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Everything posted by millahnna

  1. So say we all. I apologize on my birthday every year.
  2. Funny thing is she's not really all that bitchy outside of that one incident in the last episode. So far, she's the soft and friendly judge. She's had something nice to say to everybody (so have the gentlemen, really, but she gives off this super supportive "go you" vibe that tickles me). It's very sweet.
  3. I always respect a person with a big laugh being unafraid to gaffortle at will, even if their particular big laugh makes me want to claw at my ears.
  4. She's a weird one for me. I didn't like most of her act that much (not hate, just meh) but I thought she had potential from the bits of it I did like. But I thought she was kind of low key hilarious in the actual profile.
  5. The killer/victim opening worked particularly well. It's a bit I've always dug on this show but this week there was a split second where I thought they were ditching it in flashback land. It gave me this kind of low simmering dread during the following scene while I waiting to see which of the two was the victim. It's too bad the characters hadn't been on the show a bit longer to lend some more weight but I'm a fan of both actors from Alphas so it worked for me.
  6. Truly, I don't think Paul could handle Allison if she cut loose. She'd break the poor guy.
  7. I kind of became convinced when he cut his poor horse in half. Speed seems potentially useful against him since he's so large but one slip and, well, he cut a frelling horse in half.
  8. A Depo shot type of thing seems like the easiest method. Probably get it with mandatory vaccines, including when being put into lock up. Realistically, they'd have to either 1) give teens birth control or 2) control their behavior absolutely (which we've seen they haven't done) otherwise their population problems would have gone critical before now. Or maybe that's why their population problem is so bad. Maybe they did neither until it was too late.
  9. I was actually thinking during this episode that his role is one that would typically be a chick's. He's constantly been damseled and he's the romantic target of two women who are being depicted as capable but damaged (with varying degrees of success but for the most part I'll go ahead and buy what they're selling with Raven and Clarke). When they've given him an original thought, it's been with the sole purpose of motivating or adjusting the attitudes of the girls. On the one hand, it's kind of amusing to see the tv/film gender roles flipped like that. On the other hand, a character who's only there to be a plot device for his love interests is not really all that watchable unless written extremely carefully (which this show isn't, though I'm still enjoying it a lot). This show is no Orphan Black. I fully expect him to get fridged eventually. I suspect I won't actually mind it all that much because I think the actor is a little boring (to be fair, the character is a little boring, maybe the kid would be better in a better role) and I consistently enjoy Clarke and Raven interactions. They have a little bit of angst over the boy directed at each other but it's not overwhelming or unreasonable under the circumstances and when it's time to get shit done they just do it with fairly clear communication and action. SO that's kind of cool. Weirdly, the show is kind of reminding me of the first season of Sarah Conner Chronicles; the weirdest mix of really good and really mediocre writing. It's a bit less extreme than that show (the good isn't as amazeballs and the mediocre isn't quite as bad, SCC's first season had some true golden nuggets of terribad).
  10. It was actually what I was hoping they'd go with because that sort of thing happens a fair amount.
  11. I'm still thinking Miriam is going to fulfill part of that role. I find it very interesting that we haven't seen her since she shot Chilton (and that we don't know definitively if he's dead, for that matter.)
  12. I can't believe I didn't catch that. That's pretty awesome.
  13. Heh. Because I'm a serious dork I can't help but wonder if Mrs. S has ever seen the Commitments.
  14. Yeah none of the stuff that really catches my eye matches perfectly. A lot of people seem to be having fun noting that it almost does "malevolent". I don't think it's an anagram of anything significant. But it sounds like it should be, which is kind of a neat trick if you think about it.
  15. millahnna

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Huh. I liked Amell from moment one. I didn't read any reviews around that time so I had no idea he was getting critiqued as wooden. How funny.
  16. Well they definitely established an element of competition between the sisters and implied that Laurel had gone for guys Sarah was into prior to Oliver. It's still a bit open to interpretation (was it as bad as Sarah stated or maybe just a prior one off) but I can completely work with that as a contributing factor in Laurel's attraction to Olliver. I've totally seen friendships and siblings like that in action. It kind of makes everything weird about Laurel make sense, really. Well almost; if they wanted to cement that into a part of her character history, they need a little more polish. But then that's really the problem with the writing for Laurel; there's a whole lot of bits and pieces that could be interesting if they were polished into a cohesive whole instead of lumped together with other bits and pieces. Actually it's pretty hilarious if you look at some of those bits; blue collar but grew up with the ritzy kids, jealousy of sister, overachiever (complete with obsessive "we should be moving in together at this stage in life" life planning), long term troubled romantic history with a weird match (hey we all have our moments, but as a trend in the pattern it's notable), intelligent and compassionate (in an academic kind of way) but emotionally distant... and on and on. Basically everything that's been questioned heavily for whatever reason and/or made the character unlikeable, well all of it could be melded together to make a pretty interesting grey kind of character (who could go good to evil and back again with ease). And yet it all comes off as bi-polar as fuck.
  17. I was kind of wondering if maybe she'd had a baby. When this show premiered, I had re-watched Jake 2.0 just previously. The change is so dramatic but it could have just been a "time passes" thing. She wears post baby weight well.
  18. More importantly they shouldn't have cast two actresses who have more chemistry with each other than either does with the dude in their triangle. I love Raven and Clark scenes. I'm not shipping them (though I wouldn't be opposed to that) or anything; I just dig the way they play off of each other and that they aren't sniping and bitching at each other.
  19. It makes "removal" and "lovelorn", amongst a bunch of other stuff. But those two tickle me in context. I've been wondering if it's an anagram, too, though. It has that sound about it.
  20. The only thing about him from broadcast I could recall before I started looking was the hide and seek bit. That crap cracked me up.
  21. I don't think he was the charts guy. I know he had a crazy Asian complete with accent schtick that a lot of people really hated. I still haven't watched any of the old clips though. I do remember Mordal. He was hilarious. So I guess for me Phan's biggest crime is being completely forgettable.
  22. Yeah I think a lot of us have been assuming she must have seen a jacked up Miriam (before getting moved to the little hole they found her in) but it could have just as easily been Abigail. Much like the Chilton stuff, I'm now super amused that we don't know for sure. Fuller is so good at that sort of thing. "Here let me bring up this interesting plot point for you to obsess on and then make you forget all about it by the time another possible answer for said plot point rears its head." Like someone said here about Abigail... Of all the characters I thought for certain was dead..
  23. So Phan keeps coming up and how a lot of folks disliked him when he was on and I just can't remember him that well at all. I remember a lot of complaints about Phan's material being trite and/or offensive racially but 1) can't recall if that was from his first appearance or the season where previous contestants competed against each other and 2) can't recall any of his material at all nor whether I liked it. I'll get around to googling myself a refresher of his stuff eventually out of curiosity but the fact that it's so non-memorable for me makes me wonder if the hate didn't stem mostly from a case of a better comedian getting ousted for Phan.
  24. Taking some Phan commentary over to the all seasons thread.
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