone. Also, why was he at that house anyway? Wouldn't he be getting out of dodge on the plane that, I dunno, they rigged with a bomb? I was confused by that scene. Was not expecting Dan Jenkins to die, but I guess they need to make way for next season's characters. When they were saying they were going to lose the ranch, I was like, "Umm...why?" A little, "We're going to lose this ranch now because doing X is going to cause Y". I guess we'll find out more next season. Rip and Beth's scene warmed up my heart a tiny bit and the writers have done a good job at making Beth halfway rootable. Only halfway though. I'll be back next season if there's nothing else on. Which means I'll probably be back.
  9. I’m getting pretty tired of Beth tormenting Jamie for whatever reason. Did he steal her gummy bears as children? Did she have a child with Rip and he sold it on the black market? Whatever it is, I wish they’d just come out with it or leave it alone. Viewers shouldn’t have to wonder why a relationship between two characters is so broken. I’m also confused by Monica’s characterization. The writers are trying to portray her as conflicted about moving to the ranch but enjoying the spoils, but we saw this last season and now...she’s right back there again. She just seems like an unpleasant person to be around at this point. So the Beck brothers are going to potentially go after a child? And how do they think that will persuade John Dutton into doing what they want?
  10. I’m hanging on, but only by a thread and because there is nothing else on that I want to watch inn Wednesday evenings. I think the show suffers in character development overall; plots are their forte and they’ve been moderately good with them. Characters, especially women, tend to be overly dramatic with their personalities and it just brings down the show. Jamie should have either left and became a true adversary in season two or they should have had him come home, but really mull over the decision because he knows it’s ultimately wrong. Him trying to come home and get back in the good graces of daddy and running to sister every time he has an issue doesn’t work because they didn’t respect him in the first place. He could have stayed gone and they wouldn’t care – or only to the extent that it affected them. Beth’s ongoing angst works when you’re a moody teenage girl, but it’s not a good look for a grown woman. Either get therapy and deal with the trauma or do us all a favor and go away. I don’t even see her as some strong, boss woman that I’m supposed to fear or respect. Instead I see her as a nuisance taking up valuable air time. And I just don’t know what Monica wants. LOL Hell, if Kayce is confused then so am I. I’ll finish the season only because I feel committed now, but I’ll be on the couch with phone in hand and scrolling IG.
  11. That was actually an emotionally draining episode to watch. I didn't realize it until I was jumping up and down yelling "Arya fucking Stark!" and slumped back down on my couch. I have mixed feelings about the AotD being killed now. Although that battle was pure mayhem and there were considerable deaths, I feel like Cersei is the weaker villain. Or I just don't think she's that smart or cunning. I'm also surprised the Night King went out so easily. Not taking away from Arya, but I guess I just thought it'd be harder to take him out since he's eight thousand years old and bringing the darkness was his life's work...so to speak. Agreed with those who say Sam was useless. They could have taken him and kept Jorah or Lyanna alive. If you say you're going to fight, then fight, damn it. Ned and Catelyn should be proud of their remaining living children and nephew. They done good.
  12. Honestly, with friends like Nene (if you want to call her one), you have to hold them at arm's length. Keep it casual and general and keep on moving. Otherwise, you will always get sucked into her drama and any perceived slight and you're on the shit list. Marlo had it right the first time when she was like, "I see you're good now, so I'm going to go home." If Nene wanted to chat through the issues after that, then talk a few days after. After watching WWH, I feel like Andy is also fed up with her shenanigans as well. I don't know if he has any power to influence whether she remains on the show or not, but she might want to dial it back about 100 notches.
  13. Agreed. I think they had to do that to make up for the um...lack of talent otherwise.
  14. I don’t think I can stick around to watch Juelz whistle through those fake chompers much longer. Life comes at you fast...
  15. I just finished watching the season so I could collect all of my thoughts. Just some general observations: Watching the corruption of the police and government officials was just appalling. I'd always heard about the corrupt police and officials and how rampant it is in Mexico, but it makes a difference when you see it within the context of the story and how so many were affected. Even Calderoni, who was ready to hunt Felix down and turned down his money, let's Felix go when he realizes the torture tapes could implicate his bosses and put him in danger. You just can't win within that system. I thought Michael Pena was fine as Kiki although it seemed like he only switched within the two modes of either being pissed or brooding. I guess it makes sense for the circumstances he was in, but he wasn't super compelling. I remember whispering "No" when he called out to Felix on the street and said he wanted him to know his name. Knowing the level of support they had (zero) with the higher-ups, that was just a bad idea. And I felt awful for his poor neighbor who was killed for setting up the wiretap. The poor man was a civilian trying to help his neighbor and this is out he goes out. I started getting annoyed with all of Rafa's scenes towards the end. From "kidnapping" Sofia to viciously killing the American tourists, he was a huge liability. His arc was interested in seeing him going from being poor and just caring about his plants to going full-on Scarface. He had more money than he knew what to do with it and cocaine is a hell of a drug, so it shouldn't be surprising that he ended up acting that way. Throw in the poor impulse control and he's one step away from bringing down the whole operation. Don Neto was the type to mind his own business and keep his head down, provide advice when needed and understood the game. When Felix sold him out, he accepted it and was basically like "we had a good run". Diego Luna was giving a whole look as Felix. His arc was interesting to watch starting out as a negotiator to become all-out ruthless. I had to laugh in the final episode when the heads of the plazas were meeting behind his back and he showed up with his military backing and bossed up out of the helicopter. He was like, "Not on my watch!" However, like so many who can't be satisfied with the status quo, he always wanted to move to the next best thing. His business became his obsession and he was willing to protect that at all costs. Finally, it was cool to see the Cali cartel and Pablo again! That was a very cool tie-in to the Colombian series. Hopefully, there will be a season 2 to deal with the aftermath of Kiki's murder.
  16. So Werner really thought he could go on vacation and come back? He really had no idea who he was dealing with. It would have been SO easy to finish the job and go home. Its actually probably better Mike killed Werner. With the way Gus looked, I think Mike was quite merciful in comparison. Poor cashier at the currency exchange. He gives Mike a pass and is ultimately killed by Lalo’s nosy ass. Also, I know Mike said that Lalo wasn’t told a lot when he talked to Werner, but I think Gus knows better. Assuming this is the beginning of the end of Kim and Jimmy. He rolled right over her with him scam and he’s a monster that can’t be contained now. Yay to seeing Ernesto again! But no Nacho. :(
  17. In a family of egotistical and insipid people, I just want Tom to get hit by a car. Preferably one that Greg is driving.
  18. No lie. I was walking past the TV when I saw Addie eating the margarine and I seriously stopped and said, “what the fuck?” to my TV. Jesus, Leah.
  19. God. Jennelle is such a waste of human space. She is just pathetic and I'm waiting for the day UBT leaves her high and dry with another lost child on her hands. Bitch, your mom took your child when you said you couldn't (wouldn't) take care of him and essentially partying and getting high was a higher priority. Barb isn't perfect, but she cares for Jace and he'd be lost in the system if it wasn't for her. That's something Janelle and UBT conveniently forget. Everytime I see her on TV, I have to resist the urge to tweet "LOSER" @ her. No words for the other girls. Same stuff, different episode.
  20. So this really brought something home for me on a personal level, too. I have a cousin that is a lot like RA: the only boy in our generation, aimless, been to jail a few times, doesn't have a steady job and he just does whatever he wants to do, there for his kid, but not necessarily dependable. His mother and father worked themselves to the bone to provide for him and he grew up in a very loving and respectful family. The older women in my family (aunts, my mom) are very much like Aunt Vi: they coddle him, tell the rest girls to lay off of him and tell him that he's fine. Tell us that he's a victim (of something) and he can do whatever, blah blah blah. I've been accused of being jealous, spiteful or putting him down whenever he...does what he does. Now? I'm just quiet and I shake my head from a distance. LOL. That said, I think back to aunt Vi and the women in my family and realize that there are quite a few families that value and treasure the son, who is in line to carry on the namesake and the pride of the family. If he messes up along the way? That's just in his nature, but we carry him along anyway. For the women, it's a bit different. We don't get those types of chances and sometimes -- we don't get that type of support. Anyway, seeing this family dynamic on TV just makes my blood boil, but I'm definitely familiar with it. I'll be damned if I ever raise my son like that (if I have one).
  21. Ha! Seriously! And that's a shame, but it shows what an unlikeable bastard Hector is.
  22. So surprised Jimmy came through for Irene and actually felt bad enough to let go of the Sandpiper case. I guess this will place him on the path to representing criminals and becoming full on Saul. Wish I could say that I felt more about Chuck...but I didn't. I thought his breakdown sequence was way too long. I get it. He was relapsing. I'm weirdly happy that Nacho made it through the finale and his plan worked! Him trying to shoot and kill Hector would have been a bad idea. And LOL at Gus trying to keep Hector alive. You really have to want to exact revenge on someone bad to try and keep them around that bad. Especially if they're a scumbag like Hector. And go Howard for getting Chuck the hell outta there. He did what he had to do in order to give Chuck the boot and not play in to these games. Plus, he didn't have to go down to Jimmy's level to do it. I thought Howard was a douche at first, but you really got to see more layers of him.
  23. I thought so, too. I was just hoping that she would elaborate. Heck, someone would FINALLY elaborate. :)
  24. Well, Jimmy the con man is definitely back in full effect and he has no shame. Turning the old ladies against one another? I actually gave a little mini-cheer to Howard when he pointed out how pathetic Jimmy is. He saw right through him. Chuck...I wish he'd go away, but I know that won't happen anytime soon. Poor Nacho. You could hear him internally saying "oh shit" when Hector seemingly recovered from his spell. He didn't care what happened to him, but he wanted to make sure his father didn't suffer anymore than he'd have to due to his actions. Lydia has been tolerable and not her hyper, annoying self that she was on Breaking Bad. When she told Mike that he obviously didn't know Gus if all he thought he was a drug dealer, I was waiting for her to say more. Then...what else is he? Speaking of Gus, I wish we'd get a bit more time with him, but I know that it's difficult with all of these other stories going on. Plus, his story really only intertwines with Mike and partly Nacho/Hector's. Still, it would be nice to flesh out a bit more backstory of his character before the season ends. Hector still sucks as a person. I do feel bad for Kim, but I still have no idea why she took on another client when Mesa Verda was more than enough work for her. Extra kudos? Still feeling guilt over Jimmy's transgression? To prove to herself that she has the juice? She can take it from me: burnout is real.
  25. I did the same thing. It's another thing that I just had to let go instead of trying to figure out, but that's something I can't understand.
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