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Everything posted by millahnna

  1. Something like that. But I agree he was a great character for finally getting to some of the world building on the show. I love the extra content in the game (which, admittedly, I've not played much of due to wonky internet) and online, but they've got to get some of it into the show or those who aren't into that sort of thing will flock away in droves. As far as I can recall, they still haven't stated in show that the terraforming stuff was an accident have they? I'll grant that the backstory allows for some room for interpretation (there's an awful lot of room for the theory that the "accident" was on purpose by some faction) on that one. But from my own experience in the first season, knowing that rather radically changed my interpretation of pilot and I can see where it would have colored my view of the rest of last season had I not read up on backstory on the various wikis.
  2. I almost gave up on that one, too. I'm glad I stuck it out because despite the total cast overhaul, I think they went out on a fine note in their final season (and set up the movie nicely). But I have a lot of friends who gave up at that same point and I so totally feel them on why.
  3. I was open to the idea but doubting it when I first saw the episode but in re-watching it after Brunn's weekly rank the clones thing (where he talks about her having those tapes and memories of a loving childhood) I'm kind of coming around to this. I still think her anger is so epic because of a bunch of contributing motivations but I've become willing to add that one into the list.
  4. I think her character is easily dispensable but I'd be saddened at her loss; she and Cosima have an interesting, almost destructive dynamic, that I find fascinating on a human nature level. But since this show is so good at subverting tropes, maybe she won't be so easily dispensed with, if you see what I mean. Seriously though, if they kill off Felix I will lose my shit.
  5. So I don't watch Suits, and therefore didn't recognize the actor playing Helena's hot bar guy, but apparently it's Patrick J. Adams and he asked to do a cameo because he's a huge fan of the show.
  6. Most likely I will not be continuing with the Mentalist. The romantic entanglement of the two lead characters is just... not for me. It takes a rare show for me to start watching and not finish it (Under the Dumb, Enterprise, Teen Wolf off the top of my head), though, so my own compulsions may drag me back in. But god I hate it so much. If Warehouse 13 had been renewed for another full season I might have had a hard time there for the same reason. But with that one it's sort of hard to say; a full season might have made that romance more palatable (I doubt it but being sci fi means it's more likely I'd have stuck with it anyway and ignored it just like I did in the finale).
  7. I like the idea that long term PDS treatments might actually be a permanent cure but that they didn't realize it yet (or maybe it was all those sheeps brains she ate, lol). You figure the scientists didn't exactly have time to test that thoroughly; they just needed people to stop noshing on brains. I am just gutted about Amy, though.
  8. Oh man I loved this. I knew from the show's beginning that eventually Keira and Liber8 would have to move closer to each other (the methods vs. ideology tradeoff) but I never suspected it would happen like this. Also, I kind of love that it's looking more and more like Keira won't get home to her son (and, indeed, there's a distinct possibility that his timeline will never exist). I also dug the continued thread of Julian and Carlos working together and really dug that the whole set up with Jason actually made Julian look the more reasonable of the two brothers (well at least with this version of Alec). It really made me want to see that actor play a good guy since he's being all evil on the 100 right now and is shady at best on this show. He seemed so genuinely concerned and interested in finding the truth and not just having more of his reactionary angst he's been going through since his father was killed. Just when I think I've got the direction of this show figured out they go and surprise the hell out of me, again.
  9. It's funny; I brought up the "make some noise" voice thing but you're right in that he hasn't actually said that. But he always sounds like he's about to. Clark... I'll take Smooth any day. I do keep wondering though... I'll bet he's busy actually working the crowd in between the comics and the edited bits. I would love to read a brief recap from an audience member and find out if he's actually a better overall package of an announcer than we see.
  10. Cringe humor's article about the "award" was up a few days ago. It was the first time I'd heard about it but it was pretty hilarious. They had a video or a gif (I forget which) of him realizing what was up. I can't recall if that was the actual url I was at though; maybe I was on another site with a mirror? Alas, I regularly dump my browser history.
  11. Maybe they're actually closer to the selves they were before Liber8 or Keira time traveled at all, if you see what I'm getting at. I don't actually think that but it's one of the amusing consequences of time travel stories (which I adore no matter how many headaches they give me) for me. Alternate timeline consequences are my favorite kind of time travel stuff so I'm enjoying the crap out of this.
  12. It breaks my heart but I think Cosima or Helena might be near the top of the dead pool amongst the clones. But if they kill off Felix, I riot (in my living room).
  13. Regarding Jordan, I cannot offer enough praise for the subtle shit going on with his face during the 5 minutes surrounding the kiss. He was so completely aware of just how screwed up that whole scenario was and I loved him for it. He makes this series of rapid facial expressions right after Tony walks away that's so awesome I can't stand it. He looks, repulsed, curious, flabberghasted, relieved, all in the space of about a second and a half. Regarding Rachel, I feel like she'd try to make out with him and I can't figure why that's where my brain is going. Totally with you on that. While I did think the costuming wasn't great (in particular, the fact that the hair was an obvious hair style and not the faux mullet they were trying for) the fact that there were still some obvious signs of his previous femininity totally worked for me because of real life people I know. I think the trans medical stuff for MTF (male to female) must be a lot easier than the stuff for FTM based on how cis-gendered people perceive those in transition. I know more trans women than men but the few trans men I do know are easily identifiable as being formerly women (whereas the trans women seem to range the whole spectrum), and it's not uncommon for people to just think they are tom boys or a bit butch or whatever (which goes to the societal "girls can be boyish but boys can't be girly" thing we have going on for some stupid reason). I imagine it must be frustrating as hell. But yeah, even though Tony specified figuring some of his shit out years ago, I have no problem with thinking of him, as portrayed by Tatiana, as being a trans man that many would mistakenly think is a hairy girl. Sadly, it's a fairly common reaction in my anecdotal experience.
  14. Oh that's interesting. I swung out a different direction with this but I could see a layer of that, too, now that you mention it. That woman has a lot going on under the hood. I'd been thinking of it as being about about the loss of choice because she's a total control freak. I mean I don't want kids either (love the little rugrats but I'm a fantastic crazy aunt, not a mom) but if I suddenly found out I was infertile by design I think I'd still be kind of put off by that loss of choice at the will of another (/understatement). I mean really it's the most pinpoint example of the threat the clones are under at large; losing all agency over their own lives because they are property.
  15. Cosima went to school in MN (grad student or phd candidate, I forget which) but has relocated to "We Swear It's not Canukistan" in "This Might Kind of Not Be the U.S." with the rest of the clones. It was for the job I think although not much fuss about her relocation was made so maybe she commutes back to MN once in a blue moon (not much time has passed on the show this season so it's hard to say if she'd have time).
  16. Plus in show universe there's that pesky patent that, in real world terms, might not hold up in a court of law but, in show universe, might cause them significant legal troubles. An analogy to some of the hypotheticals I'm imagining might be how a person who beats the crap out of a U.S. military member can actually be charged with damage to government property. So say Sarah settles down to be a good mom but signs Kira up for summer football camp where she gets tackled and has a bunch of broken bones but is basically ok. Boom, have a lawsuit for endangering corporate property (assuming Sarah's patent tag has passed onto Kira, I guess). Or Cosima decides to go skydiving, or Allison's acting career takes off and she gets cast in a film with stunts that Dyad thinks are too risky, etc. Honestly, it almost doesn't even matter if such hypotheticals are realistic. From the clones' perspectives, they probably seem like valid possibilities. Plus you have to figure that any organization that is capable of the extreme secrecy Dyad has shown so far likely has a few aces up their sleeves regarding the legal status of the clones (or at least the clones have to figure that).
  17. As Paul was a defense contractor and not an actual member of the military, I'm not sure he would have been under the U.C.M.J. (or whatever the Canadian equivalent is since the show is set sort of generically in Canukistan and I think of all of the North American characters as Canadian unless it's been stated otherwise). I was in the Navy but very briefly and very long ago (between the two gulf wars) so I have no personal experience with private military like that to go on.
  18. I've gathered that's a rather common bit of bigotry in the industry. Not excusing it (it's bugging me too) but apparently it's a thing.
  19. Front and backside of T-shirt. Those things would sell themselves.
  20. I like that Beth is continuing to be a presence. We didn't know her very well (and haven't really gotten to know her well in hindsight) but several of the characters on the show did. I like that the ripples of her life are still impacting them.
  21. Totally and it's something I think is kind of awesome. I mean the girl was flat out unlikeable in the first few episodes. They frequently remind us she's a con artist (if she weren't, she likely wouldn't be involved with Clone Club). It's kind of neat how they've truly developed the characters by degrees. A lot of the crappy sci fi I've watched this year has been shows rushing to a sort of mid-run status quo. You know how if you try to describe a TV show that's been on for a few years, you can't help but describe it how it becomes by season 2 or maybe 3? That's kind of when things are really cemented because of the first season arc. So while you might talk about the set up in the first few episodes and leave out some critical details for spoiler reasons, you kind of can't help but explain Buffy with pulling in something from Angelous and Spike (with maybe a side of Faith) or Farscape without wormhole weapons and Scorpy clones (perhaps some twinning). Yeah, most of the new shows I've watched in the last few years have been rushing to what the writers must envision as that mid-way point and it rarely makes a lot of sense. There's never a transition: just an abrupt arrival at a snap shot with no foundation. I love this show.
  22. High waisted pants, high heels, cropped shirt: adds to the illusion. She can rock a bald head--she had a stunning face.
  23. Totally. He only has "let me hear some noise" voice.
  24. dat accent. Damn. Weird that her acting is still good though.
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