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Everything posted by millahnna

  1. Claudia frelling Black. Can I get a "hell yeah"?!
  2. God I do love Carrie's fight scenes. That woman 's action face is great. And "you fight better than you fuck" is pretty much an instant classic of a line.
  3. Other than the locker room scene, I loved the scenes of him and the ada back in the showdown at the sheriff's office episode. It said a lot about how much the character is trying to change that he didn't spend av lot of time trying to convince her of it and I liked the glimpse of a b potential bond shown between them by the end of their stuff.
  4. The guy in the elevator with Pierce made the most amazing crazy face as he was going off camera from their meet cute. I'm dying.
  5. I love her so I can run with it. But my brain keeps going, wrong Indian. I probably wouldn't think about it so much if she weren't Indian specifically. I know that sort of thing happens all the time and I don't usually even blink.
  6. So is Rath's character supposed to be Amerindian and from the reservation?
  7. Sherlock, honey, you're way to smart to be going for this anti gmo rhetoric. Stahp.
  8. Rhom's fashiony appearance works for me. Her character is a DA. They dress up. It's LA. They spray tan.
  9. I liked the fake out with the son and how he tried to make it right and how his sister didn't fight him on it once the real bad guy showed up (whose voice I'm completely addicted to, time to replay mass effect).
  10. Sid's being adopted while Isabella's family is unexplained is actually kind of cracking me up. It had a certain "not the point" irreverance I can appreciate. Plus it reminds me when plays do totally racially blind casting and raise a few eyebrows.
  11. Oh yeah it's creepy. But those two kind of deserve each other now, so I can work with it in a game of thrones "well I guess it couldn't be anyone else" kind of way. I forgot how fun it is to stare really hard at the opening credits on this show. I notice the combo lock did a sort of countdown before it started actually working through this year's combo.
  12. She'd be fun for a small run at least, three or four or episodes or something. I totally don't remember the time stream scattering thing. I'm not sure if that says more about me or Moffat.
  13. I'm torn on the Anna stuff. On the one hand, I'd have hated if the writers just forgot entirely about the rape. Bad continuity makes me cranky and it's xmas so I'm already pretty cranky. On the other hand, Fellowes rreally does only have three ideas doesn't he?
  14. I'm glad Clara is still around, even if the character hasn't always been handled well. I still want to know how and why the doctor kept running into iterations of her and nothing from the master episodes really settled that. But man old Clara really would have been a great send off for her.
  15. Didn't she also say that Pepper killed her whole family? I mean in the context of that season I can work with it as a lie of Jude's but I wasn't sure if I was remembering it right.
  16. If they don't hook up I might cry.
  17. Inspector Merlin arresting the Evil Queen's royal huntsman under the supervision of Scully tickles me way more than it really should.
  18. I just got to Claire going through the again when a funny thought occurred to me. If any of the rare coins Roger and Bree got for her to take back in time were to turn up in a modern archeological dig, they sure would confound scientists who tried to carbon date them only to find them made of material 200 years older than it should be. So far I like this one the best of the books so I'm remaining cautiously optimistic that I will be okay with the last chunk of it that bugged many of you. The shifting perspective between Claire in the 60s and Jamie in the 1700s is working very well for me and I can see many ways for the show to adapt the book that will all work very well.
  19. I figured it was supposed to be the ceremony the druid chicks do that activate the stones, though I'm not sure how well that tracks with subsequent books.
  20. For me, the only show I can compare this to is farscape, specifically because of the shipper angle (though Crichton's and Claire's respective trips down their own personal rabbit hole beat a lot of similarities now that I think of it). While I enjoy romantic plot lines fine and frequently root for various couples, I'm generally pretty easy going by tv shipping standards. I'm usually more than fine with changes to core tv couples and willing to go with whatever the writers throw at me. It is a rare fictional romance that will make me all swoony and farscape (and now this show) are on a very short list in that regard. But seriously, now that it's out there, I can think of a lot of solid comparisons between this series and scape and I'm thoroughly amused.
  21. Zoe may be a mess of a character buck Fuck me Chaley Rose can sing.
  22. So I watched the season thus far before reading the first book. Then I rewatched twice while reading the first book. Just started on the second and am rewatching again (because this show is my crack). But for the record, firmly on team Jamie before the book ever came anywhere near my tablet. Most of the changes feel like improvements to me (who knows if I'd feel that way had in read the books first) but I find I kind of misses the amusing detail about Jamie not being able to wink.
  23. Kind of funny; this episode addressed some of the questions I found troubling in the pilot but it still feels like something is off. Oh well. It's reasonably entertaining and raises intelligent questions despite the not always intelligent execution.
  24. I would be delighted by any of these final four winning but I'm pulling for Joe and Rod; they both just destroy me.
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