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Everything posted by Sharper2002

  1. Seriously. I know she doesn't feel good about what she did to Chuck and didn't enjoy his take down, but I hope she owns her relationship with Mesa Verde more moving forward. Of COURSE this is how Nacho would try to get the pills to stage Hector's demise. Good callback as I thought that character was gone for good. Mike still not done with Hector, eh? I see he doesn't realize fully who he'd be messing with in Gus. Jimmy loves to take short cuts. Most of the time, yes is yes and no is no. Life sucks sometimes. Get over it and buck up.
  2. When Rebecca was trying to get Jimmy (Saul?) to go and check on Chuck, I had the same reaction as him. She can take up the cause and drop her career to take care of him if she wants. Jimmy and Chuck should be completely done with each other, IMO. I know they probably aren't completely done yet, but they should be. I did have some sympathy for Nacho. He tries to go easier when people come up short, but that's just not the game Hector wants to play. You could tell he was like, "Shit", when he had to do some roughing up. Then he has to stick his neck out and get a gun put in his face because Hector wants six bricks instead of five? I didn't think so at first, but I think he'll definitely have a hand in Hector becoming paralyzed now that Hector wants to include his father's business in the dirty dealings. Lydia's back, eh? She annoyed me to now end on Breaking Bad, but I'm curious to see the relationship between her and Gus. It'll be interesting to see just how much he values and leans on her opinion. Howard just...keep on trying!
  3. I was wondering the same thing. I know Hector is doing this as a reaction to being busted by the DEA, but I'm assuming this wasn't the reaction that Gus wanted. He wanted to take Hector out of the game; he didn't want to have to carry his competitor's product. Right? I have a feeling that "agreement" won't hold for too long. Ugh. Hector is such a deplorable human being. He's a deplorable human being that raised more deplorable human beings (Tuco and the shiny-suit Cousins) and I find him to have no redeemable qualities. And he's a petty man, too? Even worse. I know Hector and Gus are both slinging meth and in an awful business, but at the very least, I think Gus did care about the well-being of his employees and customers. Yes, it would have been bad for business if anything happened to them, but I don't think he'd want them to get hurt because they're not in the "game", as Mike would say. Shout out to Nacho for finally appearing! Also, another shout out to him for giving his counterpart a "WTF" look when the guy was blocking the mom and child's way. He was looking like, "Don't be a dick, man." More Mike and Chuck scenes, please. Mike scaring Chuck away with the power drill was beautiful. That's how you handle an asshat like Chuck. Looking forward to how next week will unfold in brother vs. brother. Hoping Kim will come to the rescue!
  4. Jimmy taunting Chuck about his wife leaving him really hit him where it hurts. I had to give a little (internal) cheer when Jimmy said that. I know Chuck is technically on the "right" side of the law, but I really loathe him so much. Howard scaling the wall was hilarious. Doing dirty work is clearly not his thing. And Gus!!! I'm a huge Gus Fring fan, so I was delighted to see him finally pop up on the screen. Of course, he was fastidious as ever when digging through the garbage for Jimmy. Jimmy? Worst.spy.ever. Because it can't be said enough, Kim and that damned Cindy Brady ponytail. Girl, let it go.
  5. Jennelle needs to be fired. Immediately. And that producer is useless.
  6. When Kris was in her confessional and saying how they couldn't imagine losing Kim, I said out loud, "Well yeah, meal ticket #1 would be gone and you guys would be over." I'm going to hell, aren't I? Seriously, I can imagine how scary that must have been for her. I also had someone break into my apartment and try to rob me when I was alone, so I can understand her feeling like her space was violated. Kanye and this need to be so concerned with what his wife is wearing...no words, LOL.
  7. I agree. I once had someone accuse me of saying something that never came out of my mouth (and something I would never think to say) and I was beyond annoyed when it kept being brought up. That was a small lie in comparison, but imagining someone lying about intent to commit a crime and that's huge. I may not react like Kandi myself, but I can see why she's on 10. Then this IDIOT Porsha says that this was retaliation for the Blockhead situation? Girl, go away. I seriously see no value in keeping someone like Porsha on this show. She's not even remotely funny, she's a complete idiot and she has her own anger issues. Phaedra and Cynthia, let's find some credible story lines for you ladies. Sheree? Run far, far away from Bob. Co-parent and leave it at that.
  8. If anything, the Weeknd should be more than grateful that Daft Punk is standing up there on the stage with him.
  9. I really think he needs to go out of the public eye for awhile in order to really heal and have a piece of mind. I'm saying for like a year.
  10. Oh, I do totally agree. Just to clarify, I completely think Kanye can (and will) probably make a comeback because he's been in the game for so long and when all is said and done, he's a musical talent who has the accolades to back it up. I was really thinking more in terms of Kim and the rest of the K's since like Mel Gibson and Chris Brown, he might be socially outcast for a little bit (and I know, brutally beating a woman and going on an epithet-filled rant are not apples to apples with mental illness) and then he'll take his time to make his comeback. He's been able to do it before and I definitely think he can do it again. All I'm saying is, I don't know if Kim will want to stick around for the time it takes him to rebuild. I'm guessing he'll be out of the public eye for awhile (as he should), so that's not a perk for her if/when she does want to emerge back into the limelight. But like you all said, he's the most accomplished of the current K men, and the most accomplished that Kim's dated/married, aside from Reggie Bush, so she might want to hold on.
  11. This makes me wonder if the marriage is all but over. They're supposedly living apart now, but it'll be interesting to see if they will ever live together again. His music career at this point is all but over, but he can start from scratch. He probably just won't be getting any "positive" publicity, immediately coming out with a new album and doing any shows or hanging out with any A-list celebs (for damn sure, not Jay and B) anytime soon. His "fashion career" might be somewhat salvageable since he still seems to have Adidas in his corner, but I don't know if he's going to do another presentation after that disastrous F/W show anytime soon. All that to say, he isn't offering much as far as perks to Kim and the rest of the Klan, and the road to recovery is going to be a long, complicated one. I don't see Kim sticking around for that.
  12. And this. Reza is so exhausting to watch. When he started his crying shenanigans, all I could say to the TV was, "Boy, please". He is truly pathetic and I hope enough people feel the same so that his show tanks and he goes away. Or as far away as a Bravolebrity can go... Didn't Jermaine show up on one of Asa's segments previously? This may have been years ago, but I thought he did appear and she kept calling him "Daddy". I remember thinking it was bizarre, but I thought we did see him for at least a few minutes once. Either way, I'm sure he's not desperate to be part of "Reza's show", y'know, given that he's a Jackson and all. Good on GG for keeping it together with Reza and MJ. MJ, just be glad that you're not the target of Reza's wrath like you were a couple of seasons ago.
  13. Normally, I don't advocate physical violence--especially with grown ass 30+ individuals--but I can't be mad at GG for rolling up on Reza. You could tell that she was trying to remain calm and let it go, but she just snapped and said, "Nah". And apparently, Asa can never have anything nice this season, huh? Mike alone in that portrait was one of the most pathetic things I've seen in awhile. Tommy needs to run far, far away from the mess that is MJ and Vida. Unless MJ completely shuts her out or tells her to shape up or she's gone, that co-dependent dysfunctional relationship will never die.
  14. Cardi B for motherfucking president because it's about time another woman told Peter how raggedy and trifling he is. I was legit pissed when she apologized to him because everything she said was TRUE. Yeah, his feelings were hurt, but not one lie was told. Papoose and his "the prison system was designated to keep black men apart from their sons (paraphrasing)", but Mandeeces committed a crime, though. I mean, yeah it's messed up that his children will have to live a portion of their lives without their dad present, but whose fault is that? Yandy, this isn't Romeo and Juliet. <ahem> Now, on to the next L&HH Franchise...
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