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Everything posted by millahnna

  1. Just curious...Sleepy Hollow? Your description there doesn't quite match that situation but could arguably be considered a broad interpretation of how that show fell apart in some ways. First thing that came to mind.
  2. In hindsight, Susan and Peter are the most interesting dichotomy in that they had the least proverbial blood on their hands in regards to Tal specifically (both knew and covered it up and one was there to watch of course) but came off like total opposites. Susan was just an awful person but she was spot on about Tal. Peter was trying to own his mistakes on some level from the beginning. Yet both could arguably be said to be slightly less guilty of Tal's murder in some ways than the other three. Andy and Noah, who seemed the most sympathetic at the start of the season, turned out to be the worst (major mileage variance on Andy for many folks, I would suspect, but she started the actual murder). Noah's only redeeming moment was when he tried to get Peter to blame it all on him (Noah, effing confusing pronouns up in here, yo). And at first I thought Dawn was just a grade a bitch but how she snapped in the moment makes a lot more sense after all of the flashbacks. Not giving her a pass or anything but she came off as a slightly better person than every one of the counselors except Peter, even given her horrid actions. Noah is, of course, the worst. And yet still didn't deserve what happened to him. Clever of the showrunners to set it up the way they did though. We didn't find out how truly vile he was until we'd seen what happened to him. So there was minimal chance of any vindictive "you deserve this" sentiments in the moment. I wonder if that's part of what made him have the "blame me" change of heart as he was dying...experiencing something akin to what he tried to do to Tal might have brought him up short in his vile little brain.
  3. Well shit. I love this show. I was so utterly shocked at not just Dylan's death but how quickly it happened. I think Overton is killing it, so to speak. Her rage just sort of erupting as the kid blew away to dust completely worked for me. I'll be over here at my table for one. But I join you guys in desperately missing SCC. If they'd cancelled that in season 1, I'd not have been so angry. But they waited until all of that awesome shit Shirley Manson went down.
  4. Rewatching the first few episodes; that twist holds up really well. I'm pleasantly surprised.
  5. Completely with you on this. I'm with Sam, too, for that matter. While, as you say, I think there were creative choices outside of Sam's purview that made the situation wonky, I'm inclined to agree with him that a literal translation of Jamie's reaction in the book would have come off melodramatic on the show. The major glitch was the awkward transition from a writing perspective to the Willy stuff for me. It's funny; on the whole I thought the episode was overlong but that's one moment I think they could have let breathe a little more. It would have made the Willy talk seem more organic, so to speak, if it had come off as a segue to pressure away from his emotions regarding Bree.
  6. Anyone else here also watch The Good Place? Because I'm really struggling with the "Forking" in the episode title in the most hilarious way.
  7. Do you watch Doctor Who? It hella made me think of Amy Pond, whose younger self was played by a cousin of the main actress.
  8. Grown up Fergus looks so much like the kid who played him younger I'm wondering if the actors aren't related. The slow pacing was almost too much for me, though. Needed a good ten minutes cut out of it.
  9. Word word word. You'd think, being an old school Stephen King fan, I could find a way to skim past this bit. I'm very good at it with his stuff. But he's prolific AF and I've read all of the old school stuff so I know his voice and how to do that. Diana's voice seems to change a bit with each novel so far. Which is kind of cool but not helpful for figuring out how to skim her. Hilariously, way back on page one or two of this thread, there's a post from me where I was saying I thought this might be my favorite of the series so far and I speculated that I might not have the same problems getting through it that you all did. And now I shall lol at myself.
  10. I'm up to episode 3. Much better than last season (which I didn't hate but was super cheesy; I'm easy on genre shows). They are chewing through plot (and bodies) like crazy, though. This episode feels like it should be leading up to the finale instead of still having five more to go. I really like how the flashbacks keep changing my perspective on various characters without feeling like they are contradicting themselves, particularly with the camp counselor murderers group. At first Dawn seemed like the aggro ringleader and then you realize she was the last one on board the everyone hates Talvinder train. It's kind of neat.
  11. I'm just after the plague ship. The only reason I'm trying to stay ahead is because I'm a bit of an adaptation junkie. I find the process fascinating. I've never had a problem separating source material from an adaptation. But sometimes I wait until a whole project is done and read the source stuff and other times it feels better to go with the source first.
  12. I have been stalled out halfway through this book since the first season of the show ended. Halp. I'm somewhere on the boats to Jamaica and bored out of my skull. Did anyone else have a hard time getting through this one? I'm trying to stay ahead of the show but I think I'm going to fail.
  13. Don't you dare eat memory puppy. Not cool, bro.
  14. Right now I'm leaning towards option A because it's the option that I feel like we know the least about. I mean presumably alternate JT was dreamed up and wanted by real JT in the same way that Margot dreamed up her dad, so to speak. But they've left a lot of wiggle room to have that be something else so I'm inclined to lump Seth in there. Or with the weird orgasm bubble thing in the garage because seriously wtf was that. I'm also playing with the Seth is a real human angle; maybe his whole memory was eaten like backpack dude's wife.
  15. Waaaay late to the party but my nitpick is that in the flashback where they find out they are having triplets, as they sit down Jack asks the doctor if this is when they find out they are having a boy or a girl. Before the mid/late 80s, finding out the sex of your baby was called giving birth.
  16. Also just spotted him in Tin Star with Tim Roth playing a Reverend. Seems to be a recurring role; not major but he's been in every episode I've seen so far.
  17. The demons not being great at the gig this time around works for me on multiple levels; they're getting sick of Michael's creative interpretations of The Bad Place and want their old jobs back. His second (and third) attempts at his vision are more desperately thrown together than the first; it's not as polished. Which reminds me... I keep thinking about the fact that Michael has a creative idea for this stuff at all and how his affection for human things (or at least interest in) seems genuine. I wonder if much like the four humans he's supposed to be torturing, Michael isn't capable of ethical growth. It seems like one of the possible long term plot points could be him realizing he could be a better being legitimately just like Eleanor et al.
  18. I don't remember them noting a specific year in the premiere at the job fair but I do recall the cut to detective dude post retirement noting it was two years later via title card.
  19. Plus the drugs (and generally being high on life because of her exciting adventure of a night compared to her normal life) would have given her a temporary skin flush. Also, cold bath in the river or lake or whatever that was where Cora and Phoebe cleaned up after the urination incident.
  20. Good points Wendyg. The only conventional religion (and yes I totally see what you mean) that I can think of that's even remotely comparable is LDS; apparently the church leadership about lost their minds back when Big Love revealed what the inner temple ceremony was like. And even then, they don't have even remotely the same level of secrecy as CO$.
  21. If you think about it, it's not really any different than the whole idea of how denominations of Christianity (or the existence of various Abrahamic religions in general) happened. So first there was Judaism, and then some folks were like "hey but this Jesus guy". And then some other folks said "but Mohammed, yo". And there's the Bahai with their own whole thing that I don't explain well at all . And Christianity split into multiple denominations because of divorce and fighting over which Ecumenical Councils were legit. And then there's gay Catholics who try to start their own version of Catholicism. And so on and so forth. On a long enough timeline, if Scientology sticks around and has some kind of reformation period like most of the world's older religions have, they'll probably break up into a bunch of denominations, too.
  22. The first text was sent in 92. 98ish is about the time that it's considered to have started blowing up because real keyboard phones were starting to come out and T9/predictive text was about to phase out. I texted frequently in the late 90s. It was generally using the predictive text thing.
  23. I can't remember what various comments I'm reacting to at this point so I'm just tossing all of it out in one go. Pullman's character was able to spot the body because of the mushrooms in conjunction with the shape of the disturbed ground. I don't have the link handy anymore but the mushroom thing is something that will really happen as I learned from googling around after a particularly whacked out episode of Hannibal. My current assumption (I won't get to see episode 5 until later tonight) is that Cora's initial dream about having her own chest stepped on was some sort of guilt dream and that the later flash we saw of her doing the stepping on Maddy's chest is closer to reality. So right now, I'm thinking that she and Maddy were hunted and eventually caught and her would-be husband (who guilt married her later and was injured thus requiring the cane during the assault somehow), JD, and whomever else forced her to kill Maddy that way and Maddy is who is in the grave. I'm inclined to think her sister was involved somehow (assuming Maddy isn't just a weird false memory of her sister somehow, an idea I like but can't make track with events right now) since that kid was shady AF and died a month or two later according to their mother. And for no particular reason at all, I also thought of the Munchausen by proxy syndrome during the childhood flashbacks.
  24. I wasn't in the Navy very long but I was in long enough to about fall out of my chair when someone told the young enlisted engineer chick not to "nuke" the problem. Good times.
  25. Every once in a while, when Zach's pet is onscreen, I suddenly remember that she was one of the blind kids on the bus way back in season one and get sad for her. It's the weirdest thing. This episode it hit me at the same moment that she was eating the poor teenager.
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