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Everything posted by millahnna

  1. For me, Cami has always worked best as a character when she snaps a little and angrily puts Klaus in his place. So this no filters probably evil version is an absolute delight.
  2. That was definitely really Beghe and I do seem to recall reading he has a son when I was reading every interview about scientology he's ever given. I was curious about the woman in the video because I think some of the scenes in it overlapped with him so it wasn't "just for show" home footage spliced into Beghe's actual home video. That or I'm remembering the overlap wrong.
  3. Kinda makes me think of that old show with Eric Close (Now and Again, I think) with John Goodman as the opening scene dead guy.
  4. A lot of very interesting reviews coming out about the whole season just now, including this one that I couldn't disagree with more. http://www.salon.com/2015/12/01/what_jessica_jones_lost_in_the_move_to_tv_wed_rather_watch_a_woman_be_abused_than_heal/ I don't think I've ever seen someone be so wildly oblivious about how storytelling in different mediums works. ETA Sorry about that. Thanks for moving.
  5. I loved Hawley and everything they were doing with him until they made him interested in Jenny instead of Abby and then only because it felt like an abrupt writing shift. His chemistry with the cast was great and I think he made a really interesting potential romantic interest for Abby because of their being such opposites.
  6. I'd like to introduce you to my entire family along with all of their friends. I'm not a believer of any kind myself and most of my friends who are would definitely fall in line with what you call adaptability. But my relatives? Well let's just say there's a reason for that particular rigidity of faith stereotype and I'm pretty sure I'm related to all of them. But that dichotomy in and of itself is fascinating to me in the context of the mcu and I enjoy the little bits the franchise has dropped in that speak to how various people of faith are taking things. It's so real world.
  7. It cracked me up when Wu said that Frankie's girlfriend called 911 from a burger joint down the street; just prior, Frankie refused her request to go for burgers because she was putting on weight. So then she ran away when he was attacked, went for burgers anyway because Fuck that, and then called. Hilarity.
  8. I got a kick out of the case of the week this week because I've worked at fire camp (catering crew, we're way less badass but we get way less sleep). So I finally got to be the pedantic tv watcher who plays spot the mistake. I didn't see many. But the ash falling as snow tickled me. That shit happens damned near every year where I used to live in California. And several of the wildfires in Oregon and Washington this year caused some serious smoke in town here in the pdx area this year. No clue of Seattle had the same dysfunction. I think the winds blew it all down to us.
  9. I heard County in one of the crowd scenes, too. Overall, not bad for a pilot but they need to go a little more subtle on the Connor is awesome thing because it was waaaay over the top in terms of how he came across.
  10. Plus, as I recall, she comes from a very well to do family. I'm not saying all rich people are racist but they are definitely in a position where spotting your own privilege is way harder.
  11. My favorite thing about the race themes in the episode was Amelia's facial reactions as she realized the implications of what Pierce (Pearce?) was saying. I once had a situation where my own privilege was shown to me through another person's actions (so a little different than this setup at a bare bones level but similar enough) and my reaction was a similar kind of "dafuq? Is this shit really happening right now?" It was such an authentic reaction. And the scrambling to reassure yourself and everyone that you had no concious part in it. So totally authentic.
  12. Funny I was thinking that he finally looks as guant as everyone claimed he did throughout Dexter. Like he looked scary thin to me in this episode but on Dexter I was scratching my head everytime I read that complaint. Adore him as an actor, so I am delighted to see him here. I liked the two seconds of niceness we saw him exhibit to Brian at the end of their training session. For some reason that really stood out to me.
  13. I might have rewound that bit a few times. That actress must be having the time of her life with this role.
  14. Wrecking ball is a Sacramento theatre homie of mine so I was irrationally delighted by the whole episode. Man always did have great comedic timing.
  15. I would seriously name this my new favorite show ever if One went back to his real face and the real Jace ended up aboard for a bit. That would be some serious farscape level shit, that right there. This show has tiny twinges that remind me of scape and other excellent shows but something in the total package is holding it back. But then again, at this same point in farscape's run, none of us REALLY knew what we were in for yet.
  16. That's the precise moment it all fell apart for me and she started to look uncomfortable. To me that read like Emily couldn't get the other leg in the right position so Stephen had the awkward/hot grope thing to help balance her. Which, actually is rather chrming in its own way.
  17. I was fine with it until the straddle carry. Back on the bed got better but I could still tell ebr was uncomfortable. Expert fanwanker, though so no big.
  18. I thought the episode itself was good but killing the other core relationship of the show is probably not going to do it any favors. I'll still watch but I'm certain many are done.
  19. That may be one of the most awkward love scenes I've ever seen. Poor EBR looked soooooo uncomfortable in that "actor doing first love scene" kind of way (and they are awkward as fuck, so no judgment here). I wish she 'd been able to make it seem like it was the character who was uncomfortable but oh well. Next one will be better. Seriously, I was physically uncomfortable for her while watching. Kind of killed my Olicity feels but then the writing that went into them being in love in the first place was weird as hell (and strangely rushed and drug out at the same time) and I ignored that so I'll get over this, too.
  20. millahnna

    Iris West

    If anything, I would think it would be harder for her to build up to an ultimatum with Barry because of the length of their friendship. Add in the feelings she isn't acknowledging and you've got a longer fuse but for a much larger blast.
  21. millahnna

    Iris West

    O on the off chance I'm right, I'm hypothesizing that Eddie being not as cool with the lies is ultimately going to lead to him getting fridged and/or meta humanized (meta-ed?) to give Iris some rage to play with down the line. While it doesn't play well onscreen, Barry lying to her I actually get on paper. He started off wanting to tell her until her dad (and essentially his) convinced him otherwise. It's a point I am hoping Iris addresses specifically in one of the inevitable confrontation scenes.
  22. Ms. Aguilara, your music has generally not been my thing but it would be a crime against humanity if you ever stopped singing. I'm assuming Juliette is heading for a postpartum depression storyline. That seems to be what the bits were adding up to.
  23. Peter Outerbridge. It's not even my birthday.
  24. Goodness this episode was so much more than I was expecting. A lesser show (read: most sci fi shows) would have spent the whole hour on what they covered in the first five minutes with the initial Cole and Ramsey confrontation in 87. But they gave me so very much more. Easily my favorite of the season.
  25. Well Lena was Alice in the Once Upon aTime spinoff.
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