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Everything posted by millahnna

  1. I definitely remember enough about Voyager to know that much; I left off just before Claire's jump from the plague ship. The slave auction stuff is what I'm wondering about. In the show it felt very "white savior" and I'm wondering if the book was able to avoid that or was worse, as well.
  2. This one was weird for me; there are parts I loathed and parts I loved. I'm really uncomfortable with how Diana and the show try to deal with race and we're far enough past where I stopped reading the books that I don't know how different it is. But I kind of loved Gellis's complete over the top introduction, even if it didn't really make a lot of sense for me.
  3. Doc and Julius bonding over junk food might be my new favorite thing, ever.
  4. For the most part, the two continuities are the same. There are some minor retcons of film stuff in the TV show; most seems to be for ease of writing in a TV medium. And there are some superficial set construction types of differences. But so far as I know, there's no major continuity differences beyond the galaxy vs. universe thing as far as how far the gate can travel and changing exactly what Ra was (which I didn't see as contradictory myself although mileage varies). This old thread over on gate world covers most of it (before it disintegrates into a nerd war over what canon means). For whatever it's worth, I haven't read it past the first page. https://forum.gateworld.net/threads/60678-Stargate-(1994)-vs-SG-1-Continuity-differences
  5. I binged this pretty hard; I think I might need to rewatch (once I'm not so emotionally exhausted this first pass) as I feel like I missed a few critical details here and there but I'm still pretty satisfied with the overall package. When they revealed the woman and showed the flashbacks to her previous appearances as journalist, some of them I didn't recall at all. Yep, definitely going to need a rewatch.
  6. She may not open it but other stuff could come through it or at least try to per the deleted scenes in the film. That might open them up to some retcon problems with the various TV series, though.
  7. I had actually completely forgotten that but yes they did.
  8. I'm kind of an anti-fan of Jonathan Rhys Meyers; this is going to be a difficult season for me. The role suits his tics and he's not nearly as terrible as he was on the Tudors. But it's still not great. Hit and miss premiere but outside of JRM, nothing I wasn't expecting. The show really hasn't found its footing post-Ragnar.
  9. I loved that. Since show Murtagh is alive (right? mind like a steel sieve over here), I'd be delighted if they ever meet up.
  10. There was a flashback showing Catherine's (thanks Joe) dad unearthing the gate in 1928. I can't recall how old she was in the flashback but I think she was a kid. So the show could be set anywhere in the 30s-40s, depending on the age stuff with her. I've never seen the director's cut but apparently one of the deleted scenes it reintroduced was a brief shot of some of the Horus guards petrified near the gate. According the to wikipedia write up, the director wanted to introduce the idea that some had tried to come through after the gate was buried. Thinking of the film specifically because I know it better than the show, it seems like this prequel series could have something of a bittersweet ending. We know she doesn't crack the gate stuff until she finds Daniel years later. But that deleted scene gives me some ideas they could play with if this first short run does well and they decide to do a more conventional season. Weirdly, the whole thing has me thinking of Amanda Tapping's canceled Sanctuary show. Go figure. EDIT: The SG1 wikia for her character. I don't think her character differs much between film and tv version. http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Catherine_Langford
  11. All of the press materials say 10 minute episodes (10 or them I think) focused on the chick from the film whose name I keep blanking when she was younger. So the whole season will be about an hour in total length.
  12. I really hope froze puppy wasn't Pup. The Canada jokes hit my irony meter hard; had a glut of Canadian tourists in a hotel restaurant I worked at and they destroyed the friendly Canadian stereotype for me.
  13. I must have gotten further in this book than I thought. I didn't recall it until it was happening but the Claire escape attempts x2 was definitely familiar. I think I might have left off just as she was about to jump or just after. The episode held my attention much better than the equivalent book material did. From here on out it should be all new information to me for the most part. I'm weirdly more spoiled about later books than I am for Voyager. Go figure. Solid episode and loved the additions of the Jamie scenes; I'm starting to wonder if being trapped in Claire's viewpoint is part of my problem on this book and why I can't finish it. I had a similar thing with the Hunger Games novels. As much as I hated the choice on Jamie's part, I like the writing of having him try to mutiny. It's good to give him flaws and that one tracks as in character for me. Dude can be pretty irrational about Claire. TV Marsali is clicking for me way better than book one did so far. I like how her trick to get Jamie out also involved tricking Jamie himself.
  14. I may or may not have watched the pussycats beat down the rapist a few times in a row. No more than 10, I swear.
  15. Are you certain of that last bit because I'm not. There was a point in season 1 (I think when it first came out that Tom was lying to Liz) where I honestly thought they were going in that direction so this wouldn't surprise me. They had some nice chemistry together at a time when I wasn't seeing the Liz/Tom connection (which I weirdly came around to, eventually).
  16. I think that OR nurse might be one of the actual medical people who work as consultants (if they still have those). It's like the dudes on Chicago Fire who have no names but have been there since the beginning; all actual firefighters. As for the new interns, I'm with you on Glasses (he's annoying in a real person kind of way, I'm into that sort of thing) and I'm not hating the blonde woman who was with Alex and Jo. Most of the rest of them are still blending into the background for me. It was like that at first with the last batch, too, for me.
  17. Shit I've always liked and defended MB and Liz and I'm not looking forward to it. Really I'm just annoyed that I still don't know what's up with the bones. I'm not surprised. But I'm annoyed. I got a huge kick out of "DNA RESULTS" on the envelope. It's one of those TV conventions that always makes me laugh; I get why they do it but it's so absurd. Good times. On the whole, dug the episode.
  18. I was thinking about that when she made the meds that went into the vitamins or whatever it was. I think she's showing enough signs of being curious about her previous iteration that it's seeming more unlikely. But I'm wondering if we aren't heading toward a situation where she starts to do it (maybe already has?) and then has second thoughts as she becomes more like how she was before the reset. I'm enjoying this weird arc for her.
  19. Loved this one; great pacing, good establishing the new characters. And we're basically at the point in the books where I stalled out (I think I made it a few pages into Claire being on the other boat). But unlike this same part in the book, I'm actually interested in what comes next on the ships. I continue to find most of the show changes to be improvements. The only nitpick I had this episode (and truly, it's a minor nitpick) was when Jamie was talking down the dude from jumping overboard, for whatever reason, Sam had some serious baby face going on. Don't know if it was the lighting or the action or what but when he commented on Claire's greys later it kind of doubled the irony of the show choosing to not bother making them look older. Didn't really bug me though. I noticed it but it made me laugh a bit.
  20. I was so traumatized by the hallucination of the kitten in the garbage disposal that I couldn't really keep my ish in check for the ferret. Being an animal sucker really blows sometimes.
  21. God ain't it the truth. I've been stalled out on book three for two years. I'm pretty sure I'll never finish the series. For the most part, I've found every change in the show to be a massive improvement. But then I thought this episode was pretty boring for the most part so I'm apparently a bit of an odd duck when it comes to book readers who watch it. Different strokes and all. Oh it is. Not sure where the idea that it's only really offensive in the US comes from but there's detailed etymology research available for the word. It's been regarded (outside of reclamation attempts ongoing since the 70s) as the second most vile insult just behind the N word and its equivalents.
  22. I must have blinked and missed that because it all came off potentially skeezy and like it started while he still thought she might have been disabled in the past. Well, I'd intended to rewatch season 1 before this one started so I guess this is as good a reason as any to get on with that.
  23. Conceptually, I'm all good with this. I don't remember this part of the book well, but I fell like it's been ramped up on the show and it's a change I approve of on paper, so to speak. It's the execution that isn't working for me. Having Jenny call them out on it a bit helped; at least someone is acknowledging that they are acting like children.
  24. I'm kind of inclined to agree with the AV Club reviewer on this one; Jenny is the only person on this show with a lick of common sense right now. Claire and Jamie being stupid jealous of each other's past lives is just not playing well on screen for me. Logically, it makes a certain amount of sense that people in their situation might feel this way. But it's coming off as immature and stupid to me; something just isn't gelling in the writing for the concept. Definitely not the first episode of this season I'd show someone were I trying to introduce them to the show while skipping seasons 1 and 2. Right now, this one is near the bottom of the pack of the season so far, though I agree the pacing was (mostly) better, Jamie's incredibly boring exposition notwithstanding.
  25. The actor playing David plays him so sweetly that I can't help but wonder if the writers realize that he comes off a bit creepy with his savior complex. The antics of him sleeping with a woman he (at the time) still thought to be disabled and in his care still leaves a slimy feeling on my skin no matter how charming the actors were together. Sometimes I think Marcie's amnesia is an attempt to course correct or address this and yet here I am, still disturbed by his character. Shame, too; for me the original set up around their characters was the most fascinating but things not quite meshing in that area holds it back from its full potential.
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