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Everything posted by millahnna

  1. Plot holes and all I still enjoyed it. What can I say the point arc intrigues me.
  2. I have this vague childhood memory of learning about the guy everyone thought was wrong about continental drift and being all indignant on his behalf. How anyone looked at a world map and didn't come to the same conclusion is beyond me. I know, I know historic perspective and all but still.
  3. Found it. I was thinking of Renee Walker. Not sure why I thought she was blonde though. In any case I'd say that was a fairly serious relationship that had contributed to the distance he's keeping now (from the original point that he can't give Audrey what she needs).
  4. I still l think having Kara not be a hybrid like we'd been speculating (because of her father's name was a mistake. Since they already made her so special why not just run with it. Also I'm still sad there was never a farewell between her and Leoben. That jacked up relationship deserved a better good bye than just him freaking out when they found her body.
  5. Wasn't there one other chick who died? I have this vague memory of some other blonde woman (not the Sarah Winter or Laura Harris characters) getting killed near the beginning of a season... In an hotel room or something. It was one of those yay we get to be happy now oh dammit type of things. Maybe the same season we first list soul patch?
  6. Or it's possible that Coulson coming around on both the case of Skye and May will be a step in him being more willing to accept a potential redemption for Ward. Really they could go either way at this point.
  7. I doubt it. As of the previous episode and this one, it appears that there are at least two different grounder factions: the ones throwing spears/setting traps and this guy (who so far seems to be working solo). My guess would be that he saved Jasper, as well, but thinking back on the pilot it seems like a pretty tight timeline.
  8. OMG he is amazing. His point about Jennifer having been at Dyad for the entirety of season 1 kind of blew my mind. I hope I remember to go looking for those every week (hint hint, keep bringing them over for us space cases).
  9. Here, here. Besides I still have this huge soft spot for Paul from the latter half of last season. Dylan Bruce did a lot of nifty stuff in the background of scenes he was not even remotely the focus of (in particular the way he physically reacts to Sarah's presence when she rescues him from that club). The way he repeatedly leaned into her while she was chatting with Tailless McGee made me a little swoony. He kind of reminds me of Jason Mamoa in that way; perhaps not the strongest actor when he's the actual focus of dialogue and action but does some great active listening stuff hen he's in the background. Although now I'm totally torn on who I'm shipping with Sarah; I've liked her with both. I'm not generally an active shipper of the "this couple is my OTP (blegh what an obnoxious phrase)" kind of way but Paul and Sarah hooked me quite a bit last year.
  10. Interesting that the wheelchair on fire is in the promo; I've never read the books but even I know that scene (wasn't it in one of the films). Kind of gives a fair amount away. Oh well; network suits have never been one to do logical scenes from the next promos.
  11. I'm fairly certain everyone out here in Tualatin (just south of Portland) is wesen. Nothing else explains this town.
  12. And at worst in this she was mediocre, for me anyway. I liked her in it just fine they just didn't give her much to do other than the two episodes connected to her being genetically engineered. I actually really liked her in the episode with the murder at the school; I dug her relating to the "normal" kids over her fellow engineered peeps. SHe varies wildly in performance ability based on what I've seen of her. She was awesome on Friday Night Lights, terribad on Charlie's Angles and a bit up and down in this.
  13. They've basically already said as much (the whole village dying to protect her and all of that), though the direction you took that in is kind of hilariously extreme.
  14. I can see that. And yeah, I have hard core Bible belt relatives so to be sure I was exaggerating to sort of make a point. You're right she's nowhere near fundie. To me she comes off a touch more extreme than a lot of Christians I'm friends with but I think you're likely right that it's the writing that makes her seem that way more than the beliefs they've clarified (I can only think of sex before marriage and abortion as views of hers they've touched on). But for some reason I keep rooting for her and Jackson anyway.
  15. SUre you can. It's challenging but there's people out there that do it. The successful couples I know frame in terms of what they believe not "what is" and usually expose their kids to other faiths, as well. Jackson: "I believe in a wholly natural universe with rules governed by what we know so far of science. I don't believe in any supernatural phenomena." April: "And I believe in the Christian god who I think loves me very much and is my best friend outside your dad." Both: "And other people believe in Allah, Jovah, the Great Spirit, etc." Or whatever. In any case, totally doable.
  16. That kind of grated for me, too. It's great that he's willing to make a compromise but I hope she will, too. From a writing standpoint I kind of dug it though because I've seen mixed faith couples go through what I'd call pendulum swings of overcompensation until they finally find a middle ground that works for them. I'll call this the first swing, I guess. I can only imagine it would be more challenging when the mix is atheist to "just a hair shy of fundy Christian". Truly I can't even see how that would work (atheist and believer, sure but April is a teeny bit extreme). But I love their chemistry so I'm rolling with it.
  17. I think I missed something. Chief said they lost one of their own but I didn't notice one of the red shirts dying. Overall I liked it and I did finally get around to watching PD so I guess I'll get the wrap up then.
  18. Aw. I didn't realize she and Josh were a real life item. That's kind of cute. Pregnancy body looks really adorable on her.
  19. I hate the cold. If I were in Ontario, I'd jokingly call it the tundra as well.
  20. I haven't read the book itself but I ended up reading about it on some message boards for the French show with a (strikingly) similar premise (there is a large sentiment that the book may have ripped off that show's source material but you know how that stuff goes... hard to say for certain and probably not). It's interesting: on twop the thread title was a joke about the similarity to the 4400 but the way you describe it Monty, it sounds like the book would make me think of that more than the show does at this point.
  21. In the first episode I kind of thought that the chick who helped Mary with the abortion may have been working some mojo on her given the contrast between how Mary was in the flashback and how she is now, so to speak. They had a second scene later in the episode that sort of reinforced that idea for me. Now I'm not so sure what to think. But I still think the show is great tacky fun. So many anachronisms... good times.
  22. They could easily play sisters or younger/older versions of the same character. It made me miss Moening whom I haven't seen in anything since that not very good medical show she was in with Alex O'Laughlin (Hawaii 50, Moonlight). Shit I may have to bust out my Young Americans tapes; that show was hilariously awful.
  23. I'm glad you mentioned the pregnancy; I'd completely forgotten that this episode finally cleared up if Sarah was a fluke or if the lack of fertility was because of the monitoring situation.
  24. It seems like it has to be someone who knows about the time travel (both Liber8 and Keira in the original time line and possibly now Alec and Keira again in the new one), too, although I cant really explain why I'm thinking that way. How long after the creation of the new timeline is Keira killed? It just doesn't seem like there was enough time for Alec coming back to make everything go that haywire. I keep trying to think of a time a week before Emliy's death that Keira might have gone to the lab that we actually saw last season. Maybe time travel Alec was there trying to do something, got spotted by her and panicked?
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