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Everything posted by Sharper2002

  1. I have very little hope for this show being renewed. It’s not necessarily the most awful show, but I don’t think it’s compelling enough to drum up interest for another season. Plus, we found out what happened with Gray’s son, so that mystery is solved. I honestly didn’t miss the wife and daughter at all. I do wonder which Tongai sibling was shot. I guess not Shamiso since she showed up to meet her dad’s plane.
  2. You know, I was talking to someone else about this show and I told them I don’t think it’s actually a bad show and there’s certainly worse out there (looking at you, Yellowstone) but I think it is a bit predictable at times and overall didn’t have the best marketing. If they can somehow wrap it up, they don’t need a season 2 and I think it could live on its own as a limited series. I do actually enjoy seeing Giancarlo Esposito showing some emotion and not just acting as an ice cold villain again. I’m sorry but I just don’t find Rose and the daughter compelling. And found it a little hard to believe tricked and overpowered those two goons so easily. Or maybe that just wasn’t the A team.
  3. Oh, Whoopi. I personally don’t know any millennial that works 4 hours a week and expects to be able to buy a home. Instead, most of the fellow millennials I know have just accepted that although they work their butts off, the likelihood of them owning a home, having a large family or retiring with a comfy pension is nil. And while this doesn’t encapsulate all millennials, the majority of my millennial friends rent, are child-free or only have one child and just get by on the bare minimum health insurance plans. Her comment almost made my head explode.
  4. I was wondering what’s gotten into Sara lately and I realize that she’s found an ally in Alyssa, so she’s a bit more emboldened. I completely agree with Sunny and I was annoyed at Sara and Alyssa trying to gaslight Sunny and pretend they have no idea what she was talking about. Good on Sunny for calling them out for interrupting her.
  5. Where has this Andy Cohen been in the previous RHOP reunions? It seems like Gizelle realized the tables have turned when she told Andy they’d talk about it later (buddy buddy) and he said she would discuss it now. It’s like when you realize your boss that you’ve been friendly with is also going to hold you accountable. Who would have thought? If this reunion has done nothing else, it further highlights how mean spirited and bitter the GEBs are. Production is finally throwing back all of their hypocritical statements with footage. I can’t see Robyn coming back after this, but if she does then it’s open season on her home life. The colorism conversation was interesting. I’m glad it was finally addressed, but it’s such a nuanced topic and while the ladies acknowledged it, I doubt we’ll see any behavior change. I do feel bad for Wendy because she’s been completely maligned by this group and the way they reacted after Mia threw the drink on her was disgusting. Also, this brings me to why I cannot stand Mia. She just lies and throws out that Wendy gave Peter the cookies because she saw some damn cameras. She just throws whatever out there to see what sticks. I hope Jacqueline drags her and then she and her skeevy husband can get off my screen - preferably forever.
  6. The way Candiace went in on Gizelle was well deserved after her pot stirring this season. I only wish she didn’t bring up Gizelle’s uterus, because she didn’t need to go there to point out how ridiculous she’s been. Ashley will forever be bothered that Candiace didn’t have to struggle the way she and her family had to. Plus, Ashley really thought she’d have Michael wrapped around her finger but apparently he’s been protecting his assets the entire time and letting her believe she was entitled to more with the prenup. Can we please get rid of Mia next season? She’s not entertaining, she lies so much that you can barely follow her storyline and she’s brought such a dark energy. I really wonder what (if any) of the consequences for Robin will be with Patreongate. Love that production opened with that recap.
  7. Yup. The double standards with these women are something else. Robyn, just say you still don’t like Wendy and want to ice her out so your girl Charisse can come back and be done.
  8. Jacqueline learned that Mia is a friend to no one. Their issues were probably bubbling up for a long time, but Jacqueline didn’t think Mia would get out of pocket like that. I almost dozed off at Robyn’s scene with Juan and the boys getting fitted for this non-wedding storyline.
  9. I think this is why Karen has slowly become one of my faves over the years because she doesn’t let the GEBs bait her. She might have a quick clap back (like when she called Gizelle raggedy last ep and I did cackle) and she keeps it moving. Most of the time, she won’t go back and forth with them and she has their number. She knows Gizelle and Robyn could have gotten their lazy asses up and diffused the situation if they were so concerned. But instead Robyn wanted to egg it on and Gizelle wanted to stuff her face and watch the fight. I wouldn’t pay them any mind either.
  10. Every time I see Grangela, I wonder about her whereabouts on January 6, 2021. Esp. with her level of anger. Her “friendship” with Billy is so confusing, but I feel like all of the relationships on this show are. She’s going to Canada to help Billy with what, exactly? He’s gotten along all this time without her, so assuming he can continue to manage. But for Michael, this is his chance to get away. Like he’s seriously signing up for a lifetime of crap with this woman? I feel for Kimberly’s son. He’s trying to be supportive of his mom, but he’s probably bracing himself for more absurdity every time he talks to her. Can’t wait until he meets Usman, who will probably try to play Mr. step daddy with him.
  11. This is immature but Mia is a crater-faced floozy. I don’t care, I just don’t like her ass. Even though she’s supposedly in her 30s, you can tell that mentally, she’s still a child in how she navigates “friendships”. That whole “you can’t go and be friendly with her because I have a problem with her” is the crap I had to navigate in 5th grade. Like Karen said, I’m an adult - you don’t tell me what to do. Mia’s mad Karen and Ashley won’t take a side over an argument that SHE instigated. At least Robyn admitted she’s team Mia because she doesn’t like Wendy. Keep it real. Robyn and Gizelle continue to be seen as two-faced as they are. I hope they continue getting called out on socials because I doubt Andy will during reunion time. It was nice seeing Candiace and Wendy with Trina. Those are the fun moments I miss from the show. Can Mia go now?
  12. Hopefully she’s saved and invested wisely as I believe their shows were cancelled, so that income stream is no more. I don’t know how successful or sustainable her makeup line is, but she’ll be supporting herself and two minors for the next few years.
  13. I was thinking I was glad Candiace wasn’t present for this altercation because it would somehow turn into her fault. Wendy does talk a lot, but they all do (sans Karen). My POV is you can talk all you want, but you cross the line when you assault with throwing water, hit people with purses and pull hair (Monique). Mia looked unhinged and like she was on something with all that flailing around with her purse just because someone said something she didn’t like. It conveys poor impulse control.
  14. I honestly don’t see another season without a major shakeup. Get rid of either Robyn or Gizelle and let them stand on their own. I hope Bravo is getting an earful from social tonight.
  15. Robyn’s just mad at Wendy altogether, so she’ll co-sign anyone’s behavior against Wendy. She needs to learn how to properly use “antagonistic” because that would have been Mia, not Wendy. I’ve never liked Mia and I’ve always thought she was a trashy airhead, so her behavior doesn’t surprise me. If Mia came at me with that BS about not “checking in” with Peter (who is also messy), I would have told her “none of your f***ing business” and turned around sipped the rest of my drink. Then again, I would refuse to engage with someone like Mia in the first place, so probably not a fit for the show! Wendy’s not my fav housewife, but it would be a shame if she was in serious trouble with Johns Hopkins. That’s a real paycheck outside of the reality show BS. Also, Peter thought she was going to sign the contract without doing a walk through of the site? He must’ve thought he found another sucker… Finally, gotta call out the elephant in the room that it’s clearly Candiace and Wendy’s turn to be the in the hot seat this season. Both of them aren’t perfect, but it’s maddening to see the two darker-skinned women take all the hits and be ostracized while the GEB + associated bandy around throwing mud (and drinks). I’ve been watching since the beginning but might need to fall back unless there is a serious cast shakeup.
  16. I think a lot of his friends from back in the day gave exited. I remember one, the rapper Rhymefest who came up with him in Chicago, mentioned being cast aside when he disagreed with some of his decisions. And this was before the things we’re seeing now. I know he grew up without his father around and he’s more recently become closer to him. I can’t imagine him as a parent not sitting him down and urging him to get some help for the sake of his own kids. But Kanye did mention he paid for his father’s girlfriends breast implants (TMI), so maybe he’s happy to be on the gravy train. All that to say, the only people left now are likely hangers on that won’t say anything lest the $$$ stops flowing in.
  17. He’s also going after George Floyd’s daughter’s mother for suing him and what he wrote to her is…very ugly. I didn’t realize they let him back on the platforms. I’m guessing he’s lashing out now and blaming everyone who’s been holding him accountable these past few weeks.
  18. This. Also, my understanding is that when Kanye started showing signs of issues when he was younger and teachers/counselors urged his mom to get some help and she waved it off as him being “misunderstood” and a “creative genius”. And I think he’s unfortunately taken that mindset into his adulthood. According to him, his father supports him, but I think he bankrolls his dad’s lifestyle so he probably doesn’t want to risk being kicked off the gravy train if he dissents. Make no mistake, he’s still an ass and a bully. I’ve personally heard countless stories of him treating horribly and calling them names – and this almost 20 years ago when he was a local Chicago celeb producing beats. The biggest difference today is that these are celebs and influential people, so he’s determined to burn through all of his social currency.
  19. Agreed - that stood out to me and when Chantal said she would try to discuss the future and he would shut down. I’m not saying he was scamming from the jump, but I can understand why she thought he was scamming based on those factors. He wasn’t all in on the marriage at all.
  20. Chantel’s mom was right when she said Chantel wasn’t angry but Pedro was. Chantel was rocked by the separation and divorce because she actually wanted to work on the marriage and address their problems. Once she gets over it, she’ll move on and will be able to grow and thrive. Pedro is an angry, vindictive manchild and he will be that way for the rest of his life. The reason he bailed on that marriage is because he didn’t know how to be married and form a partnership. He wanted someone to put up with his BS and not call him out. The audacity of him going to the house and acting all surprised that she didn’t want to talk and that her family was there - he really wanted to try and throw one last dagger at Chantel. My word of advice to Chantel: he’s a narc and be happy you didn’t procreate with him. Good riddance. If they have another season, I really hope they get rid of his sister and mother.
  21. The only reason this was a nominal step up from 2008 is because there were actually some clothes. Maybe not fashions - but she had clothes.
  22. This. She got off clean compared to the collateral damage her actions put in motion. Cheryl likely realizes she won’t get much from Kim if she pursues a civil suit, but it’s something. Otherwise, I guess the bad wig and bad sex with a mandels-wearing “yup” man is enough punishment per G&G.
  23. I thought it was a fitting ending for Saul - well, Jimmy. He faced the music and he’s atoning for his sins. I thought Marie looked really good and it was nice for her to see someone actually pay for their role in Hank’s murder. The one thing not sitting right with me is Jimmy admitting his part in Howard’s murder so Kim was cleared. She was every part of that scam and even pushed to keep going. She even said, “I save me”, but I guess that isn’t the case after all.
  24. That’s what I thought. If Kim really wanted to bring justice to Howard and clear his name, she would have said something soon after it happened and faced whatever consequences may have come her way. Yes, they would have had a target from the cartel and Mike/Fring, so that’s a dangerous proposition. And while she may not face criminal charges, she’d probably be maligned in the legal community once people found out what she did to Howard (with Jimmy). But his name would have been cleared and it would have been timely enough where people would have cared. To me, her going to Cheryl and telling the police is unburdening herself. And that’s fine if that’s what she wants to do, but it’s not justice. No one told her to go to Florida and live a vanilla life, but that’s her version of punishment. But it’s punishment on her own terms. For me it’s too little, too late as Howard’s wife said. She can pick up the pieces on the rest of her life, but I wouldn’t call her brave.
  25. I kept having flashbacks of that commercial with Kevin Wachtell’s dad and couldn’t wait for the scene to be over.
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