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Everything posted by millahnna

  1. I like the idea of it as a "exes with a troubled past trying to move on from each other" thing. But the writing for Laurel is so all over the place that I don't always like the execution. I don't know the comics from Adam so I couldn't care less about that.
  2. Thanks for that. I'm an old fan of that guy's (the Mars Trilogy is my favorite thing ever) but haven't checked new book lists in a long time. He tends to continue certain themes across books (they could all be set in the same universe) that I really dig (Terminator).
  3. The horrible Mortal Kombat music in the background of the ninja bit was hilarious. I couldn't hear all of the words because of the screaming but I know at one point they were just screaming Myka's full name over and over again.
  4. Yeah that was why I kind of liked them together to begin with (although at the time I preferred Luke); they have lovely chemistry. But they also have a wildly unhealthy relationship and I really hate this "OTP" nonsense on TV so I'm hoping they move on from each other.
  5. In the later flashback, though, we saw Oliver hand her the syringe and sort of vaguely whisper in between the dialogue we'd already heard. I think she didn't know in the moment, thus her stunned reaction, but got it by the end of the scene. She was just still caught up in the stunned part.
  6. Especially in the behind the scenes pictures where he's smiling. He looks like such an affable fellow.
  7. Oh but you're leaving out the skeeviest part. It's pretty much the paragraph right before. heavy paraphasing In a world ruled by loved I might have been your father. Now let's make out. dafuq?
  8. Seriously. I get that it's part of some orders that her father gave her that we never saw but it's so weird. It's making her come off as super naive, in this weird sort of way, and I just have a hard time buying that of her.
  9. Of all the ways I thought they might bring back Vik for a one off, that one never occurred to me. I predict hilarity.
  10. Truly I think they can balance both. But CW shows in general these days aren't really trying that hard and are mostly just playing copy/paste with their formula without actually putting in the polish to smooth those borrowed elements into a cohesive whole (see exhibit Star Crossed). On that score, while this one isn't perfect, it does a better job than most. I feel world building, which the show would need whether it was genre or not, and that's a major improvement over some of the network's other offerings.
  11. That's kind of my assumption right now. I mean I hope I'm wrong because it's a bit cliche but it's not something I hate if well written and acted. The cast is solid so I just hope the writing is up to it.
  12. It's freaking me out. But her acting is lovely. Which just makes it worse.
  13. Meh, Sounds like an actress doing their PR duties with limited information to me. Everything in her quotes is pretty much what I would expect anyone with her role to be saying at various points within the story (i.e. if she continued to say such things after a different couple was established in a "soulmates on tv" kind of way, then I'd question her comments more).
  14. I've always thought their chemistry worked for awkward exes (which is why the sex scene worked for me, despite the lack of heat). I think the writers could make their relationship work as two people who were once romantically involved, knew each other a long time, but were moving on. I think given what's gone down on the show so far it would be understandable if the characters tried to dip towards each other one more time out of, I don't know, reflex maybe? But I'm not sure how watchable it would be unless there was a clear arc towards them figuring out they work best as friends (and even then).
  15. Me too; I went through this weird back and forth where I was pleasantly surprised because a tv shocked had shocked the bejeebus out of me and being really, really upset about his death. Which, well played writers.
  16. He'd probably keep this job but unless he was extremely careful about how he phrased any criticisms, he'd face a hard time at castings in the future.
  17. While I think him going over there at all was dumb (wildly unprofessional and likely to just make it worse for her) I understand his reaction. Lem clearly said "women's work" which is not what Casey had in mind when he was assigning tasks to Jones (tasks he also previously assigned to Mills). The show has established that these sorts of tasks are candidate duties; Lem took it further than that. Now all of that said, Casey should have just walked out at that point. But he went over there like an idiot to being with it so whatever.
  18. Her whole family moved? Somehow I missed that. I thought it was just her since she was 21 and all. Being so young, I can see how she'd think the complete change of scenery would help but I do wish they'd kept her around. I liked the ties she was developing. But the soap opera drama parts of this show move at breakneck speed and often with abrupt conclusions so I just roll with it. Too bad; I like the show but it could be better if they dealt with that problem.
  19. I just wish that Adalind had lost her powers again when the baby was born (like the baby got all of both their powers or something). It would have felt like less of a retread in the context of this show (though it would have had the potential to retread some ideas from other shows but I'm cool with that) and I bet Claire Coffee's acting in the inevitable "react to finding out your baby stole your mojo" scene would ahve been hilarious.
  20. I just find Helena heartbreaking. I mean she's totally dangerous and scary as fuck but only because someone else made her that way. And I don't think she can be completely unmade.
  21. And the cold would likely slow the zeds down during the winter allowing for easy thin the herd style hunts. The biggest risk would be spring thaws I would guess. Any that had been buried by snow thawing out might be a problem.
  22. Well Coulson had the mind wipe thing whereas Garrett didn't. So delayed reaction? Maybe it even started strictly because of Coulson now being aware of what he'd forgotten (might be too much, just throwing it out there). I'm still curious to see what effect Skye's 084-ness has on the process. I'm kind of surprised Coulson didn't bring it up when he saw the tape of himself saying that the mind wipe was necessary. But they did have a lot going on, so no biggie.
  23. I don't entirely disagree that the kiss with Sara and Olly felt a little out of nowhere but, for me, that angle of it actually worked since I read their rekindling their relationship as being more about familiarity, history, and emotional stress than any active interest in each other in the present.
  24. The FBI guy didn't surprise me. Standard tv undercover cop stuff; you have to push the suspect into doing the thing you're trying to bust him for. It's why in real life there's a lot of talk about entrapment in undercover cases. That combined with the Decima dude, though... Man I felt really bad for Collier. He was played to the hilt, the poor bastard. Based on that one case earlier this year where The Machine sort of pushed Root to examine her role in a number's past, I think The Machine figured that out just fine. I think they rushed the concept they were going for there (I bought Shaw's equivalent revelations easier because it's been going on with her character from her first appearance) but I feel they definitely addressed it.
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